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Oct 20, 2020
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I could use some help deciding between these two schools! Any insight is appreciated! (I have not entirely decided what specialty (leaning primary), but my long-term goal for residency is to match around the New England area, as I am originally from Massachusetts)

Wayne State:
- relatively minimal mandatory classes
- more research opportunities
- many service opportunities

- not true P/F
- iffy administration, poor communication with students
- lost rotation positions at Henry Ford
- large class size (300)

Creighton Omaha:
- good atmosphere, supportive student body, students seemed happy on second look day
- great service opportunities
- nice city
- early clinical exposure

- less research is available
- very few home residency programs

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I’d go where more opportunities lay, gives you a better chance for compet residencies if you decide to do so. And I feel like Wayne provides better location (also closer to home).
I would go Creighton. While they do have less home residencies, they have very supportive faculty who really work hard to get their students what they need. Creighton also isn't true p/f (I believe they have internal ranking and a Honors grade as well), but I feel like environment can really impact how well you do. Also, Omaha > Detroit in terms of safety, and it's also a very pleasant city with a nice COL and a surprising amount of things to do.
I would go Creighton. While they do have less home residencies, they have very supportive faculty who really work hard to get their students what they need. Creighton also isn't true p/f (I believe they have internal ranking and a Honors grade as well), but I feel like environment can really impact how well you do. Also, Omaha > Detroit in terms of safety, and it's also a very pleasant city with a nice COL and a surprising amount of things to do.
Congratulations on the options of two great schools….I was accepted at both places as well!

I am choosing Wayne State. For me, the urban location is a plus. Midtown is great and it’s just a short distance from other areas undergoing a renaissance further downtown—around the Lions and Tigers stadiums, for example. I like that the school is in the heart of multiple hospital systems (DMC, Henry Ford, VA, etc.), research opportunities seem plentiful, established home residencies in every speciality, and it seems like the clinical opportunities are unmatched in connection with the population served in the area, I am out of state but have some family nearby which is a plus. An M3 student from my hometown showed me around and she was very positive about her experience. Match list seems very strong across a variety of competitive specialties the last two years. And they seem to have stabilized the administration making the interim dean—who seems to have the support of faculty and students—permanent.

Nothing against Creighton, loved the people and the sense of a supportive environment. Well-established, matches well, etc. Just very different place.

No wrong choice here!