University of Minnesota Class of 2028 Interview/Acceptance Thread


D2 Minnesota
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Jun 24, 2022
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Link to last year's thread: University of Minnesota Class of 2027 Interview/Acceptance Thread

Link to interview prep: University of Minnesota School of Dentistry Interview Feedback
----> Be sure to give feedback on your interview to help future applicants! :)

Link to school website: University of Minnesota School of Dentistry

Class of 2024 (ADEA Guide) General Stats:
Overall GPA: 3.62
Science GPA: 3.56
DAT: 20.9AA, 20.4TS, 21.1PAT
Applied: 659
OOS: 421 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 100 Accepted
IS: 168 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 87 Accepted
International: 70 Applied, N/A Interviewed, 21 Accepted
# Enrolled: 105
Class of 2026 (ADEA Guide) General Stats:
Overall GPA: 3.62
Science GPA: 3.54
DAT: 20.7AA, 20.1TS, 20.9PAT
Applied: 1,068
OOS: 751 Applied, 114 Accepted
IS: 172 Applied, 81 Accepted
International: 145 Applied, 32 Accepted
# Enrolled: 103
5th-95th Percentiles
Science: 3.05-3.97
Overall: 3.22-3.95
Class of 2027 Stats (From the U):

Overall GPA: 3.73
Science GPA: 3.65
BCP GPA: 3.63
DAT: 20.8AA, 20.4TS, 20.9PAT, 21.8RC
Applied: 1,623

Accepted: 277
# Enrolled: 105

The U typically aims to have around 60-65% of their incoming class as IS students for a total class size of ~105

**I'm a D1 at the UofM this year, so if you have any questions about the program feel free to reach out via PM or tag me in your post and I'll get back to you!

A new prompt has been added this year (3000 character limit):
CONNECTION TO MN: What connection(s) do you have to the state of Minnesota and/or the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry?

Good luck everyone!

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I notice it's 3000 characters, so should it be written similarly to a personal statement? Or can I just answer briefly in a paragraph? I'm a Wisconsin resident and currently attend UW-Madison. My main connection are having friends that live/were raised there and my Gymnastics Team goes to University of Minnesota to compete.
idk that might be a little bit of a stretch for connections. I'd say if you had family there, lived in MN at one point in your life, worked a job in MN, attended UMN or a Minnesota school for undergrad/masters, or something on the lines of that matter.

For my interviews, if it was a school out of state, my main connection was that I have family there (which I applied to strategically). Except for NY, where I just said that I've lived in MN my whole life and always wanted to experience life in the east coast (greater diversity, etc).

So you could say you have friends in MN and have visited to compete for gymnastics, but I wouldn't go much further than that unless you have a deeper connection. 3000 characters is a lot, you definitely don't need to answer more than what you have unless necessary.

This is a new question for this cycle, this wasn't on the last year's cycle application, so should be interesting!
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Interesting. 3000 characters, and it's not optional? If you could post the specific prompt here and in the School-Specific thread, that would be helpful.

The term "connection" is a great keyword. It's an opportunity to discuss your alignment with mission fit: how would you connect with the patients you are going to work with during your education, based on what experiences? You have enough characters to encourage you to give an engaging, meaningful story pitch that shows you are prepared to be educated as a community scholar at the school. Are you able to connect with faculty or research going on at the school? (That's where my intuition is headed when it comes to crafting such essay or interview prompts.)

Homework: check out Points of Pride | School of Dentistry .
Interesting. 3000 characters, and it's not optional? If you could post the specific prompt here and in the School-Specific thread, that would be helpful.

The term "connection" is a great keyword. It's an opportunity to discuss your alignment with mission fit: how would you connect with the patients you are going to work with during your education, based on what experiences? You have enough characters to encourage you to give an engaging, meaningful story pitch that shows you are prepared to be educated as a community scholar at the school.

Homework: check out Points of Pride | School of Dentistry .
"(CONNECTION TO MN) What connection(s) do you have to the state of Minnesota and/or the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry?"

