U of Pitt, "withdrew before action"

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Dr rice

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Jun 5, 2009
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I logged onto aadsas this morning and my U of Pitt status says "withdrew before action". What does this mean?!?!?! I haven't received any info about an acceptance or denial, so I'm pretty confused. The schools that have already rejected my application say "Application denied"
I called Rose and got an answering machine. Anyone with ACCURATE information on this???

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Usually schools put that if you withdrew your application. If you haven't done so they probably got you mixed up with someone else. I suggest you keep calling.
I logged onto aadsas this morning and my U of Pitt status says "withdrew before action". What does this mean?!?!?! I haven't received any info about an acceptance or denial, so I'm pretty confused. The schools that have already rejected my application say "Application denied"
I called Rose and got an answering machine. Anyone with ACCURATE information on this???

You can only get an accurate answer from Pitt, however my guess is that they sent you an email for an invite (possible went into spam or never received), and they never heard back from you. The emails I get from Pitt go into my spam for some reason.
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DEFINITELY call, and follow up with emails to Rose. My status is the same, but I actually formally WITHDREW. I am sure she is being bombarded with communications recently from Friday's actions.
Yikes! Sounds like you missed out on an interview offer. I bet the interview email is sitting in your spam folder. Happens all the time. My interview letter from Temple was supposedly emailed to me in October but I found out yesterday after calling them that it was sitting in my spam folder.
So I talked to Rose today about the situation. She said that there must have been a mix up, she doesn't know how my application status got put under "withdrew before action". She said that the admissions committee met this last thursday and that it may take a week or so for aadsas to update their decisions. She told me to just be patient for 2 weeks. if nothing happens then call again.
Crazy stuff like this happens all the time with AADSAS, I know how frustrating it is. Last year my status suddenly got changed to "Offer Rescinded" (on a Saturday morning no less) and I nearly had a heart attack, turns out when they were updating the statuses there was just an error. Also, AADSAS mistakenly told a few hundred people that Pitt had offered them an interview earlier this cycle when they actually hadn't, so don't be too worried.
Mines was "withdrew before action" even before my Feb 8th interview. Then I got a call of acceptance last Thursday. It still says "withdrew before action" on AADSAS though.