*~*WAMC (what are my chances?) Megathread*~*

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By request the Pre-Pharmacy forum will be consolidating the WAMC threads into a single master thread. It is our hope that this will reduce the amount of space devoted to the various WAMC threads in circulation at any given time leaving room for other threads on the main page and to give everyone who wants to know what their chances are an idea based on responses to other WAMC posters with similar backgrounds.

How this will work:

Any poster can post a what are my chances question in this thread. Should you decide to post outside this thread, the post will be merged into this thread.

Regarding What are my chances questions:

Rule 1: Be courteous. Given the risk of wasting money on applications, travel, lodging, etc., most people want an idea how likely it is that they are applying to the correct schools based on their own statistics. You may have to tell someone their chances aren't very good, but you don't have to do so in a rude manner.

Rule 2: Please be as complete as possible when listing your application profile. Though we understand the desire for privacy in revealing personal information over the anonymous Internet, it doesn't benefit you if you receive opinions from SDN members having incomplete data about your application. You should include as much of the following as possible:

a. Schools you are applying to
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
d. GPA in last one or two school years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
j. Self-perception of interview skills
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality

The more information you list, the better informed others will be when they form an opinion.

Rule 3: This thread is for "what are my chances" posts only and their immediate responses. All "what are my chances" posts found in the SDN Pharmacy forums is subject to a move to this thread. We intend for this thread to consolidate and organize all of these related posts. Therefore, don't create a new thread asking about your chances. We will most likely move it to this thread ASAP.

Rule 4: Search, search, search! The chances are good that someone answered your question through a different SDN user. We can reduce redundancy of posts if you just search the thread first for your answer.(e.g. Improve your chances thread.)

Disclaimer: Unless a user is on the adcom to the school you are asking about, no one can know with any certainty your true chances of acceptance/interview. Those that answer typically have at least applied and received an interview at a school, though maybe not the one you're asking about. As always the best way to find out what your chances are is to contact the school and ask.

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Prereq. Classes ive taken so far : College Algebra, English I and II, Public speaking, Biology I, Chemistry I, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry.

Current GPA: 3.37. Math/Science: 3.00

Volunteering: None.

LORs: None so far.

Pharmacy experience: None so far.

I have been through only 1 semester (plus summer) of pre-pharm. classes. Currently 1 year into College.

How am I doing so far?

(Im not applying for 1-2 years)
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a. Schools you are applying to
UH, UT, Texas Tech, Incarnate Word, Texas A&M Kingsville
b. Overall GPA - 3.53
c. Math/Science GPA ~3.33. Mostly Bs with one retake (Gen Chem II C+ -> A+)
d. GPA in last one or two school years - 3.543
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - First time got a 56 (RC destroyed me!! got a 5 :eek: :scared: :( Bio, Chem, and Math were 70+)
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- none, looking for volunteer and job opportunities
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Hopefully 2 weeks after each school opens.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 - 2 Professors and 1 employer
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
Volunteered at hospital, prehealth org, prepharm org
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
It's going. Still average.
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a. Schools you are applying to: UNC-CH, Cambell, U of Michigan, U of Charleston, Massachusetts College of Pharm at Worcester, U of Maryland, Shenandoah Univ (I applied last year but didn't get into any schools)

b. Overall GPA: 2.457 :(:(:(

d. GPA in last one school years: I'm currently making A in Human physiology which I'm retaking; planning to retake Anatomy, Microbiology, Organic I and II, and Physics II, Economics to get A's; planning to take public speaking. All these by spring 2011. :(

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Last time I took it:composite was 51 percentile; Planning to take again on Oct.

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: worked for a month at the pharmacy in a community clinic; currently looking for pharmacies to volunteer

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): not yet submitted..but UNC-CH's deadline is coming up (Nov. 1)

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: planning to get 3 (from a pharmacist, 2 professors. I've never worked before so can't get one from an employeer unless I get a job this year)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: Not much..

:( eeeh..I don't have a good profile..Please give me some advices
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This was originally in the "how am I doing" thread -- but some one suggested to just post here. I'm still in my pre-applying stages and just trying to get a feel for how things are looking, so to speak, and also suggestions on some things I could do to maybe increase my chances?

I am planning on applying to Campbell, Chapel-Hill, Wingate, and Eastern TN University.

It was suggested to me that I take the PCAT and apply even before finishing Organic Chemistry and the adcoms MIGHT wait and review my application after the Fall grades are in.

1. I have all core pre-requisites required for an associate degree (transferred from a Community College to University so I don't actually have the degree) But as far as pre-req's specifically:

Gen.Chem1: C
Bio111: A
Intro.Art: A
Eng.101: A
Gen.Chem2: (had some family issues in the spring, made an F, retaking it now during the summer and I have an A)
human A&P: B
Calculus: C
Eng.102: B
Religion: B
MicroBio: C
German1: A
German2: A
WesternCiv: B
BioElective: B
Economics: A
Still need Organic 1&2 and Physics

(This is going off the pre-pharmacy prerequisites from campbell U's website).

2. Cumulative GPA: 3.14 math/science GPA: 2.4(if I make an A in chem[which i will its over next week] it raises my science gpa to a 2.6)
--the sucky part is this: i had an A in Biology, chemistry, calculus, and microbiology but i was informed, from campbell admissions, that my grades wouldn't transfer so i didnt take the finals and got C's in the classes :(

3. On the upside, I am a Certified Pharm. Tech, worked about 4 years in retail pharmacy before I decided to go to school and try to become a pharmacist.

4. last year I was president of the rotaract (rotary for college) club at my comm.college, and we did work with march of dimes, toys for tots, and several other local volunteer organizations. But nothing this year, the transition from community college to university is brutal.

5. 3 of the pharmacists I worked with said they would give me LOR's, 2 Biology teachers said they would give me LOR's, and 2 Chemistry teachers said they would also give me LOR's. So I kind of have a choice there.

6. Other info: Next semester I am taking Organic1, Physics(w/calc)1, and calc2. I will also be taking the October PCAT. My current major is Biochemistry.


How am I doing?

thanks in advance,
Prereq. Classes ive taken so far : College Algebra, English I and II, Public speaking, Biology I, Chemistry I, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry.

Current GPA: 3.37. Math/Science: 3.00

Volunteering: None.

LORs: None so far.

Pharmacy experience: None so far.

I have been through only 1 semester (plus summer) of pre-pharm. classes. Currently 1 year into College.

How am I doing so far?

(Im not applying for 1-2 years)

You're on the right track but you need to keep your GPA at least above a 3.0 (both cum. and science) but preferably in the 3.3-3.6 range. Focus your energy on your chemistry classes though. You will need as many A's as possible and A's in orgo while balancing other classes looks really good.