I thought it was going to be optional, but it's not. It's a new required essay from them this year. I agree with how you phrased it, I definitely think this is a good spot to help in their mission fit. UMN likes rural healthcare, we do rotations in our 4th year, and they're also strong in research for the state. There are a couple more but you can see on their website!
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Thanks for the ideas. This is the specific prompt: (CONNECTION TO MN) What connection(s) do you have to the state of Minnesota and/or the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry?
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Thanks for the ideas. This is the specific prompt: (CONNECTION TO MN) What connection(s) do you have to the state of Minnesota and/or the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry?

I took this to mean personal connection like do you have family there or something. Mine was one sentence LOL
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I took this to mean personal connection like do you have family there or something. Mine was one sentence LOL
That’s sorta how I would have interpreted it. Like I grew up in MN, went to highschool and attended college in the state. I have most of my family living here. Is pretty much what I would have put in the prompt.

To me, this seems like they want to find applicants that would be willing to move to MN and practice here
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Yeah I think they added this question as a chance for out-of-staters and students that didn't go to Minnesota to share any connections that would otherwise not be apparent from the rest of the application. As an out-of-stater, my response didn't go beyond one sentence about having some college friends from Minnesota haha.
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Yeah I think they added this question as a chance for out-of-staters and students that didn't go to Minnesota to share any connections that would otherwise not be apparent from the rest of the application. As an out-of-stater, my response didn't go beyond one sentence about having some college friends from Minnesot
What are some other examples of connections I could say I have with Minnesota/Minnesota School of Dentistry other than friends that are from Minnesota and visiting Minnesota?

Also, would it be okay to include some reasons why I want to go to U of MN in this essay? There no where else to talk about it.
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What are some other examples of connections I could say I have with Minnesota/Minnesota School of Dentistry other than friends that are from Minnesota and visiting Minnesota?

Also, would it be okay to include some reasons why I want to go to U of MN in this essay? There no where else to talk about it.
If you can't think of anything else then there isn't much else to say. I wouldn't make up anything or try to stretch things as they will be able to see through that. It might be possible to include why you wish to go to UMN if you can phrase it correctly. However, make sure you are doing your best with the prompt. I would try to tie in how your connections to your friends from Minnesota have made you want to attend due to XYZ and your interactions with them. This way you are still answering the prompt but also giving a reason as to why you wish to come to UMN for dental school
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Interview #1
Notification date: 7/28/23
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/2/23
Application complete date: 6/6/23
(science, overall): S 3.94, O 3.93
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 23/22/28/23
Method of interview: In-person starting in September (with virtual options in January)
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Interview #2
Notification Date: 7/28
Method of notification: Email
Residency: International (Non-Canadian)
AADSAS mail-out date: 5/30
Application complete date: 6/9
GPA (science, overall): cGPA: 3.8 sGPA: 3.7
DAT: AA: 22 TS: 21 PAT: 18
(20 QR 30 RC 20 BIO 21 CHE 21 OCHEM)
Method of interview: In-person
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Has any in state received an interview yet?
I think MN interviews OOS and international first for a couple interview rounds. That seemed to be the trend last cycle too. I was IS and received my invite in September

However I’m not totally sure, but hopefully if you’re IS you’ll hear back soon if you applied!
Interview #2
Notification date: July
Method of notification: Email
Method of interview:
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Interview #2
Notification Date: 08/02
Method of notification: Email
GPA: 3.7
DAT: AA: 23
Method of interview: In-person

No matter what happens this is a dream come true!
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Interview #2
Notification Date: 08/02
Method of notification: Email
Residency: IS
AADSAS mail-out date: 06/23
Application complete date: 07/something I forgot
GPA (science, overall): cGPA: 3.65 sGPA: 3.52
GPA Comm. College: cGPA: 3.62 sGPA: 3.2
GPA 4-year U: cGPA: 3.79 sGPA: 3.7
DAT: AA: 23 TS: 24 PAT: 21
(17 QR 25 RC 26 BIO 24 CHE 22 OCHEM)
Method of interview: In-person (09/14)

