Waitlist Support Group 2017-2018

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Your optimism is making me feel so much better right now! Thanks for giving me a good message to start this week of more waiting off :) I hope you hear some great news this week!

Thanks so much, I hope you hear back too :)

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WOW congrats that a heck of an accomplishment. when I interviewed there it was amazing. I'm really happy for you!
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Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.
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Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.
Is this normal for this time of year?
Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.
Is it possible that a school has accepted someone but not yet called/notified them?
Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.

Any movement from South Carolina schools?
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Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.
How much movement from buffalo?
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Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.

Any NYMC movement?
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Holy Moly was there ever a lot of waitlist activity since Friday!
To start, there was a boatload at Vandy, UCSF, Davis, Morehouse and Irvine.
There was also movement at NW, Hofstra, MI St., MN, Wayne, FAU, Columbia, NYU, UCR, GW, SUNY Brooklyn, Temple, UCLA, VCU, Rutgers, Hawaii, Penn St. and Northstate.

Any from Pitt?? Thanks for this information :)
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Any NYMC movement?
Waiting for them too. At the interview they told us about a third of the class comes from the waitlist. But they sure are taking their time...
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I know that Harvard, Stanford, and Yale have had waitlist movement (from personal experience and hearing from my friends currently applying).

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Is it possible that a school has accepted someone but not yet called/notified them?
Any movement from South Carolina schools?
How much movement from buffalo?
Any NYMC movement?
Any from Pitt?? Thanks for this information :)
Remember, I can only see where folks we have interviewed are accepted.
Once waitlist movement begins at a particular school it is likely to continue until orientation.
There is certain to be much more movement than I can see (since we didn't interview that many candidates).

I will tell you what I see, but we have relatively little overlap with many schools...
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Remember, I can only see where folks we have interviewed are accepted.
Once waitlist movement begins at a particular school it is likely to continue until orientation.
There is certain to be much more movement than I can see (since we didn't interview that many candidates).

I will tell you what I see, but we have relatively little overlap with many schools...

Ahhh I see. Well thanks for the info! I hope there's plenty more WL movement to come.
Nobody knows.
I can only report that as it stands it's going to be chaos.
Just to clarify, are the new rules AAMC announced recently effective starting now instead of starting in the upcoming cycle (2018-2019)?
Waiting for them too. At the interview they told us about a third of the class comes from the waitlist. But they sure are taking their time...

On MSAR for NYMC it says 75 people were accepted off the waitlist, I guess this actually means matriculants if they meant 1/3 of the class came off the waitlist? In other words, they actually had to accept more than 75 people?
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Hi everyone!

Fellow waitlistee here joining the thread. :)

I am currently waitlisted at CNUCOM. Really hoping to hear some positive news soon.

Wish you all the best of luck!
Has anyone heard of any movement from WUSTL?
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I still think we’re going to hear good news by next week :)
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We're all going to make it....

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I'll give him until Wednesday. After that, the size of the pizza will decrease each day I'm in silence.
All this talk of pizza make me a hungry person
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All this talk of pizza make me a hungry person
noooooooo whyyyy. So much temptation

That weird guy sorta killed pizza for me for a few min lol I wish med schools admissions looked at me like that
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Pinapples on pizza, yah or nah
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