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Feb 6, 2019
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I am a total perfectionist and I get super stressed out whenever I get a B. Getting a B in organic 1 and 2 was something that caused me a lot of stress, so I guess I'm just looking for some reassurance that I have a chance. Thank you so much :)
P L E A S E work on this. This is not healthy and will cause you incredible amounts of unnecessary stress in undergrad and vet school. I’m not saying by any means to let your grades go down, but a B is OKAY. If you can get an A, that’s great, but getting incredibly stressed out by getting a B when you did your best is not healthy. I just don’t want you to crash and burn out because it’s a long road in undergrad and vet school.
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please use this post from now on for updates. Making a new thread each time is spreading out all the advice you’ve already received making it hard for those seeking similar advice.
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As a student who just got accepted I think one of the main things is the experience. The research will be greatly useful. My first time applying I didnt get in so I started a research on snakes and it seemed like all the schools I interviewed at were really interested! Also, dont get stressed about having a few Bs in undergrad. Grades are important but I think experience is more. They also really like it if you are extremely involved. I was in most of the clubs involved in biology and animals in undergrad and also had a full time job while having an 18 credit hour average. They want to know you can survive a 20+ credit semester without having a complete mental breakdown. I think you are on the right track honestly :) and if you want to PM me, I'm the student advisor for pre vets at my undergrad!

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Hi, current first year here! It sounds like you're on a great track, schools definitely like to see well-rounded experiences. Please, please, please do not stress over your GPA!!! I had a handful of Bs, I think my overall GPA ended up being around 3.5 or 3.6 (I had credits from multiple schools, hard to keep track sometimes) and I know of people getting in closer to 3.0 or even a little lower sometimes. You sound a lot like me a few years ago, and I'll admit that I struggled through my first semester of vet school with the fact that my grades weren't where I wanted them to be. My turning point was when I realized that I was doing really well with our weekly case studies, and I just wasn't great at regurgitating information for exams. While it's important to pass, there is SO MUCH MORE important to life than grades! Just keep doing your best and you'll be great :giggle: Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
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People get in wish 2.8 cum these days, you are on the right track, just work on diversity in your experience and getting as much as possible! Also work on leadership that’ll boost as well ! We’ve got this

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You've done a lot of stuff which is amazing! Your GPA was very similar to mine and I got accepted into UC Davis and was offered interviews at a few others. I actually got a C+ in my last organic chemistry class and still made it out ok :)

Since most schools look especially into the last two years GPA and overall science GPA, if you are concerned about GPA, a trick would be to take VERY easy intro science classes to boost the last two years AND the overall science GPA. I took classes like intro to microbio for non-majors or an intro to primates course.

If you're interested, I run a veterinary IG page called @Lifeofavet where I offer tips about vet school applications
Hey! Fellow recovering perfectionist here ;)

I got pretty stressy about grades in undergrad...thankfully I learned to chill out a lot in vet school and my mental health is substantially better for it. I got into multiple schools with all my GPAs in the 3.7 range and went to my top choice. You're doing just fine. Take a breath...some B's and even C's are not the difference between getting into vet school and not. Promise. Keep up the good experience and definitely get that research experience if you can...can definitely help you stand out!

Good luck:)
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Yes, it's the general GRE! Most people take the GRE the spring or summer before applying to vet school. You can take it earlier, but double check with the schools that you're applying to as far as how recent they require scores to be. I recommend allowing yourself enough time to retake it if you're not happy with your scores the first time.
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