You should get started with some pharmacy experience. Lately, it seems pharmacy volunteer opportunities are hard to come by. You need to start on that- or try to find a job in a pharmacy. You are going to need an LOR from a pharmacist anyway. So, don't wait on this.
a. Schools you are applying to
Mercer, UGA, Umaryland, Purdue, UCSF, Umich
b. Overall GPA - 3.53
c. Math/Science GPA ~3.33. all my science classes are B's though...
d. GPA in last one or two school years - over 3.5 each semester
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - taking it aug 21
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- none :(
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
by aug 31st
Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 - 1. advisor 2. employer 3. advisor/professor
I think I have 2 solid ones...but the professor one I'm not so sure about..
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
I think a good amount, research, teaching assistant, calculus tutor
j. Self-perception of interview skills - okay..average. not that great
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's average..I'm working on it. going through several drafts. hopefully it'll be better

any recs for other schools I should look into??
I'm really aiming for Mercer if I dont get into the other schools. I know long shot from UCSF...but I really like the location!!

Seems to me that you have a pretty well-rounded application minus the lack of pharmacy experience. Like I mentioned to an above poster, don't wait to get started on volunteering. Early bird gets the worm! Otherwise, you have a solid app and provided you nail the PS and interview, I'd say you're certainly in the running.
a. Schools you are applying to
UH, UT, Texas Tech, Incarnate Word, Texas A&M Kingsville
b. Overall GPA - 3.53
c. Math/Science GPA ~3.33. Mostly Bs with one retake (Gen Chem II C+ -> A+)
d. GPA in last one or two school years - 3.543
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - First time got a 56 (RC destroyed me!! got a 5 :eek: :scared: :( Bio, Chem, and Math were 70+)
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- none, looking for volunteer and job opportunities
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Hopefully 2 weeks after each school opens.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 - 2 Professors and 1 employer
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
Volunteered at hospital, prehealth org, prepharm org
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
It's going. Still average.

1. Did you/are you retaking the PCAT?

2. Are you going to have your PS proofread?
a. Schools you are applying to: UNC-CH, Cambell, U of Michigan, U of Charleston, Massachusetts College of Pharm at Worcester, U of Maryland, Shenandoah Univ (I applied last year but didn't get into any schools)

b. Overall GPA: 2.457 :(:(:(

d. GPA in last one school years: I'm currently making A in Human physiology which I'm retaking; planning to retake Anatomy, Microbiology, Organic I and II, and Physics II, Economics to get A's; planning to take public speaking. All these by spring 2011. :(

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Last time I took it:composite was 51 percentile; Planning to take again on Oct.

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: worked for a month at the pharmacy in a community clinic; currently looking for pharmacies to volunteer

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): not yet submitted..but UNC-CH's deadline is coming up (Nov. 1)

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: planning to get 3 (from a pharmacist, 2 professors. I've never worked before so can't get one from an employeer unless I get a job this year)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: Not much..

:( eeeh..I don't have a good profile..Please give me some advices

Forget Worcester and UNC. You don't even meet the minimum GPA. I don't even know if you meet the minimum for the other schools. Brining your grades up should be your first priority. The issue is: since you applied last year, I am assuming you have all the pre-reqs completed. Therefore, you are going to need to either retake courses and get A's or take some more difficult upper division courses like biochem or genetics. From your track record, I am not sure how you are going to handle the courseload this coming year. You don't have any "softs" to balance out your application either. You need to score in the 80s range on your PCAT so I hope you studying diligently. You might consider applying to some of the pre candidate and candidate schools.
I'll be reapplying in this cycle. I applied in the 08-09 cycle, but didn't get in. what are my chances?

1.a. Ucsf
5.Ca northsate
7.Pacific Oregon University
8.University of Midwestern-glendale, Arizona
9.University of Hawaii
10.Appalachian College of Pharmacy
11.University of Southern Nevada
12.Thomas Jefferson

b. overall: 3.43
c. math: 3.13 science: 3.42
d. I graduated from UC Merced in 09 with an overall 3.38. I’m retaking calc 2 at a jc and hopefully I get a B. I’m also taking other classes at the jc for the heck of it
e. Pcat: Verbal: 50
Biology: 98
reading 15 (super low)
Quantitative 88
Chemistry 88
Composite 80. This is my third time taking the pcat. I didn’t prep myself too much when I took it the first two times and improved from a 40 to 80
f. Volunteered in a hospital for 4 years, but spent 2 yrs in the pharmacy. I also did research and administered ketamine to mice. I’m currently working as a clerk/tech at Rite Aid
g. Date of application submission: Already sent in pharmcas and secondaries for usc, Colorado, uop, pacific, and appalachian. I am currently working on secondaries for ucsf and ucsd and waiting for the other secondaries to be released
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: From my research , Anatomy (he hasn't submitted it to pharmcas. I think that he's on vacation. Will it delay my application???) :confused:, and Writing professors, and pharmacist
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: Volunteered in the Emergency Room and Mother baby unit. Currently a counselor with STandUp for Kids and will be trained to be a counselor at the YWCA
j. I got an interview with Touro and Northstate, but messed up. Touro was my first interview and I got too nervous. I thought that I got into Northstate, but didn’t. I still need improvements
k. My personal statement is average.
1. Retaking in Aug

2. Yep.

As long as you bring your verbal scores up with your retake, you have a good chance. Schools put a lot of value on communication skills so you will need to have a good personal statement and have a strong interview, especially if your PCAT verbal scores are low.
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Hey guys. So here are my stats:

a. Schools you are applying to:
3. UOP
4. USC
5. Oregon State
6. Cal Northstate

b. Overall GPA: 3.72
c. Math/Science GPA: 3.71
d. GPA in last one or two school years: 3.91
- graduated from UCLA majoring in MIMG which is arguably the most difficult at the school. unfortunately, that doesnt matter. =(
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Didn't take it.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained: Working at 2 pharmacies as of May.

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Haven't submitted yet. I should be getting them in next week.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
2 from professors (1 really excellent, other not sure) 1 from pharmacist (she told me to write it myself lol..)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience:
CCE (clinical care extender) internship at a hospital since last year,
1.5 years of research in a melanoma-surgical oncol lab

j. Self-perception of interview skills:
Not that great unfortunately..I always feel uncomfortable talking about myself.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's above average. Could be better, but I did the best I could.

Obviously because I didn't take the PCAT I greatly limited my options. I'm focusing on the cali schools but what scares me is that most of those schools are extremely competitive. WAMC? Thanks for the input guys.
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Hey guys. So here are my stats:

a. Schools you are applying to:
3. UOP
4. USC
5. Oregon State
6. Cal Northstate

b. Overall GPA: 3.72
c. Math/Science GPA: 3.71
d. GPA in last one or two school years: 3.91
- graduated from UCLA majoring in MIMG which is arguably the most difficult at the school. unfortunately, that doesnt matter. =(
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Didn't take it.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained: Working at 2 pharmacies as of May.

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Haven't submitted yet. I should be getting them in next week.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
2 from professors (1 really excellent, other not sure) 1 from pharmacist (she told me to write it myself lol..)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience:
CCE (clinical care extender) internship at a hospital since last year,
1.5 years of research in a melanoma-surgical oncol lab

j. Self-perception of interview skills:
Not that great unfortunately..I always feel uncomfortable talking about myself.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's above average. Could be better, but I did the best I could.

