What was the strangest interview question you got?

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Oct 20, 2016
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Just curious. What did the interviewer ask you that was completely random and caught you off guard? Did you end up getting accepted to that institution?!

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One of my interviewers only asked questions about a major scandal that happened at my undergrad. I would've understood one or two questions, I guess, but it was the only thing he asked me about. For 45 minutes. I wasn't even a student during said scandal...

I left somewhat in shock.

I should find out before the holidays how this one turns out...

Edit: Also had someone who wanted to know if I thought there was more to who we are than our brains. It led to an interesting but stressful conversation when he vehemently disagreed with my answer.
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"If you had as much money as you wanted for exactly one day, how would you spend your day?" and more like this.

After talking with a few fellow interviewees, we came to the conclusion that this interviewer just really liked asking theoretical questions. Definitely stressed most of us out though when he would deduce our train of thoughts and create counter-arguments.

Will update in March.
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PH.D. emeritus asked, "What is ED?"

*I wrote about my extensive emergency department volunteering in my PS. Had to explain to him I used the abbreviation because of character count. He was not impressed.

**This school said it matched my interviewers to my app. Yet with little or no research experience, but mucho clinical experience, both my interviewers were PH.Ds. Go figure??

Acceptance: Not promising

EDIT: Rejected. LOL. No hard feelings...
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I had an interviewer speak to me in a language I had listed on my AMCAS application. I do indeed speak the language, but I was still caught off guard by it. He also asked me if I could identify where he was from based on his accent in that language. We spent ~1/4 of the interview speaking in that language.

That same interviewer also asked me what 3 inventions/discoveries from the past 100 years have most impacted the field of medicine. I was super taken off guard by this question and, though I came up with a few answers on the spot, I definitely felt like it was obvious that I was BSing my way through it and I left the interview feeling pretty embarrassed about my absolute lack of medical history knowledge. Either it wasn’t that obvious or it was forgivable, though, because I was accepted a few days ago!
Just curious. What did the interviewer ask you that was completely random and caught you off guard? Did you end up getting accepted to that institution?!
I've gotten some of my best interview questions from the Interview Feedback sections of SDN. There are some definite oddballs in there. No, I'm not sharing.
Now I feel gratified for obsessively reading those questions before interviews. 😛
One thing I gleamed from them is that the Top Schools seem to ask the rote questions, and also obsess about minor flaws in your transcripts, like "So why did you get a C in Physics?".
The DO schools and MD schools in the Drexel/Albany class seemed to ask the more interesting questions. Go figure.
I was asked why I didn’t want to pursue my parents’ profession and how did they know I wouldn’t change directions to pursue my parents’ profession. I was caught off guard because I have never been interested in my parents’ profession, and thus all of my experiences, activities, and writings have never even hinted at their profession.
One thing I gleamed from them is that the Top Schools seem to ask the rote questions, and also obsess about minor flaws in your transcripts, like "So why did you get a C in Physics?".
The DO schools and MD schools in the Drexel/Albany class seemed to ask the more interesting questions. Go figure.
Agreed. I've definitely found myself reading interview questions for schools I didn't even apply to...

A "Top School" interviewer asked me, in total seriousness, about the single A- in my transcript. It took all my self-control not to answer with an eye-roll of epic proportions. 🙄
I've gotten some of my best interview questions from the Interview Feedback sections of SDN. There are some definite oddballs in there. No, I'm not sharing.

Lol it wasn't a question for the adcoms. I was wondering if there were some really weird questions that interviewees got. Obviously it wouldn't be fair for you, an Adcom, to tell me what questions you've asked/ask. It was for laughs because I was wondering how people responded in awkward situations.
Agreed. I've definitely found myself reading interview questions for schools I didn't even apply to...

A "Top School" interviewer asked me, in total seriousness, about the single A- in my transcript. It took all my self-control not to answer with an eye-roll of epic proportions. 🙄

If that's the worst grade on your transcript, I'd totally ask that question to pull your leg ^^
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If that's the worst grade on your transcript, I'd totally ask that question to pull your leg ^^
If that's the worst grade on your transcript, I'd totally ask that question to pull your leg ^^

Same. I'd also be a total fool and be like "so how did you overcome that setback? What did you learn from it?" Just to test his/her tolerance hehe
I had an interviewer speak to me in a language I had listed on my AMCAS application. I do indeed speak the language, but I was still caught off guard by it. He also asked me if I could identify where he was from based on his accent in that language. We spent ~1/4 of the interview speaking in that language.

That same interviewer also asked me what 3 inventions/discoveries from the past 100 years have most impacted the field of medicine. I was super taken off guard by this question and, though I came up with a few answers on the spot, I definitely felt like it was obvious that I was BSing my way through it and I left the interview feeling pretty embarrassed about my absolute lack of medical history knowledge. Either it wasn’t that obvious or it was forgivable, though, because I was accepted a few days ago!

Congrats!! And hey, that's a weird question but I guess he wanted to see how you think on your feet.
PH.D. emeritus asked, "What is ED?"

*I wrote about my extensive emergency department volunteering in my PS. Had to explain to him I used the abbreviation because of character count. He was not impressed.

**This school said it matched my interviewers to my app. Yet with little or no research experience, but mucho clinical experience, both my interviewers were PH.Ds. Go figure??