I'm super non-trad, formerly homeless. No matter what happens this is a dream come true!
Congrats! Let me know if you have any questions! Rooting for ya!
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Interview #2
Notification date:
Method of notification: Email
Residency: International
AADSAS mail-out date: 5/30
Application complete date: 6/8
GPA (science, overall): sGPA: 3.79; Overall: 3.82
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 26 AA, 25 TS, 23 PAT, 26 Reading, No sections below 17
Method of interview: Virtual or In Person
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For those interested, these are the stats for this year's incoming D1 (2027) class that we received (also included in the first post)

Class of 2027 Stats (From the U):
Overall GPA: 3.73
Science GPA: 3.65
BCP GPA: 3.63
DAT: 20.8AA, 20.4TS, 20.9PAT, 21.8RC
Applied: 1,623
Accepted: 277
# Enrolled: 106
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Received an invite this morning by email!
Notification date: 08/28
Residency: IS
Method of interview: In person
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Notification date: 9.6
Method of notification: Email
Residency: International
AADSAS mail-out date: 7.1ish
Application complete date: 7.18
GPA (science, overall): sGPA: 3.79; Overall: 3.80
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 24 AA, 24 TS, 22 PAT, 24 Reading, No sections below 17
Method of interview: Virtual or In Person, earlist available 9.28
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Interview #3
Notification date:
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OSS
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/31
Application complete date: 8/4
GPA (science, overall): sGPA: 2.89; Overall: 2.98
Master GPA (science): 4.00
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 25 AA, 30 TS, 20 PAT, 18 Reading, No sections below 17
Method of interview: In Person, earliest available 9/28
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Notification date: 9.6
Method of notification: Email
Residency: International
AADSAS mail-out date: 7.1ish
Application complete date: 7.18
GPA (science, overall): sGPA: 3.79; Overall: 3.80
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 24 AA, 24 TS, 22 PAT, 24 Reading, No sections below 17
Method of interview: Virtual or In Person, earlist available 9.28
Goodluck! Let me know if you have any questions!
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Interview #3
Notification date:
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OSS
AADSAS mail-out date: 7/31
Application complete date: 8/1
GPA (science, overall): sGPA: 2.89; Overall: 2.98
Master GPA (science): 4.00
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 25 AA, 30 TS, 20 PAT, 18 Reading, No sections below 17
Method of interview: In Person, earliest available 9/28

I'm also super non-traditional.
Goodluck! Let me know if you have any questions about the U!
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Interview #1

School: University of Minnesota School of Dentistry


Notification date: 8/27/23

Method of notification: Email

Residency: MN

AADSAS mail-out date: 7/26/23

Application complete date: 7/31/23

GPA (science, overall): 3.5, 3.683

DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 26/26/23/24 QR 30

Dates available OR your interview date: October 2nd

Method of interview: In-person
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Interview #6
Notification date: 9/25
Method of notification: Email
Residency: International
AADSAS mail-out date: 6/15
Application complete date: 6/28
GPA (science, overall): GPA: 3.86 Overall: 3.89
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 25AA, 23 TS, 24 PAT, 28 RC, NO
Method of interview: In person
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Interview #6
Notification date: 10/22/23
Method of notification: Email
Residency: OOS
AADSAS mail-out date: 5/31/2023
Application complete date: 6/2/23
(science, overall): 3.86, 3.82
DAT (AA/TS/PAT/Reading/any section below a 17): 22/22/17/21
Method of interview: In-person (November dates), virtual (January)
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Does anyone happen to know the interviewee acceptance rate for UMN?
Received an acceptance call! (7:30 cst)
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Accepted via phone ca 11:02 CST!
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If anyone has any questions about UMN, feel free to reach out! We just finished our fall semester so I have some free time available! Congrats you all, you’ve all worked so hard for this moment.
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Lost hope you guys, this was my IS school and one of my top choices :( of course I am grateful for getting accepted somewhere today but I’m devastated beyond words bc this is my home
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