Obviously because I didn't take the PCAT I greatly limited my options. I'm focusing on the cali schools but what scares me is that most of those schools are extremely competitive. WAMC? Thanks for the input guys.

Relax. You've got a solid app. You need to do some mock interviews so you can get rid of some of the jitters. If you can help it, don't interview at your top choice first. If you have to interview at your top choice first, then the mock interviews NEED to happen and preferably with people you don't know. They might do mock interview days at your school or something.
a. Schools you are applying to: UNC-CH, Cambell, U of Michigan, U of Charleston, Massachusetts College of Pharm at Worcester, U of Maryland, Shenandoah Univ (I applied last year but didn't get into any schools)

b. Overall GPA: 2.457 :(:(:(

d. GPA in last one school years: I'm currently making A in Human physiology which I'm retaking; planning to retake Anatomy, Microbiology, Organic I and II, and Physics II, Economics to get A's; planning to take public speaking. All these by spring 2011. :(

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Last time I took it:composite was 51 percentile; Planning to take again on Oct.

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: worked for a month at the pharmacy in a community clinic; currently looking for pharmacies to volunteer

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): not yet submitted..but UNC-CH's deadline is coming up (Nov. 1)

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: planning to get 3 (from a pharmacist, 2 professors. I've never worked before so can't get one from an employeer unless I get a job this year)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: Not much..

:( eeeh..I don't have a good profile..Please give me some advices

I do not see you getting into any schools you have applied to. Do you realize UMich is a top five school? Same with UNC. If I were you, I would not waste the money applying this year, unless you ONLY apply to candidate and pre-candidate schools. ONLY. You need to bring your GPA waaaay up (hopefully over the 3.0 mark) and also take upper division courses instead of just retakes to show that you can handle the material. You need significant pharmacy experience.

I would rate your chances, especially at the schools you applied to, at around 0%.
I am working on my application right now, but I keep having panic attacks about getting in :scared: so this is what I have so far.

a. Schools you are applying to:UIC, Midwestern University (Downers Grove and Glendale), University of Iowa, University of Minnesota, and considering some of the new schools with candidate status.
b. Overall GPA: 3.3
c. Math/Science GPA:3.12
d. GPA in last one or two school years3.3
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Still waiting on my score, I think I did decent and I plan on retaking just to see if I can improve my score no matter what the first is.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained: One year pharmacy tech in a hospital
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary) fall 2010
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: 2 pharmacists still debating who else to ask for another
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: not much but hopefully will get something in this fall
j. Self-perception of interview skillsnormal
k. Overall impression of personal statement qualityI think its pretty good. I have a roommate who rocks at editing papers so I think that will be a big help
I do not see you getting into any schools you have applied to. Do you realize UMich is a top five school? Same with UNC. If I were you, I would not waste the money applying this year, unless you ONLY apply to candidate and pre-candidate schools. ONLY. You need to bring your GPA waaaay up (hopefully over the 3.0 mark) and also take upper division courses instead of just retakes to show that you can handle the material. You need significant pharmacy experience.

I would rate your chances, especially at the schools you applied to, at around 0%.

Carboxide, you are much more direct than I am ;) But, I definitely agree with you.
I am working on my application right now, but I keep having panic attacks about getting in :scared: so this is what I have so far.

a. Schools you are applying to:UIC, Midwestern University (Downers Grove and Glendale), University of Iowa, University of Minnesota, and considering some of the new schools with candidate status.
b. Overall GPA: 3.3
c. Math/Science GPA:3.12
d. GPA in last one or two school years3.3
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Still waiting on my score, I think I did decent and I plan on retaking just to see if I can improve my score no matter what the first is.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained: One year pharmacy tech in a hospital
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary) fall 2010
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: 2 pharmacists still debating who else to ask for another
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: not much but hopefully will get something in this fall
j. Self-perception of interview skillsnormal
k. Overall impression of personal statement qualityI think its pretty good. I have a roommate who rocks at editing papers so I think that will be a big help

What other schools are you adding to your list? With NO EC's and only a year experience (and considering your GPA) Minnesota, Iowa, and UIC are going to be a maybe for you depending on your PCAT. Your LORs and personal statement better be phenomenal (how strong are there, anyway?) If I were you, I would get started on Minnesota's 5 supplemental essays and have them proofread. They are a rolling admissions school. Midwestern is too. Your GPA isn't horrible, but it isn't super competitive either so you need other "softs" to balance your app out. It is going to depend on the competitiveness of the applicant pool this year, too.
Carboxide, you are much more direct than I am ;) But, I definitely agree with you.

Yeah...you were so nice that it became unrealistic. Lol. I thought he needed to know to not waste his money on applications.

Here's a general hint: You're in big trouble if you're below a 3.0 overall GPA or math/science GPA. You're in trouble you can't get out of if you're below a 2.75. And if your GPA dips below a 2.5, you need to either find a new career or commit to spending the next several years building up your resume and retaking classes.
a. Schools you are applying to
Maybe elsewhere? (I want to stay in Philly)

b. Overall GPA

c. Math/Science GPA

d. GPA in last one or two school years

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Verbal: 53
Bio: 49
Reading Comp: 79
Math: 94
Chem: 88
Composite: 82

f. Pharmacy experience obtained
about 10 months of shadowing at a local pharmacy, hoping to get my pharm tech cert by September b/c I have a guaranteed job @ a hospital if I do so

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
I plan on submitting by the end of September

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
Honors Calc professor, Pharmacist, PreHealth Advisor Committee letter

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
I work at Best Buy, volunteer softball coach, lots of hours of community service through my sorority and through work (Relay for life, charity softball, tutoring, etc.)

j. Self-perception of interview skills
I can speak coherently as long as I know what I'm talking about. I plan on mock interviewing through my pre-health office

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's pretty good and I am having it proofread by several people -- peers, health advisor, etc.

Thanks in advance for advice :)
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i posted in a thread like this before but i'm thinking of applying to two more schools and wanna know what my chances are with the new additions.

a. Schools you are applying to: south university and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine School of Pharmacy
b. Overall GPA: 3.2
c. Math/Science GPA: 3.3
d. GPA in last one or two school years: 3.5
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): 53 composite :(
f. Pharmacy experience obtained: volunteering at hospital and shadowing a pharmacist
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): i wanna submit my app early so around november or december of 2010.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: hopefully 4. A&P professor, volunteer organizer at hospital, orgo professor, soup kitchen coordinator.
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: volunteer at soup kitchen, work at target and worked at mcdonalds.
j. Self-perception of interview skills: fair
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality: ok. i gotta keep working on it
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What other schools are you adding to your list? With NO EC's and only a year experience (and considering your GPA) Minnesota, Iowa, and UIC are going to be a maybe for you depending on your PCAT. Your LORs and personal statement better be phenomenal (how strong are there, anyway?) If I were you, I would get started on Minnesota's 5 supplemental essays and have them proofread. They are a rolling admissions school. Midwestern is too. Your GPA isn't horrible, but it isn't super competitive either so you need other "softs" to balance your app out. It is going to depend on the competitiveness of the applicant pool this year, too.

