non trad

  1. H

    Realistic med school pathway (SWE -> premed)

    Hi folks! I'm looking for some feedback on where I stand in terms of med school applications and realistically what would be a good plan to prepare to apply to med school. I'm 5 years out of undergrad, and have been working as a software engineer for that time. Stats at a glance: Undergrad: Ivy...
  2. N

    Please give it to me straight - what are my chances? Nontrad

    Hi everyone. I’m hoping the experts here can “give it to me straight”. Dont spare my feelings. I am close to turning 36 years old and desperately want to go to medical school. The problem? Well… The bad: 18-25 years old: Went on and off to a Community College where I earned a 2.77 GPA. This...
  3. battie

    VMCAS Questions and Rants c/o 2028

    The cycle has opened for the class of 2028 and below is the obligatory unsolicited advice post that is necessary every year. These points are based on the most common questions that seem to roll around every year. 1. Consider yourself rejected until you receive an acceptance. As such, do not...
  4. N

    Non Trad - Next Steps and Being Efficient

    Hello SDNers, I am making the shift from finance to medicine. I graduated with a 2.95 cGPA, little to no science classes taken, and 132 credits earned. I performed poorly in my freshman year, but was on the Executive Dean's List by the time I graduated. I wanted to do a formal post-bacc but...
  5. S

    MD/DO WAMC ORM non-trad 3.39 cGPA 3.12 sGPA, 3.72 SMP GPA, MCAT 510 (unbalanced)

    Hey everyone this is my first post so forgive me if I commit any SDN sins! I'd like help determining which schools to add or remove given my stats. State of Residence: TN Undergraduate: Wake Forest SMP Graduate: Loyola with guaranteed interview MCAT was a tragic drop from a 517 FL avg. to a...
  6. U

    A science reporter considers medical school

    Hello all! I used to be active on this forum back when I was (much) younger and actively pursuing medical school. Some years and life changes later, I'm a science/health reporter but have firmly decided to resume my medical school pursuit. I'm going to use bullet points to make my whole...
  7. L

    Finish my MA in education?

    Hi all, I'm really bad at making decisions so I figured I would ask for some advice. I'm about to begin my student teaching year for my master's degree in Elementary Inclusive Education through Teachers College Columbia University. I have recently started to think more about whether or not...
  8. D

    3.4/519/non-trad with upward trend. Med School List Help, Please!

    Hello I am applying to medical school soon and I am looking for advice on where to apply for reaches, attainable schools, and safe schools. White male, 28 years old Undergrad and Post-Bacc at Ohio State Undergrad 3.0 cGPA (Political Science, Pre-Law track) DIY Post-Bacc 3.9 sGPA 3.4 cGPA (3.0...
  9. G

    How do I spin my "voluntourism"?

    Long story short, I did 2.5 years at a university thinking I wanted to go to medical school but due to a lack of study skills, motivation, depression, etc. I did not have the highest GPA. Realizing that I really needed to reevaluate my priorities I took a semester (which turned into 2 years) off...
  10. Future Dr. Juice

    Chances of getting into postbacc?

    Hi everyone, I am new to SDN and I am looking for help in regards to my chances of getting into a career changer post-bacc program. I have one semester left in undergrad and I will be graduating this December, 2020. I am a psychology major at an HBCU with a current cumulative GPA of a 3.43, I...
  11. L

    Graduated 5 years ago and deciding to retake courses. Need help!

    Hi All, I currently work full-time and am trying to take a couple courses before applying to medical school. I graduated from undergrad in 2015z Prior to graduating, I received As and Bs in all of my bio and chemistry courses. Physics was the only course I received a C in. Though I took...
  12. N

    Post-Bacc Courseload?

    I plan to take a DIY post-bacc and I am only missing the prerequisites for medical school. I am wondering what my course load should be? I am planning to take biology, general chem, physics, organic chem, and english. Obviously, general chem is a prequisite for organic chem so I cannot take...
  13. SprinkleSerotonin

    HELP with explaining and remedying a low GPA from EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES

    Hey guys, so I'm in a pickle in terms of how exactly to go about writing my personal statement to help ADCOMs understand the truly uniquely horrible experience I had in college that severely impaired my GPA. I'll try and keep this short with just enough details to paint yall a picture of my...
  14. M

    Advice on timeline and feasibility

    Hi everyone, I would like some advice/opinion on my plan for doing a post bacc. A little background info: I am a 22 year old female working full time as software engineer for a little over a year. I have a BS in Computer Science with a cGPA of 3.67 and sGPA of 3.17. My GPA trend (in order...
  15. P

    Questions for the older folks!

    Hey there, Non-trad incoming SPT here with 5 logistical questions mostly for the older folks on this board, but I welcome anyone to chime in. I'll list the questions below with some context, but I don't want to bore you with minutia. I'm 28 and will be packing up my house to attend UTEP, where...
  16. A


  17. D

    Am I giving myself enough time to study for the MCAT? (non-trad Q)

    Hey all Hoping for some advice from seasoned vets around here, especially those who are/were non-trad applicants or can give good advice for folks who are. I'm trying to decide when to take the MCAT and, concomitantly, how to formulate a study plan. A little about me, objective facts/stats...
  18. W

    Canadian Degree but US Citizen

  19. N

    Non Traditional Pre-dental engineer looking for friendly advice!

    Hey guys! Would love to hear some feedback on what y'all think about my timeline. A little background- I graduated in 2015 with a BS in petroleum Engineering and worked for 2 years in oil and gas. Quit my job in the summer of 2017- had no idea what I wanted to do with my life when I quit, but I...
  20. Suess

    Path to Medical School

    Hello all! I am looking for some feedback on my plan to get into medical school. All comments welcomed and appreciated. Background: I graduated May 2017 with two non-science majors, cGPA=3.49. My senior year I realized that I wanted to pursue medicine, but it was too late to take any prereqs...
  21. KiddCo

    What Holes to Fix before Applying?

