What are my chances?

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Apr 2, 2018
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Like you, I am an immigrant too. Your DAT scores are great but just be aware that some schools will make a problem of those scores below 17-18. Look 1 by 1 these schools and apply to others. I think there is a list somewhere about DAT scores. If you want to improve your chances retake the DAT. Your GPA is good to go.

I am also an immigrant. I'd say retake the DAT. Your score is below the national average of 20.4 and some schools have a cutoff at 17; so, take the damn thing again.

In terms of your GPA 3.45 , which isn't the best. But, I have seen many people get accepted with that score. So, that should not be an issue as long as you retake the DAT. otherwise, it'd be tough for you especially because bulk of the applicant who get accepted have 3.5 or above.
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