thanks rxlea. UIC Midwestern and Iowa are my top choices, I know Minnesota is a far stretch but I was just on their campus and I really liked it so I decided what the heck. I have a friend who is going to get me some volunteer work before school starts so I can get a few hours in and in the meantime I will be working on the essays. So submitting my app in mid-late aug is that to late?
a. Schools you are applying to: USC, Western, UOP, Touro, U of Michigan, U of Maryland, U of Iowa, OhioState, MidwesternUniversity, UIC. There are a few more oos schools that I am looking into.
b. Overall GPA 3.45
c. Math/Science GPA 3.27 (I have 3 C’s, first semester Biology and Ochem and second semester physics. However, I have been getting A’s and B’s for the past 2 years and they have been mostly pharmacy prereqs or upper division science classes.
d. GPA in last one or two school years 3.74 for the last 2 years and 3.81 for the last year.
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) Still waiting on the June scores. I think I did fine. I plan to retake the PCAT in August unless I get an excellent score on the June exam.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained I have been volunteering in an inpatient pharmacy since January of 2008. I am a certified pharmacy technician, but I have never worked as a pharm tech, so I don’t think that it is anything significant. I am a member of a pre pharmacy club at school and I am trying to get a position as an officer.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary) I plan to submit it by next week.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
Three letters (My research professor, my physical chemistry professor, and a pharmacist from the hospital that I volunteer at.)
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
I have been volunteering in a hospital since November of 2006 and I have over 500 hours. I have been working in a research lab since February of 2009 and I might get a publication out by the end of the summer.
j. Self-perception of interview skills. I should do fine if I am relaxed.
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality. I think that my personal statement is solid, but I still need to have more people proofread it.
schools applying to: University of Kentucky (primary choice, and honestly my only choice. I don't want to move away but will if it's required), Sullivan, Belmont, Cincinatti, South Carolina, possibily Midway which is opening, but again, don't want to.
b. Overall GPA- 3.08 (all at the University of Kentucky)
c. Math/Science GPA - roughly the same as overall
d. GPA in last one or two school years- estimated 3.15-3.2
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)-
-Reading Comprehension-48 (yeah, that surprised me too)
-Writing: Conventions of Language and Problem Solving- 3.0

***Recently took the June 2010 PCAT, and I share the collective assessment that it was incredibly difficult compared to my prior examination. However, it's not how well you do on the test, it's how well everyone else did compared to you, so I guess I will have to wait and see...but I'm not counting on any noticable improvement***

f. Pharmacy experience obtained -
-10 months as a volunteer pharmacy tech in a hospital setting, accumulating roughly 1000 hours. I actually was just hired on today for a flex position! Horray!
- Faith Pharmacy volunteer (3 hours, local pharmacy that serves customers free of charge, and the University of Kentucky Pharmacy advisor highly recommends this as apparently the adcoms eat it up)
-Kroger Pharmacy shadowing (roughly 20 hours)

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs- 3
1. Biochem proffessor, probably the most prestigious prof on UK's campus which I am hoping pulls some weight
2. Pharmacy Director at the hospital
3. Staff Pharmacist at the hospital
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience -
-peer tuturoing for Biochemistry this past spring (roughly 2-3 hours per week)
j. Self-perception of interview skills- Honestly, if I get an interview, I am confident that I will get accepted. It's just that little problem about getting an interview :rolleyes:. My communication skills, aside from what the PCAT scores may indicate are excellent. I am a likable guy while engaged in a conversation and I feel confident that I can sell myself well and defend my horrendous blemishes.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality- in the process of doing this now, but it is quite difficult as I'm halfway through, and I feel like a convicted fellon looking at my resume with no possibility for parol. I'm sure it will be solid once completed, it's just it's a tough task.

Any help is appreciated, but put simply, I know my chances are not good as I have litterally lost hundreds of hours of sleep over the past 6 months, stressing over the uncertainty of my future for the next 4 years. It is going to take an act of God to get me into UK, but I plan on applying via early admission as soon as I get my last letter in which should happen within the next week. This Fall I am taking Psychology (should be cake), Graduate level Immunology, Graduate Level Physiology, and Organic 2. If I pulled a 3.5 GPA for the semester I would be thrilled. According to my Biochem proffessor who has set on the board of admissions for UK, I have 2 things going against me. First, my embarrassing GPA. Second, I'm a guy, which to me didn't make much sense because I thought that would be something that would to my advantage. At any rate, the next few months are going to be hell, and I just hope someone will give me a chance.

PS: another thing going against me: time. I just turned 23 and would like to get a jump start on my career sooner rather than later, adding to the already insurmountable stress level.
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a. Schools you are applying to: USC, Western, UOP, Touro, U of Michigan, U of Maryland, U of Iowa, OhioState, MidwesternUniversity, UIC. There are a few more oos schools that I am looking into.
b. Overall GPA 3.45
c. Math/Science GPA 3.27 (I have 3 C’s, first semester Biology and Ochem and second semester physics. However, I have been getting A’s and B’s for the past 2 years and they have been mostly pharmacy prereqs or upper division science classes.
d. GPA in last one or two school years 3.74 for the last 2 years and 3.81 for the last year.
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) Still waiting on the June scores. I think I did fine. I plan to retake the PCAT in August unless I get an excellent score on the June exam.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained I have been volunteering in an inpatient pharmacy since January of 2008. I am a certified pharmacy technician, but I have never worked as a pharm tech, so I don’t think that it is anything significant. I am a member of a pre pharmacy club at school and I am trying to get a position as an officer.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary) I plan to submit it by next week.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
Three letters (My research professor, my physical chemistry professor, and a pharmacist from the hospital that I volunteer at.)
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
I have been volunteering in a hospital since November of 2006 and I have over 500 hours. I have been working in a research lab since February of 2009 and I might get a publication out by the end of the summer.
j. Self-perception of interview skills. I should do fine if I am relaxed.
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality. I think that my personal statement is solid, but I still need to have more people proofread it.

I think you have a good shot. However, if you are OOS for Cali I would drop those schools.
Alright so I was a bit hesitant to put all of this up but I've decided it's better for me to get an opinion here.

I just graduated in May from a competitive private college with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Public Health. My GPA is very low but everything else is fine. I pushed myself in everything but my GPA and now I am suffering when looking to see which schools to apply to. I am currently RETAKING a lot of the Pharm PreReqs classes at a State School. I've started this summer and am currenly retaking Organic Chem I and Biology I. I am confident I will be receiving either an A- or A in both classes. This fall semester, I will have a heavy load but because of my determination to maintain a great GPA, I know (*fingers crossed*) I will do well and hopefully get A's in all classes. The classes I will be retaking are: Organic Chem II, Anatomy/Physiology, Genetics, & Microbiology.

