What should I do for post-bacc?

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So I have been contemplating on what I need to do after graduating. I am needing to improve my chances for getting into medical school and I have three options. 1. Attend Duquesne's formal post baccalaureate pre-med program for 60,000 dollars a year (it was the only one I could find that didn't need an MCAT), pursue an online masters in pharmacogenomics, or complete another bachelors in Biology w/ minor in chemistry at the school I just graduated to take advanced biology and chemistry classes, sort of like a DIY post baccaleaureate. I graduated with a BS in Health Education with a 3.525 cGPA and a 3.3 sGPA and have not taken the MCAT yet, I was planning on taking it next march. I have 3,000+ clinical hours for working as a inpatient patient care technician, 450 volunteer hours, and around 125 hours of shadowing 12 different specialties. What would be the best option? I am needing to make this decision very soon and kind of freaking out.

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No point thinking about an SMP or DIY Post bacc before taking the MCAT, esp if you have met all the pre-med requirements.
Study for this exam like a fulltime job, take it when you're ready. With a good score, 500+, you should be fine for a DO school.
Your GPA is fine for most DO schools. Get a 502+ MCAT and you'll get into some DO school.

Do not take MCAT lightly, it is the key to you getting int or not - study for months and months and never take until you hitting practice scores of 504+
No point thinking about an SMP or DIY Post bacc before taking the MCAT, esp if you have met all the pre-med requirements.
Study for this exam like a fulltime job, take it when you're ready. With a good score, 500+, you should be fine for a DO school.
Thank you! I’m also applying to MD schools and the reason I was think of doing post bacc anything was to increase science GPA to be at least competitive for them. I have only taken the pre reqs, no advanced biology/chemistry classes and was wanting to do this to become more competitive in the allopathic schools.