2023-2024 Waitlist Support Thread

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“After May 15, AACOMAS reports to each institution the names and candidates for its entering class who hold an acceptance(s) at additional institutions. An osteopathic medical college may rescind an offer of admissions to a candidate who has paid deposits to or holds positions at multiple institutions.”
ohh gotcha. so what about MD schools - is it the same for them?

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ohh gotcha. so what about MD schools - is it the same for them?
1. AMCAS info on CYMS tool
2. The schools relevant to you to see when they require a commitment.
Individual AMCAS schools can set their own commitment dates.
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“After May 15, AACOMAS reports to each institution the names and candidates for its entering class who hold an acceptance(s) at additional institutions. An osteopathic medical college may rescind an offer of admissions to a candidate who has paid deposits to or holds positions at multiple institutions.”

I have paid deposits at a DO school rn. Would this have an affect on my potential for an offer off the WL at another DO school?
Keep seeing loads of people get off the alternate list at the only school I’m AL at 🥲
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Anybody feel empty when you see somebody get off the WL at your dream school? Like why don’t you want me man
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Anybody feel empty when you see somebody get off the WL at your dream school? Like why don’t you want me man
It’s the feeling of being passed over. Not only did they pass on us the first time, but they also pass on us every time someone else is taken off the WL, which is why SDN is so bad for us. Too bad I’m addicted as hell😂😂😂
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Are we getting to the point where we should lose hope?
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I would say hold off until June to start losing hope, so like two more weeks.

It's hard to say when to lose hope this cycle because no one knows how much FAFSA delays have slowed down WL movement. There could be a lot of movement still to come or not much at all.
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Are we getting to the point where we should lose hope?
I’m getting there, but I’m like 85% sure that one of my WL schools hasn’t had any WL movement yet so it’s still possible i think!
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I’m getting there, but I’m like 85% sure that one of my WL schools hasn’t had any WL movement yet so it’s still possible i think!

Honestly yeah I find it hard to believe that sm schools just have no movement this cycle, it’s def just belated and will happen when we all least expect it. I’m on 5 WL (no A), and all 5 have literally had minor to no movement compared to previous years. It’s just too many signs to call a coincidence so keep ur hopes up!!
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I’m getting there, but I’m like 85% sure that one of my WL schools hasn’t had any WL movement yet so it’s still possible i think!
Two of my schools for sure have not (one even emailed me and said that they don’t know when they will be starting WL movement because of the FAFSA). Feeling very grateful that the CTE for my 1 A isn’t until July
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Guys.. my psychic was right! I got off the waitlist yesterday. Don’t loose hope! I was in the middle of re-writing my personal statement for my re-app. Lots of movement is still coming and it’s waitlist people’s time to shine!! I sent a letter of intent last week to the school and I think that helped!
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This has been the most difficult and frustrating experience of my life. No one knows how hard it is unless they have been through it, so I am glad this thread exists. Praying to be picked off of waitlist. I refuse to go through this a third time lol. I am WL @ ARCOM/BCOM/Sam Houston. Good Luck To ALL!

8 interviews/1 Podiatry A/ 3 WL
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Does anyone know how financial aid packages work if you change schools? If I accept a financial aid package but then get off the waitlist would that be possible?
Does anyone know how financial aid packages work if you change schools? If I accept a financial aid package but then get off the waitlist would that be possible?
Financial aid is attached to a particular school and scholarships and grants are not portable to a new school.
You would be starting fresh with the new school if you decide to change.
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Financial aid is attached to a particular school and scholarships and grants are not portable to a new school.
You would be starting fresh with the new school if you decide to change.

Okay thank you! So if I accept a financial aid package. And then change schools due to getting off the waitlist I can just cancel the package from the first school and I would wait for whatever aid package they give me for the new school? Sorry I just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly.
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Okay thank you! So if I accept a financial aid package. And then change schools due to getting off the waitlist I can just cancel the package from the first school and I would wait for whatever aid package they give me for the new school? Sorry I just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly.
Yea, you would just withdraw from the first school. Things shouldn't disburse for a while especially if you're not CTE. As wysdoc said, the packages don't transfer.
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Okay thank you! So if I accept a financial aid package. And then change schools due to getting off the waitlist I can just cancel the package from the first school and I would wait for whatever aid package they give me for the new school? Sorry I just want to make sure I’m understanding correctly.
Yes, so in addition to letting your first school know you will be attending somewhere else, it will be fastest to also contact the FA department at your first school so they can wrap up their work in your file
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Yea, you would just withdraw from the first school. Things shouldn't disburse for a while especially if you're not CTE. As wysdoc said, the packages don't transfer.

Oh okay CTE is like committing right? I did pay my deposit and everything already because it was due last month. Do you think that that will be an issue?
Oh okay CTE is like committing right? I did pay my deposit and everything already because it was due last month. Do you think that that will be an issue?
If you are CTE, you are not eligible to be accepted to another school.
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Correct, by signing CTE you were promising to withdraw from all your waitlists.
@EZZE you didn’t mention that in your question!

I’m sorry I confused myself. The school I put a deposit for is a DO school and I am currently waiting for an MD school which put me on their waitlist.
I’m sorry I confused myself. The school I put a deposit for is a DO school and I am currently waiting for an MD school which put me on their waitlist.
Although you may lose your DO deposit, you are still eligible for any MD school's waitlist.
CTE is an MD thing and only applies to MD schools.
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Although you may lose your DO deposit, you are still eligible for any MD school's waitlist.
CTE is an MD thing and only applies to MD schools.