So please be completely honest. Don't worry about being too brutal :)

a. Schools you are applying to

Midwestern (both AZ and Chicago), TJ, Temple, UMd, UOP, Northstate, MCPHS Worchester, ...any others you suggest that will accept my low GPA??
b. Overall GPA - ~ :scared:
c. Math/Science GPA - ~ :scared:
d. GPA in last one or two school years - over 3.4 each semester last year :oops:
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - scored ~ without studying, currently studying for it and taking it Oct
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- both retail and clinical, total 1.5 years. Also have been a certified pharm tech for 2 years now.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
hopefully but end of August. I want to apply Early Decision somewhere, but don't really know where
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 - 1. professor I (most prob will be a great LOR) 2. professor II 3. employer (most prob will be great LOR)
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
LOTS and LOTS of community service. very high leadership positions in other non-pharmacy related student orgs.
j. Self-perception of interview skills - Pretty good
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's pretty solid and unique. Shows a lot of where my interests in pharmacy originated from and how passionate I am about pharmacy :xf:

Now my first question is...with retaking certain classes and getting better grades in them, how will that look towards the Pharm Committees? Will they average both the grades from the retaken classes?
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Oh and lastly, since I graduated from college already but am currently taking prereq classes while working on another degree at a second school....how would I define my GPA? Would it be the GPA of the school I completed my degree in, the school I am currently taking classes at, or an average of both??
Alright so I was a bit hesitant to put all of this up but I've decided it's better for me to get an opinion here.

I just graduated in May from a competitive private college with a BA in Psychology and a minor in Public Health. My GPA is very low but everything else is fine. I pushed myself in everything but my GPA and now I am suffering when looking to see which schools to apply to. I am currently RETAKING a lot of the Pharm PreReqs classes at a State School. I've started this summer and am currenly retaking Organic Chem I and Biology I. I am confident I will be receiving either an A- or A in both classes. This fall semester, I will have a heavy load but because of my determination to maintain a great GPA, I know (*fingers crossed*) I will do well and hopefully get A's in all classes. The classes I will be retaking are: Organic Chem II, Anatomy/Physiology, Genetics, & Microbiology.

So please be completely honest. Don't worry about being too brutal :)

a. Schools you are applying to

Midwestern (both AZ and Chicago), TJ, Temple, UMd, UOP, Northstate, MCPHS Worchester, ...any others you suggest that will accept my low GPA??
b. Overall GPA - 2.65 :scared:
c. Math/Science GPA - 2.54 :scared:
d. GPA in last one or two school years - over 3.4 each semester last year :oops:
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - scored ~40 without studying, currently studying for it and taking it Oct
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- both retail and clinical, total 1.5 years. Also have been a certified pharm tech for 2 years now.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
hopefully but end of August. I want to apply Early Decision somewhere, but don't really know where
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 - 1. professor I (most prob will be a great LOR) 2. professor II 3. employer (most prob will be great LOR)
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
LOTS and LOTS of community service. very high leadership positions in other non-pharmacy related student orgs.
j. Self-perception of interview skills - Pretty good
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I think it's pretty solid and unique. Shows a lot of where my interests in pharmacy originated from and how passionate I am about pharmacy :xf:

Now my first question is...with retaking certain classes and getting better grades in them, how will that look towards the Pharm Committees? Will they average both the grades from the retaken classes?

It will look favorably. However, schools vary in how they look at retakes. Some average, some replace, etc.

I think your chances are very low for this cycle. Your GPA and PCAT are so low that your app will get tossed out; they won't care that you are retaking classes and the PCAT. If I were you, I would spend a full year (or more) retaking science classes and taking upper division classes.

Early decision is a bad idea for you. I would not think that you will get accepted. If you DO choose to apply this year, you should limit yourself to ONLY candidate and pre-candidate schools.
Hey I just joined, Ive been visiting this site for a while but this is my first post.

a. Schools you are applying to
Shenandoah, VCU, Lipscomb, Union, Creighton, Temple, Appalachian, UCONN, LECOM, Howard, Belmont
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
d. GPA in last one or two school years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Taking on Aug. 21 (first time)
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Worked the past two summers in 2 Pharmacies (1 Retail/ 1 Long Term Care) as a technician/clerk (not certified)
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Application in progress

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 LoR.. 1 Pharmacist, 2 Professors
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience (im listing my EC here)
Lots of volunteer: Comm. Service and Philanthropies
SGA Representative
Teaching Assistant in Cellular/ Molecular Bio Lab
VP of my Fraternity
Pre- Pharm Society
VP of other on campus org.
j. Self-perception of interview skills
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
Better than Average
Oh and lastly, since I graduated from college already but am currently taking prereq classes while working on another degree at a second school....how would I define my GPA? Would it be the GPA of the school I completed my degree in, the school I am currently taking classes at, or an average of both??
PharmCAS takes all undergraduate coursework and makes one big cumulative average so I'd report it that way for consistency.
Hey I just joined, Ive been visiting this site for a while but this is my first post.

a. Schools you are applying to
Shenandoah, VCU, Lipscomb, Union, Creighton, Temple, Appalachian, UCONN, LECOM, Howard, Belmont
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
d. GPA in last one or two school years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Taking on Aug. 21 (first time)
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Worked the past two summers in 2 Pharmacies (1 Retail/ 1 Long Term Care) as a technician/clerk (not certified)
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Application in progress

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 LoR.. 1 Pharmacist, 2 Professors
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience (im listing my EC here)
Lots of volunteer: Comm. Service and Philanthropies
SGA Representative
Teaching Assistant in Cellular/ Molecular Bio Lab
VP of my Fraternity
Pre- Pharm Society
VP of other on campus org.
j. Self-perception of interview skills
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
Better than Average

I think your chances are decent IF you do well on the PCAT (at least 70%ile, preferably over 75). You have great experience and ECs and GPA is close to 3.0.
Might as well post here since I am finally applying this cycle:

- BS from WPI in Humanities '06
- 2yrs (during college) pharmacy experience
- Starting at a hospital next month (August)
- CPhT
- Naval Officer from 2006-2010
- Aided in the setup of a pharmacy in Haiti during Operation Unified Response.

a. Schools you are applying to: MCPHS, VCU, Mercer, San Diego, University of Minnesota, and Albany COP @ Colchester, VT campus

b. Overall GPA: 3.0 (Bachelors), 4.0 (Post-Bac)

c. Math/Science GPA: 2.8

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): October PCAT

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: 2 years as a tech in retail, starting in a hospital in August, 2010.

g. Date of application submission: 10/2010

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: (3) Air Force Pharmacist, Doctor (D.O.)/Boss, Biology Professor

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: Naval Officer.

j. Self-perception of interview skills: Exceptional.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality: Above average.