Acceptance: Not promising

I <3 research. It definitely helps imo. Advance that science younglings!
Was asked how I paid for my masters and undergrad (mostly loans) and then how I was planning on paying for med school (more loans). Then asked if I was worried about having so much debt and if I had been talking to financial aid at my other interviews. Not a hard question to answer but to this day I still don’t understand the motive behind that question.
Was asked how I paid for my masters and undergrad (mostly loans) and then how I was planning on paying for med school (more loans). Then asked if I was worried about having so much debt and if I had been talking to financial aid at my other interviews. Not a hard question to answer but to this day I still don’t understand the motive behind that question.

Probably just wanted to see if you understood the debt load and had thought about that prior to applying.
Probably just wanted to see if you understood the debt load and had thought about that prior to applying.

True. Maybe you were OOS and the debt was going to be massively high? They wanted you to know that you'd be in even more debt and wouldn't freak.
One of my interviewers spent literally half of the interview asking me to explain how the MCAT worked. This was an MD/PhD interview and he was a PhD faculty member who was theoretically meant to assess my research strengths, but he was instead really interested in how my MCAT score stacked up against the national average and how it was calculated. I of course walked him through it, and then he started Googling my other interviewers from the same school. He spent the last 10 minutes talking about his research.

Needless to say, it was an odd experience.

Edit: Will hear back later this year
One of my interviewers spent literally half of the interview asking me to explain how the MCAT worked. This was an MD/PhD interview and he was a PhD faculty member who was theoretically meant to assess my research strengths, but he was instead really interested in how my MCAT score stacked up against the national average and how it was calculated. I of course walked him through it, and then he started Googling my other interviewers from the same school. He spent the last 10 minutes talking about his research.

Needless to say, it was an odd experience.

Edit: Will hear back later this year

I'm sure you were accepted. Sure it was weird but you still answered effectively. Your MCAT must've been great, huh?
Lol it's the only reason I exist in this cycle cause my GPA sure as heck isn't getting me anywhere 😛

I’m there with you (less than 3.5...). Why did we choose engineering again?

One of my interviewers asked about the most important medical technology discovered/invented. The doctor I shadowed had just done a talk on medical technology that summer and gave me the shortened overview. Yet I blanked. I eventually went with hand washing and sanitation - it has probably saved more lives than anything else. Followed closely by surgical gloves...

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Agreed. I've definitely found myself reading interview questions for schools I didn't even apply to...

A "Top School" interviewer asked me, in total seriousness, about the single A- in my transcript. It took all my self-control not to answer with an eye-roll of epic proportions. 🙄

I came here to see if anyone thought that one (or more than one) of my questions was weird.

I would ask someone who had only one grade below A about that grade. Mostly to gauge the candidate's perfectionist tendencies.
LizzyM, meet twentyeightmiles. Twentyeightmiles, meet LizzyM.
Probably just wanted to see if you understood the debt load and had thought about that prior to applying.
Gotcha. Well I suppose that makes sense. I guess having 2 years of working and paying off those loans already makes that answer very obvious in my mind “duh it’s scary. yes I’m worried.” - so I was confused by the question.

Btw it wasn’t an OOS school but an expensive private.
How many e-mails do you have in your inbox? Threw me for a loop and lost my composure somewhat. Also had an interview where one pf the interviewers, who did not ask me any questions in the end (!), was just sat to my side slightly on the edge of my field of visions. It really kept me on the edge throughout the interview and tested my concentration levels!
I’m there with you (less than 3.5...). Why did we choose engineering again?

One of my interviewers asked about the most important medical technology discovered/invented. The doctor I shadowed had just done a talk on medical technology that summer and gave me the shortened overview. Yet I blanked. I eventually went with hand washing and sanitation - it has probably saved more lives than anything else. Followed closely by surgical gloves...

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile

Damn. You engineering majors always have low GPAs but always crush the MCAT... And 3.5 ain't that bad.
I came here to see if anyone thought that one (or more than one) of my questions was weird.

I would ask someone who had only one grade below A about that grade. Mostly to gauge the candidate's perfectionist tendencies.
LizzyM, meet twentyeightmiles. Twentyeightmiles, meet LizzyM.

Now I'm paranoid that I had the famed LizzyM as my interviewer. 😛
Was asked how I paid for my masters and undergrad (mostly loans) and then how I was planning on paying for med school (more loans). Then asked if I was worried about having so much debt and if I had been talking to financial aid at my other interviews. Not a hard question to answer but to this day I still don’t understand the motive behind that question.
I was also asked how I planned on paying for medical school. Easy to answer, sure, but definitely did not understand the purpose of the question.
One of my interviewers spent literally half of the interview asking me to explain how the MCAT worked. This was an MD/PhD interview and he was a PhD faculty member who was theoretically meant to assess my research strengths, but he was instead really interested in how my MCAT score stacked up against the national average and how it was calculated. I of course walked him through it, and then he started Googling my other interviewers from the same school. He spent the last 10 minutes talking about his research.

Needless to say, it was an odd experience.

Edit: Will hear back later this year

Somewhere in Ohio? Might I say it was a Long question?

Because I had something similar happen to me for an MSTP interview.