Updated ADEA Course List Question

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7+ Year Member
Jun 28, 2016
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Hey Everyone,

I just saw the updated course list and I noticed a few things are different:

Cognitive Psychology along with Brain and Behavior are no longer under the Biology section. They now have their own section labeled as "Behavioral Science".

Does this mean that these classes no longer count in your BCP GPA? Do they still count in your science GPA?

Updated Course List: http://www.adea.org/uploadedFiles/G..._ADEA_AADSAS/ADEAAADSASCourseSubjects2018.pdf


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Thanks for the updated list. I was just looking for this on today.
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Thanks for posting this and bringing this up, you've got me wondering now too, especially because I am actually a psychology major. I'd like to think that the behavioral science classes still count as part of a science GPA because in the doc they seem to have a separate section for strictly nonscience courses?
Thanks for posting this and bringing this up, you've got me wondering now too, especially because I am actually a psychology major. I'd like to think that the behavioral science classes still count as part of a science GPA because in the doc they seem to have a separate section for strictly nonscience courses?
I hear you on that, I am a Psychology major as well. I will be pretty bummed if this new list means that those two classes won't count towards my science GPA.

I also have another quick question:

I took two chem classes that are not on the list of science classes but they still had CHEM in their name. Would these two classes count in my science GPA?

CHEM 3000: Chemical Literature
CHEM 3400: Teaching & Learning of Chem

I received an A in both of these classes, so I'm hoping at least one of them can count...