Thank you!
schools applying to: University of Kentucky (primary choice, and honestly my only choice. I don't want to move away but will if it's required), Sullivan, Belmont, Cincinatti, South Carolina, possibily Midway which is opening, but again, don't want to.
b. Overall GPA- 3.08 (all at the University of Kentucky)
c. Math/Science GPA - roughly the same as overall
d. GPA in last one or two school years- estimated 3.15-3.2
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)-
-Reading Comprehension-48 (yeah, that surprised me too)
-Writing: Conventions of Language and Problem Solving- 3.0

***Recently took the June 2010 PCAT, and I share the collective assessment that it was incredibly difficult compared to my prior examination. However, it's not how well you do on the test, it's how well everyone else did compared to you, so I guess I will have to wait and see...but I'm not counting on any noticable improvement***

f. Pharmacy experience obtained -
-10 months as a volunteer pharmacy tech in a hospital setting, accumulating roughly 1000 hours. I actually was just hired on today for a flex position! Horray!
- Faith Pharmacy volunteer (3 hours, local pharmacy that serves customers free of charge, and the University of Kentucky Pharmacy advisor highly recommends this as apparently the adcoms eat it up)
-Kroger Pharmacy shadowing (roughly 20 hours)

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs- 3
1. Biochem proffessor, probably the most prestigious prof on UK's campus which I am hoping pulls some weight
2. Pharmacy Director at the hospital
3. Staff Pharmacist at the hospital
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience -
-peer tuturoing for Biochemistry this past spring (roughly 2-3 hours per week)
j. Self-perception of interview skills- Honestly, if I get an interview, I am confident that I will get accepted. It's just that little problem about getting an interview :rolleyes:. My communication skills, aside from what the PCAT scores may indicate are excellent. I am a likable guy while engaged in a conversation and I feel confident that I can sell myself well and defend my horrendous blemishes.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality- in the process of doing this now, but it is quite difficult as I'm halfway through, and I feel like a convicted fellon looking at my resume with no possibility for parol. I'm sure it will be solid once completed, it's just it's a tough task.

Any help is appreciated, but put simply, I know my chances are not good as I have litterally lost hundreds of hours of sleep over the past 6 months, stressing over the uncertainty of my future for the next 4 years. It is going to take an act of God to get me into UK, but I plan on applying via early admission as soon as I get my last letter in which should happen within the next week. This Fall I am taking Psychology (should be cake), Graduate level Immunology, Graduate Level Physiology, and Organic 2. If I pulled a 3.5 GPA for the semester I would be thrilled. According to my Biochem proffessor who has set on the board of admissions for UK, I have 2 things going against me. First, my embarrassing GPA. Second, I'm a guy, which to me didn't make much sense because I thought that would be something that would to my advantage. At any rate, the next few months are going to be hell, and I just hope someone will give me a chance.

PS: another thing going against me: time. I just turned 23 and would like to get a jump start on my career sooner rather than later, adding to the already insurmountable stress level.

Honestly, I think because of all of your EC's and your (albeit slight) upward trend, you have a decent shot at getting an interview. Your extensive volunteering (and your recent employment) conveys your commitment to the field of pharmacy. I have to say that, aside from your EC's that may be weighted more heavily by UK, you have a very average application. You really need to keep your GPA up. Make that your primary focus right now.

I fail to see how being a 23 year old male will decrease your chances, though....perhaps someone can enlighten me?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!

a. Schools you are applying to: UH Hilo, Pacific University, OSU, Washington State University, & possibly adding more to the list

b. Overall GPA: 3.24

c. Math/Science GPA: 3.2

d. GPA in last one or two school years: not too sure but its probably around the same range as other GPAs

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): will take in August

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: clerk/tech at CVS pharmacy for 2 years, certified technician

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): aiming for late August

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: so far I only have 2 LORs, one from my pharmacy manager and one from orgo professor. I'm also thinking about getting one more from another pharmacist that I work with.

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: volunteer at my daughter's preschool, special olympics volunteer

j. Self-perception of interview skills: Needs work but I am planning on doing some mock interviews with the career services center at my university

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality: still working on it

Also, I just completed my BS in Bio-Human/Health Sciences this past May.

Thanks in advance for any help!
People posting here should also all include if they have (or will have) a degree.
I realize this is my first post, but as time permits I may spend more time on here. Thanks in advance.

a. Schools you are applying to: University of Kentucky, Sullivan University, Appalachia School of Pharmacy, & East Tennessee State University.

b. Overall GPA
: 2.9

c. Math/Science GPA

d. GPA in last one or two school years
2.9 (have only complete 2 years)

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Taking August 2010

f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Have spent 3 years in a private pharmacy and 1 summer in a retail setting (Rite Aid)

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Isn't finished yet but before the end of September.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
2 as of now will write. 1 from the pharmacist I have worked for, for 3 years who told me she would write me a stellar one. And my organic 2 prof.

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
: No volunteer but have worked doing manual labor in construction.

j. Self-perception of interview skills
Good, possibly above average.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
Above average.

Thanks again.
I realize this is my first post, but as time permits I may spend more time on here. Thanks in advance.

a. Schools you are applying to: University of Kentucky, Sullivan University, Appalachia School of Pharmacy, & East Tennessee State University.

b. Overall GPA
: 2.9

c. Math/Science GPA

d. GPA in last one or two school years
2.9 (have only complete 2 years)

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Taking August 2010

f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Have spent 3 years in a private pharmacy and 1 summer in a retail setting (Rite Aid)

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Isn't finished yet but before the end of September.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
2 as of now will write. 1 from the pharmacist I have worked for, for 3 years who told me she would write me a stellar one. And my organic 2 prof.

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
: No volunteer but have worked doing manual labor in construction.

j. Self-perception of interview skills
Good, possibly above average.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
Above average.

Thanks again.

Not certain about the specific schools you are looking at, but in general, with no degree and a GPA of under 3.0 - you have next to no chance at getting into most 2-4 schools this cycle.

My advice to you would be to finish a bachelor's and work on getting your GPA up to at least a 3.0 - a degree, a slightly higher cumulative GPA and an upward trend in grades would help you a lot. I would not suggest re-taking classes just to get your GPA up - with only two years of school you have plenty of time to bring up your GPA without resorting to that. Keep in mind that nowadays a majority of people do not get into pharmacy school without a degree. I would also suggest getting at least some sort of extra-curricular or volunteer time. Go for quality not quantity, especially if you are working and going to school at the same time. Find something you like and do it - and try to make a difference with it.
BG Info: 3rd year senior, graduating early Dec 2010 with a BS in Biological Sciences

Applying to: University of Tennessee, UGA, Mercer, University of Florida, University of Iowa

Overall GPA: 3.27

Math/Science GPA: 3.1

GPA in last one or two years: 3.0+

PCAT: taking it Aug 21

Pharm Exp: Wal-mart Pharmacy as an unlicensed pharm tech for 10 months-current

Application: Hopefully by mid-August

LORS: 3 from professors, 2 from pharmacists

Other: may 2009-current independent research in neuroscience lab
2009 and 2010 spring expo at zoo- teach kids science
summer 2010 biology volunteer- in conjunction with a bio program at school, go to diff schools to teach kids science
fall 2009-present: pre-pharm club at school

Self-perception: Pretty confident when meeting new people and speaking in front of others. Only thing I'm nervous about is actually getting an interview.

Personal Statement: Working on it...