    I graduated back in 2013 with a double major in Biology and Neuroscience. BCPM: 3.50 Cumulative: 3.65 I decided I wanted to take a few years off before going into medical school. I wanted to try working in a lab and experiencing the work force as a non doctor. I ended up working in a large...
  22. petomed

    What MCAT do I need?

    29 yr old nontrad here. It's been a ride so far but I managed a 4.0 since deciding on the switch into medicine. I'm taking my time before sitting for the MCAT and am enjoying the review process. I'm curious for comment on what minimum MCAT adcoms would need to see to corroborate my turnaround...
  23. queenki

    [info] expiration date for old pre requisite classes for non traditional

    Hi all, I just wanted to contribute my 2 cents here. I am a non traditional. When I first started looking up infos here, there were not much information about how old the pre requisites can be. Some, or most people, say no more than 3-5 years old, which means, you either have to apply right out...
  24. M

    Any NC Non-Trads?

    Hello all, Are there any non-trads here in NC? How were you able to balance full-time work and complete pre-med requirements? I work as a clinical research coordinator by day (can be anywhere between 7am-5pm M-F). I only have time to take courses in the evening, but that seems almost impossible...
  25. W

    Elementary Education BS - 3.97 GPA

    Hello! Let me give you my back story. I started at a community college. I graduated with my AA degree in Elementary Education and transferred to the University of Central Florida where I graduated Summa Cum Laude with my BS in Elementary Education. My cumulative GPA was a 3.97. I'll be working...
  26. C

    Grad entry to UK MBBS

  27. theITcrowd

    Courses "labelled" as English

    Hi all, When fulfilling English requirements for med school, how important is it that courses be "officially labelled" as English courses? Many of my classes in undergrad were writing intensive and in the humanities, including religion, history, and poli sci, and my undergrad also required us...
  28. DeadlyWarbler

    School list help: sGPA: 3.18, gradGPA: 3.77, MCAT:509, non-trad CA Resident

    Hey everyone! I would love to get feedback on my school list. I am a re-applicant for this year's cycle. I really want to optimize my school list based on my background. Thanks for your help! I am an older non-traditional student. Was not a particularly good undergrad (hence the low GPA), but...
  29. goldchallenge


  30. K

    Which option would be better??

    Hi all, Sorry if this is too long... I am an 8 year Army veteran. sGPA/cGPA ~3.0. My GPA in the specific prereqs is 3.87. All done while on active duty. I have a lot of undergrad credit hours so it is pretty much impossible for me to significantly raise my overall GPA. I applied to a few...
  31. saira.123

    Where to park my money for Med School (if I get in)?

    Seeking advice on options. I know I want to go to med school, but don't know if it will actually happen. I'm 34 and already have a career with more than half saved for tuition and other expenses Just wondering resources and/or specific ideas on where to park my money till then, if it can grow...
  32. A

    sGPA 3.8 MCAT 511 NC resident Peace Corps Volunteer

    Hey guys, So I am currently finishing my first year as a PCV and I'm debating on applying this cycle or not. I dont have a ton of freedom when it comes to travel to do interviews. I am more focused on NC schools (UNC/ECU Brody/Wake) but wondering what my chances are in general of getting...
  33. sadgeboi

    Looking for Advice From Non-Trads (Working Full Time and Weak Content Background)

    Hello everyone! So I will actually be an MCAT retaker. I tested this past March, but did very very poorly and want to start from scratch as I am weak in essentially every subject. My mistake was taking the test with a lot of content gaps in addition to being burnt out from other obligations...
  34. X

    What should I do?

  35. StackOfTurtles

    How to improve my non-trad chances in 5 hrs a week?

    I'm 30, and in my fifth year of a PhD program in the humanities. I'm writing my dissertation, and I *should* be done in June 2019. Meanwhile, I'm taking my MCAT June 1 and will apply to med schools this summer -- my state school is my #1 choice, but I have a short list of 5 other institutions to...
  36. Z

    Non-Traditional Student Advice - Prerequisites ...What are my chances?

    Hi everyone! 26 year old nontraditional student here. Graduated from a 4 year university back in 2013 with a double major in Economics and International Business. After graduating I played professional soccer for a couple years. Unfortunately that got cut short due to injuries. I now own my own...
  37. Postdoc2MD

    Advice on when to tell my PI about medical school

    Hello everyone, I am currently a postdoctoral fellow (PhD in a neuroscience-related field) and have decided to apply to medical school this cycle. I need to tell my PI about my decision at some point since a letter of recommendation from him would greatly help my application (and probably...
  38. A

    Accepted to BSN program but dreaming of Med School... HELP

    Hey everyone... New to this whole thing and would love some feedback. Some background... -Planned to go Pre-Med in high school but chickened out at last minute -Graduated in '13 with a Bachelors in Spanish instead (3.5 GPA) -Traveled around a lot, have struggled to get a good job since...
  39. R

    Career-change (CPA to MD): Post-Bacc Advice

    Hi All, I know there are many threads on this very topic but I wanted to try and gain some insight as it applies to my particular situation (although not entirely unique). I am a 26-year-old accountant that graduated with a Bachelors and Masters in Accounting concurrently in 2015, as well as...
  40. G

    Lower GPA Non-Trad...MD or PA?

    Hey everyone. Does a non-trad with a sub-3.0 GPA have a better chance at MD or PA school? I know my chances are low at both, and I know MD schools are generally more competitive. However, I have noticed most PA schools have a hard cut-off GPA of 3.0, but MD schools do not. I have had...