Thank you for clarifying! Sorry for the confusion
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@gyngyn @wysdoc quick question. If a school has a bunch of seats open for WL, do they send out As equal to the # of available seats in the first wave? Or do they send out a portion of them and then once the people they sent As to accept or turn down the offer do they send another wave?

Also, if you are WLed at your alma matter, do they have a specific quota of students that they take from that school and don’t go over? Or do they just judge everyone based on their own merit regardless?

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Got my first MD A of the cycle yesterday afternoon to a school that has in-state bias as a OOS applicant!! This thread had so much support for everyone! I hope all of you guys get off the waitlist soon!!
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@gyngyn @wysdoc quick question. If a school has a bunch of seats open for WL, do they send out As equal to the # of available seats in the first wave? Or do they send out a portion of them and then once the people they sent As to accept or turn down the offer do they send another wave?

Also, if you are WLed at your alma matter, do they have a specific quota of students that they take from that school and don’t go over? Or do they just judge everyone based on their own merit regardless?

TMDSAS schools will send out WL offers & see who accepts; there may be a very short time given like 3-5 days.
They will only send out more if their class is not full.
There aren't going to be "waves", more like a trickle. The admissions committees may need to meet weekly to take stock and decide if they need to make more offers.
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TMDSAS schools will send out WL offers & see who accepts; there may be a very short time given like 3-5 days.
They will only send out more if their class is not full.
There aren't going to be "waves", more like a trickle. The admissions committees may need to meet weekly to take stock and decide if they need to make more offers.
And for non TMDAS schools?
@gyngyn @wysdoc quick question. If a school has a bunch of seats open for WL, do they send out As equal to the # of available seats in the first wave? Or do they send out a portion of them and then once the people they sent As to accept or turn down the offer do they send another wave?

Also, if you are WLed at your alma matter, do they have a specific quota of students that they take from that school and don’t go over? Or do they just judge everyone based on their own merit regardless?

In my experience, schools primarily offer just under the number needed to fill based on historic norms. This reduces the chance of over-filling.

As it becomes clear that the excess is likely to be depleted, candidates that have been discussed and approved will be enumerated and offered seats. Schools (like people) have different risk tolerances. The number of offers may actually be greater than the available seats based on a calculation of the odds of matriculation for the waitlist candidates.

I know of no school that has a quota for their affiliated undergrad.
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In my experience, schools try to offer just under the number needed to fill based on historic norms. This reduces the chance of over-filling.

As it becomes clear that the excess is likely to be depleted, candidates that have been discussed and approved will be enumerated and offered seats. Schools (like people) have different risk tolerances. The number of offers may actually be greater than the available seats based on a calculation of the odds of matriculation for the waitlist candidates.
Alright, thank you!
I know this is neurotic but so am I… did those who have gotten off WLs, What time have you been getting calls and emails? Sad because it’s another Friday at 5PM and I’m losing hope as it’s the end of May almost
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I know this is neurotic but so am I… did those who have gotten off WLs, What time have you been getting calls and emails? Sad because it’s another Friday at 5PM and I’m losing hope as it’s the end of May almost
The uncertainty is killing me too. Maybe I am a control freak.
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First MD A today after 3 waitlists. Words can't describe how euphoric this feels after all the stress. Gonna go take a nap of champions.
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First MD A today after 3 waitlists. Words can't describe how euphoric this feels after all the stress. Gonna go take a nap of champions.
i have 3WL as well thanks for posting made me feel better
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First MD A today after 3 waitlists. Words can't describe how euphoric this feels after all the stress. Gonna go take a nap of champions.
YES dude I have been rooting for you so hard
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YES dude I have been rooting for you so hard
I appreciate u bro, you are for sure next up lmk when u hear back! Been praying for u every time I see u in a thread ;)
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In my experience, schools primarily offer just under the number needed to fill based on historic norms. This reduces the chance of over-filling.

As it becomes clear that the excess is likely to be depleted, candidates that have been discussed and approved will be enumerated and offered seats. Schools (like people) have different risk tolerances. The number of offers may actually be greater than the available seats based on a calculation of the odds of matriculation for the waitlist candidates.

I know of no school that has a quota for their affiliated undergrad.
Does anyone know if the FAFSA delay this year will result in overall less waitlist movement? Not sure if I'm math-ing things right, but if a school historically over-admits with the expectation that some students will be declining and no students decline, that means there won't be any WL movement, right? Ngl that's my greatest fear at the moment... :(
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Does anyone know if the FAFSA delay this year will result in overall less waitlist movement? Not sure if I'm math-ing things right, but if a school historically over-admits with the expectation that some students will be declining and no students decline, that means there won't be any WL movement, right? Ngl that's my greatest fear at the moment... :(
There are a fixed number of seats. The timing for the filling of these seats may shift but the number of seats remains the same.
A few schools will miscalculate every year. This does not change the bigger picture.
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There are a fixed number of seats. The timing for the filling of these seats may shift but the number of seats remains the same.
A few schools will miscalculate every year. This does not change the bigger picture.
You're right, I'm probably just overthinking things. Thanks for the reply!
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Does anyone know if the FAFSA delay this year will result in overall less waitlist movement? Not sure if I'm math-ing things right, but if a school historically over-admits with the expectation that some students will be declining and no students decline, that means there won't be any WL movement, right? Ngl that's my greatest fear at the moment... :(
I have been looking for AI that can give me my exact probability of acceptance.:rofl:
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