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a. Schools you are applying to
USC (southern california), UCSD, UCSF, UGA
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
d. GPA in last one or two school years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Waiting on June 19th
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Tech at Rite-Aid since May 2010 (about 3 months)
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Soonish (1wk from now)
Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
1 from Genetics professor I've worked close with for term paper and presentation throughout the semester I had his class, 1 from pharmacy manager ive been working for 3 months
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
1) volunteer at local hospital for 3hr a week this summer (about 30 hr total so far) will continue this in the fall. 2) committee member of large philantropy organization to help raise money for kids with devastating diseases. 3) Pre pharmacy society - vice president. 4) AMSA (more medically related but we still do a lot of volunteer work here)
j. Self-perception of interview skills
Decent, but If I do get an interview, believe me I will work in my skills 24/7
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
1-10? 8.5 .... I really feel like it flows and expresses my feelings well. 4500 characters was not enough!!!

1) I am in the honors program at my state university, will that help at all and give me an edge? or will adcoms just look over it.
2) I am also out of state (I go to school in GA), will I still have a real chance at a California school? (USC is my first choice).
3) I am missing a lot of pre-reqs (about 5) but will have them done by May 2011 when I graduate with my BS in biology. Will these be a problem??

a. Schools you are applying to
USC (southern california), UCSD, UCSF, UGA
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
d. GPA in last one or two school years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
Waiting on June 19th
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
Tech at Rite-Aid since May 2010 (about 3 months)
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Soonish (1wk from now)
Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
1 from Genetics professor I've worked close with for term paper and presentation throughout the semester I had his class, 1 from pharmacy manager ive been working for 3 months
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
1) volunteer at local hospital for 3hr a week this summer (about 30 hr total so far) will continue this in the fall. 2) committee member of large philantropy organization to help raise money for kids with devastating diseases. 3) Pre pharmacy society - vice president. 4) AMSA (more medically related but we still do a lot of volunteer work here)
j. Self-perception of interview skills
Decent, but If I do get an interview, believe me I will work in my skills 24/7
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
1-10? 8.5 .... I really feel like it flows and expresses my feelings well. 4500 characters was not enough!!!

1) I am in the honors program at my state university, will that help at all and give me an edge? or will adcoms just look over it.
2) I am also out of state (I go to school in GA), will I still have a real chance at a California school? (USC is my first choice).
3) I am missing a lot of pre-reqs (about 5) but will have them done by May 2011 when I graduate with my BS in biology. Will these be a problem??

You can try Cali schools but don't bank on any acceptances. (At least at the schools you're applying to.) Your honors program may give you a slight edge, but I couldn't see it being any thing other than a nice EC. Your GPA is good so I don't think your PCAT has to be astronomical (you probably already know that though :)). I think overall your application looks solid. (Read: you will definitely get in somewhere.) Be sure to apply more than just Cali + 1 if your financial situation allows. Also, don't stress about the interview. From what I've experienced, pharmacy school interviews are extremely laid back and some can actually be fun. Just be yourself and everything will follow in tow. Good luck.
a. Schools you are applying to:
TJU, UofMd, Campbell

b.Overall GPA: 3.4

c. Math/Science GPA: 3.15 (which includes a terrible Physics grade - retaking of course). Without physics, it's a 3.5

d. GPA in last one or two school years: 3.4

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite):
80 composite, 92 VA, 68 Chem, 80 Quant, 68 Bio, 63 RC, Writing 3/3; Considering re-taking in August.

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: Interviews and shadowing, but no volunteering/work

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): Primary PharmCAS app already submitted, working on secondaries as they become available.

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: 2 professors, 1 employer

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: 13 years in finance

j. Self-perception of interview skills: great interview skills - charming, charismatic, good social skills

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality: Many iterations later, and it's really good
Not certain about the specific schools you are looking at, but in general, with no degree and a GPA of under 3.0 - you have next to no chance at getting into most 2-4 schools this cycle.

My advice to you would be to finish a bachelor's and work on getting your GPA up to at least a 3.0 - a degree, a slightly higher cumulative GPA and an upward trend in grades would help you a lot. I would not suggest re-taking classes just to get your GPA up - with only two years of school you have plenty of time to bring up your GPA without resorting to that. Keep in mind that nowadays a majority of people do not get into pharmacy school without a degree. I would also suggest getting at least some sort of extra-curricular or volunteer time. Go for quality not quantity, especially if you are working and going to school at the same time. Find something you like and do it - and try to make a difference with it.

That is pretty much what I expected to hear, considering my GPA and having finished only 2 years of undergrad. What are your (or anyone's) thoughts on if I wait until after this fall semester to use what is hopefully an improved GPA of 3.0+ and say I do fairly well on the pcat. Say at least in the 75th percentile range?

Thanks again.
I started college out of high school but failed out 4.5 years (medical problems/divorce). Started college up part-time a few years ago, went to full-time last semester after the third kid arrived - took 17 credits of math/science to show that I could handle a heavy load. So I am older than the traditional applicant.

It is pretty imperative that I get into the U of MN (of of the three kids is a stepdaughter that my husband shares custody of, plus I love the program). I'll go anywhere, though. I really want to get in this cycle.Do I really need to apply to all of these schools?

a. Schools you are applying to: U of MN, Belmont, UH - Hilo, Midwestern (both of them), Pacific U, Wingate, South, St. John Fisher

b. Overall GPA: 3.38

c. Math/Science GPA ~roughly the same as cumulative

d. GPA in last one or two school years: 4.0 since returning to school as an adult, I will have a degree before I start pharm school

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite): Composite 92, decent subscores

f. Pharmacy experience obtained: worked for 2 long-term care pharmacies as a tech and in intake for about 18 mo total, worked for a PBM for a year

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary): everything except LORs will be in by end of summer, I'll be able to contact LOR writers mid-Aug when school starts again.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs: one science prof, one nonscience prof, one supervisor (non-pharm job)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience: worked in a cafe part-time during the past few years while having kids, Girl Scout Leader, VP of an on-campus organization, also have a few activities from my first college experience ten years ago - officer in political science club, ranger team and Pershing Rifles (these are from Army ROTC)

j. Self-perception of interview skills: pretty good, I usually interview well

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality: I write well, it will be proofread by a few people
a. Schools you are applying to
- West Virginia University only. I know it seems silly to only apply to one school but I am so heavily involved with WVU and I have gone to great lengths to learn everything about this SOP and the application process. Applicants to WVU who get an interview also get an extra 2 points for taking undergrad courses here and for being a WV resident (both of which I am eligible for). The course requirements for WVU SOP don't really match any others around me and I don't have time in my schedule to take more classes so if I don't get accepted I can always get all those next year and try again at different schools.

b. Overall GPA
- 3.93

c. Math/Science GPA
- 4.00 (I have one B in a history class I took as a senior in high school and transferred, "LOL")

d. GPA in last one or two school years
- 4.00

e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
- Don't know yet. I first took the PCAT in June. I feel like I will need to take it again in August and/or October, though.

f. Pharmacy experience obtained
- Job shadowing of a retail pharmacist, clinical pharmacist in a hospital, and formulary pharmacist.

g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
-Sometime in the fall, not really sure. Whenever my LOR's come in and definitely after the October PCAT.

h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
- 4; Calculus professor, Biology professor, English professor, and Biology GA (graduate assistant)

i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
- I have never had a paying job :/ but I have volunteered at an animal shelter, homeless shelter, Ronald McDonald house, Women's & Infants Center, and have done church projects to fix up and paint old churches.

j. Self-perception of interview skills
- I am a VERY shy person but I am very confident in my stats and am very confident that pharmacy is the career I want to dedicate my life to. I will have to get over my nervousness and show them that. So I think my interview will go pretty well. I have a lot to talk about and a good GPA and hopefully good PCAT scores to back me up.

k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
- I love to write and am no where near finished with my personal statement but think that if I can get a good flow going and find a way to say everything I want, I will have a good quality statement.

