What is the WORST medical school?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 1, 2014
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So what is the absolute worst medical school out there at the moment?

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define worst?
There are many kinds of worst!

We could probably distinguish three major kinds:
A) Trains bad doctors
B) Has a toxic learning environment
C) Terrible value for money

Cali Northstate is likely to win the crown for C one of these days if it hasn't already. Not sure about the other two though.
Of US MD schools, my vote goes to California Northstate (perhaps the only for-profit US medical school).
Not defending CNU, couldn't care less about that school, but this whole notion of for profit and not for profit schools is bs. EVERY US med school has an incentive to make money. Academic institutions are still businesses, they have people running the school who desire to make money for themselves and the institution. Just because all these schools have academic, social justice, and humanitarian focuses doesn't mean that financial and profit incentives don't impact the decisions they make. If you think otherwise, you need to open your eyes. Behind the scenes the differences between CNU and any other med school in terms of business model, finance, and profit (not education quality) is much more similar than you think. I'd like to see your analysis on the differences and definitions of CNU's for profit business model versus other medical schools.
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Any where the interest is profit not in developing their medical education or producing physicians.

There some islands known as the Caribbean where you might find a school or two(or twenty) like this.
Hollywood Upstairs Medical College

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Huh, I'd say those that have yet to have a class take USMLE/COMLEX or send a class to clinicals, or those offering poor clinical education.

To my mind, it's not so much a question of "best" vs "worst" more so than one of risk. Newer schools offer more risk of being less able to prepare students for the boards and for residency through good 3rd and 4th year training.

And then some schools are just bad at what they do, despite being relatively established.
Everything I've read suggests LECOM-B to be a terrible school.
Prison guard like security guards, strict business formal dress wear including in anatomy lab (no scrubs!), no water in the lecture halls, mandatory lecture, unaccommodating admin.
Everything I've read suggests LECOM-B to be a terrible school.
Prison guard like security guards, strict business formal dress wear including in anatomy lab (no scrubs!), no water in the lecture halls, mandatory lecture, unaccommodating admin.
during anatomy lab?! I'd drop out
Did you click on the link? It's a legendary sdn thread that was started in 2001, so it should have no impact on your current Georgetown app.
Are these things people were mentioning, like obligatory thank you notes and LOIs, still necessary? Sounds ridiculous.
Not defending CNU, couldn't care less about that school, but this whole notion of for profit and not for profit schools is bs. EVERY US med school has an incentive to make money. Academic institutions are still businesses, they have people running the school who desire to make money for themselves and the institution. Just because all these schools have academic, social justice, and humanitarian focuses doesn't mean that financial and profit incentives don't impact the decisions they make. If you think otherwise, you need to open your eyes. Behind the scenes the differences between CNU and any other med school in terms of business model, finance, and profit (not education quality) is much more similar than you think. I'd like to see your analysis on the differences and definitions of CNU's for profit business model versus other medical schools.

Completely agree, "non profit" University Presidents have ridiculous bonuses and incentives tied to increased enrolment and fundraising goals etc. The average public college president earned just over $428,000 in 2014 before perks with the highest raking in about $1.5M. Assuming CNU is setup as a corporate entity, the owners probaly receive handsome 7 figure dividends, same goal as "non-profits", just more money.
Are these things people were mentioning, like obligatory thank you notes and LOIs, still necessary? Sounds ridiculous.
They are, and it is one of the many reasons you should drop Georgetown's secondary and save yourself some money
Tufts because their tuition is insane.
Tulane is higher, but half the col. As are CCOM and AZCOM (DO schools).

But if OP wants to know about crooked staff, it seems like Touro Harlem fits the bills (thread in osteo forum). Netter also had some weird administrative things. Their dean of admissions disappeared in the middle of the cycle and was taken off the website and replaced. Then apparently Netter was short some clinical rotation sites and decided to change the curriculum for students already in the program to make up for it (there was a thread on this in allo. They moved step to after 3rd yr against students' opposition).

For board scores, I dont know any one school that is particularly bad, but if you google search hard enough you can often find administrative reports that have accurate STEP 1 averages for the school.
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What is your honest opinion on BCOM?

Still too new for me to know anything conclusive. They do seem to be trying though.
As a New Mexican who has been casually watching BCOM and has a few friends in the inaugural class, I must say they really are putting in a solid effort. As far as that translating into success, we will have to wait and see. Having grown up witnessing and knowing the health care disparities in this region, I really do wish them the best, as it could be a blessing for us.

At least we don't have to worry about them being non-secular and teaching pseudoscience, like a certain school that I'm pretty sure I don't even have to name.
Everything I've read suggests LECOM-B to be a terrible school.
Prison guard like security guards, strict business formal dress wear including in anatomy lab (no scrubs!), no water in the lecture halls, mandatory lecture, unaccommodating admin.

Second LECOM-B.

They sent me an acceptance letter, I replied with a courteous decline email, and they sent me a rejection email.

Also their whole campus is covered in terrifying old pictures of clowns. Like "saw-esque" clowns