What are my chances? Terrible history, getting better.

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7+ Year Member
Dec 12, 2013
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Hi everyone, just wanted your advice on this. I have a weird history, take a look.

My first two years I did absolutely horrible (2.1 GPA). My pre-reqs were done in those two years, and I did terrible in them, although, I have taken higher levels courses to compensate for my foolishness. However, I am finishing my 5th year, doing a double major in Biology and Science Psychology, and my overall GPA for the last three years is 3.77. My Mcat score was a 34.

Extra Curricular work includes the following:

Nursing Home volunteer (8 years)
Hospital Volunteer (Worked in Pediatrics Pre-admin clinic) (3 years)
Volunteer for troubled youth in my city (2 years)
Volunteered abroad to build houses for the underprivileged.
Volunteered abroad to educate elementary children.
Volunteered as a reading buddy for elementary children (3 years)
Organized fundraisers for children's education in third world countries (2 years)
Volunteered in a dermatology clinic (2 years)
Coached a soccer team (2 years)
Psychology Research (2 years)
Working at a Physician's clinic as receptionist (2 years)
My hobbies include: painting, soccer, hockey, guitar, piano, etc. I don't really think that matters.

Point is .. I really want this. I don't know if my first two years are going to ruin my chances. Any feedback??

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Whats your actual overall gpa for all 5 years?
How does your cGPA and sGPA look right now? Also, there IS a "What are my chances?" forums. You should post there next time. ;)
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I'm sorry! I've been on SDN for a while but just made an account.
My overall GPA for the full 5 years is a 3.33
With all that volunteering and such an awesome MCAT score,I say you definitely have a decent shot of getting into a good MD/DO school.