THANKS to anyone who helps!!!
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That is pretty much what I expected to hear, considering my GPA and having finished only 2 years of undergrad. What are your (or anyone's) thoughts on if I wait until after this fall semester to use what is hopefully an improved GPA of 3.0+ and say I do fairly well on the pcat. Say at least in the 75th percentile range?

Thanks again.

At some schools the average PCAT score of accepted students is between 75 and 80. At others it is a bit lower but still usually in the 70 range even for those with "lower" admissions standards. Average GPA's tend to run between 3.3 and 3.6 for accepted students at most schools. A majority of accepted students have or will have a bachelor's degree by matriculation with the recent trend being an increase in the number of students with bachelor's degrees.

I would suggest that you finish your third year of college, take the PCAT that summer and apply for the term after you will finish your bachelor's. Applying can be a time (and money) consuming process. If your chances of getting accepted are slim, it's probably not worth it. Better to concentrate on school for another year and avoid the added stress and cost of applying now. Also waiting until after grades for fall semester come out you will miss the deadlines for many schools. Another year of school will probably improve how you do on the PCAT by quite a bit also.
Will earn BA in Chemistry in two quarters from UC.
a. Schools you are applying to:
University of Cincinnati, NEOUCOP, and maybe UK
b. Overall GPA
c. Math/Science GPA
~3.4 (not entirely sure on that but I know it is better than my overall)
d. GPA in last one or two school years
last year would be an upward trend for sure. About 3.4-3.5
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite)
VA 92
BIO 76
RC 96
QUANT 54 (left several blank because I didn't pay attention to the time)
Composite: 90
f. Pharmacy experience obtained
I started working in a Retail pharmacy about 2003. Worked retail for about 2.5 years. While working there, started working in a Hospital pharmacy around 2005. Stopped working both at the same time after a while, going with the better pay and work environment in the hospital. Have worked in the hospital pharmacy full-time (third shift 7 on and 7 off, 8pm-8am) for about 3.5 years, ~5.5 years total. Altogether around 7 years of experience. I am a certified technician.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
Around September.
Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
3 LORs. One from the Hospital Pharmacy Manager (Pharmacist) and one from Kroger pharmacy manager (Pharmacist). The last would be from a professor, probably inorganic synthesis professor.
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
I am really weak here. Working full-time with school leaves me literally no time for anything. Is this going to hurt me? I am thinking about getting some hours in at our Anti-coagulation Clinic. Thoughts?
j. Self-perception of interview skills
Very good, I have received every job I have ever interviewed for.
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
Not sure honestly. I have written several rough drafts but not really happy yet.

Lastly, my application suffers mightily from a parabolic GPA. I went the PSEO option full-time in HS. Graduated with almost 80 credit hours (quarters). Had a 3.89 GPA... straight As in first year chem and lab, took organic my senior year of High School, etc,etc... What kills me is that my grades plummeted for a while and primarily there are a ton of withdraws which I know reflects poorly on me. Over the last year I have really rectified this, but I am worried it isn't enough. I have Dean's listed the last two quarters and am about to take a summer Bio lab to replace the D I received years ago. So, WAMC?
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a. Schools you are applying to
Mercer, Lipscomb, Belmont, UofPitt, LECOM-B, LECOM-E, PCOM, Campbell [these dont require microbio, biochem, ap1,2]
b. Overall GPA - 3.385 [I have to take organic
c. Math/Science GPA - 2.9375 [its rising!] [C in College Algebra [dual enrolled didnt have rides...] and C in calc [never took trig, pre-calc, and played WoW :)]
d. GPA in last one or two school years - over 3.5 each semester last 2 years
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) - haven't taken it yet- already studying what i can though.
f. Pharmacy experience obtained- none yet. my unit director is floating me into the pharmacy department at the hospital i work at.
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary)
after i take orgo 1,2, physics1,2, stats. [should i take anatomy and physiology series and delay an extra semester??]
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs
2 professors, 1 hospital administrator, 1 supervisor, and soon pharmacist. [ill pick the ones i want ;)]
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience
1000+ Community Service Hours at my Church helping out in the community. [food giveaways, fundraisers, health fairs, etc..]
Worked for County Library System for 19 months distributing books, CDs, and other media to libraries and patrons.
Currently Work 30-35 hours/week as physical therapy tech [seems more like CNA work..] [total about 2000 hours so far.. ]
(EDIT) Research: Spreadsheet and Charts comparing Preop and Postop Joint function, pain, and stiffness for over 350 patients. Each patient survey was done 3-4 months after their surgery to show how much improvement or decline they had in each of the three categories.
Research: Gathered information for a Pain Pilot program. Went through patient charts on HCA's Meditech program and looked at/presented information on doses given, how often they were given, and the functional levels during a physical therapy treatment in relation to their pain control. Data for Ketorolac [Toradol], Hydromorphone [Dilaudid], and Acetaminophen [Tylenol].
j. Self-perception of interview skills - Pretty good
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality
I haven't done it yet but i've been told my writing is sick... plus i have good reasons why i want to be a pharmacist/why i should enter pharmacy school.

My low GPA is due to the fact that I have to work full time because I have to help my family.. My first semester I was working 50 hours and had school. Luckily the second year I found a job at the hospital with less hours but higher pay to compensate. Do you think the adcoms will understand my situation? It's going to be like this until I start Pharm School T__T
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a. Schools you are applying to..NOT SURE I WILL YET
b. Overall GPA...3.1
c. Math/Science GPA 2.57 :(
d. GPA in last one or two school years 3.1
e. Complete PCAT scores (or just composite) HAVEN'T GOT YET...TOOK IT IN JUNE
f. Pharmacy experience obtained 1 YEAR
g. Date of application submission (PharmCAS/primary and secondary) STILL DECIDING IF I SHOULD APPLY

Additionally, the following will help us gauge your chances but are more optional:
h. Number of LORs and source of LORs 3 FROM PHARMACISTS 1 FROM A PROFESSOR
i. Non-pharmacy work and/or volunteer experience 4 YEARS HOSPITAL (NOT PHARMACY RELATED)
j. Self-perception of interview skills DECENT....WORKING ON IT
k. Overall impression of personal statement quality DECENT...WORKING ON IT

