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5+ Year Member
Feb 11, 2018
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I am unclear on what you are saying in regards to your GPA right now. What is it? Have you completed pre-reqs? How long do you need to get it up to the 3.3-3.4?
I am unclear on what you are saying in regards to your GPA right now. What is it? Have you completed pre-reqs? How long do you need to get it up to the 3.3-3.4?
I just updated my post. Thanks.
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If you’ve only taken 37 credits so far, you can definitely turn your situation around. Since the average bachelors is about 120 credits, you could DEFINITELY get up to a 3.3 in that time and probably, if possible, stay an extra year before applying for graduation, taking more classes to increase your GPA.
If you’ve only taken 37 credits so far, you can definitely turn your situation around. Since the average bachelors is about 120 credits, you could DEFINITELY get up to a 3.3 in that time and probably, if possible, stay an extra year before applying for graduation, taking more classes to increase your GPA.

I'm likely to pursue a degree in finance or accounting due to my father. Hopefully that will put me in a better position for a post bacc with just pre reqs. That might be 2 years or a year.