Who Else Feels Great

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Feeling great about my interview invite at my first choice school!

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Thanks guys I appreciate it. By the way, if you want to read something that will entertain you, read last year's Mayo application thread. I typically can't stand those threads, but that one is hysterical. The kids started writing each other haikus to blow of some steam.
Just got a volunteer position in immunology. 11 months until application time and so much to do. Feeling overwhelmed but feeling great!
Feel Awesome!!! Summer Session ( 8 weeks of Gen Chem I and Physics II...both with labs ) just ended.

Enough said.
survived 8 weeks of surgery - divided into 4 weeks of ortho and 4 weeks of general :thumb up:

and i just got mistaken for 27 today - talk about taking a few years off my age :cool:
I got my apps in "late" this year (just submitted 7/30 because I wasn't sure how the MCAT would go, was out of town, and there were some technical difficulties with AMCAS that had to be resolved). But I'm feeling great!

My GPA with postbac UG classes is about 3.67 (albeit comm college).
My GPA in my MS program is 3.98
My MCAT was 34 even though I only had 10 days to study and no fancy materials and gen chem was 6 years ago.
I've had FANTASTIC experiences. I don't even care if my schools don't like them -- I've gotten to do everything I've wanted to do, lived a whole freakin career from the bottom rung to the almost top, and I've worked in all the areas of medicine I've ever been interested in.
I love my volunteer stuff doing first aid.

All in all I'm proud of myself and feeling pretty confident. Even if it's too late to make it in this year, I at least don't have to redo my MCAT next year and I will be even more qualified and more financially secure next year. When I think of myself as a somewhat confused undergrad trying to find the future (I actually ignored medicine then because I was intimidated), I realize that the time in between has given me clarity and confidence to do a great job once I get in.

So glad to be almost done!
Found out I got an A in my a&p class (see d**k move thread) along with what the prof has indicated will be a very strong letter. This brings my streak of >100 final averages to three quarters- organics 2&3 plus a&p 3. Granted I'm taking them one at a time while working and the streak will be destroyed in the fall with biochemistry, but I still feel great!
After sweating bullets for a week of no-reply from a genchem professor I asked to write me an LoR (I had to e-mail b/c I no longer live near the school attended), I followed up and she replied in 2 hours that she would be more than happy to write me a strong letter! WOOOT my gut feels better. She just hadn't gotten back to me due to vacation/inbox craziness. I was soooo worried it was a cold-shoulder rejection. She said she remembered me well (I was in her class as a sophomore and was a good/interactive student 5 years ago, and visited with her a couple of times as a senior) and, of course she would be happy to write the letter.

Sorry for the rant, but I was very worried about this and it has worked out, so I am feeling great!!!
Vacation starts in 31 hours! One of the girls I work with switched shifts with me so that I can take "vacation" early. Hubby's vacation starts saturday, so we have 11 days off together WITHOUT LOSING PAY! :D Yes!!! Camping, sons bday party, dinner out alone for our anniversary. :love: It's gonna be a good week!
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My vacation starts now. Lol, I'll be leaving in about half an hour to make a two state trek to go home and visit my family. Not looking forward to the drive, but looking forward to having 8 whole days with my family just chilling.
No I'm not feeling good. Nervous about getting volunteer and shadow hours in within the next year and hoping the admissions doesn't see it as " too bundled up" as was seen in another thread.
survived 8 weeks of surgery - divided into 4 weeks of ortho and 4 weeks of general :thumb up:

and i just got mistaken for 27 today - talk about taking a few years off my age :cool:

:D Don't you just love it!
:D Don't you just love it!

i did love it, however i blame the resident in question lack of sleep since if i was 27 i would have had my oldest when i was about 14 :eek:

it did, however, provide me the motivation to keep my hair short ;)
Feeling awesome. This year I started and finished the bio series, finished the chem series I started back in 2002 (!) and have managed to get all 4.0s despite continuing to work full time and keeping up my extracurriculars. It has been so tough, but I feel great now!
Feeling awesome. This year I started and finished the bio series, finished the chem series I started back in 2002 (!) and have managed to get all 4.0s despite continuing to work full time and keeping up my extracurriculars. It has been so tough, but I feel great now!

Wow, good for you! You work full time? That's impressive. :) Keep up the great work.
This is a great thread. I try to avoid internet forums because they are usually very negative and leave me feeling insecure.

I am also feeling great about my life in general and my decision to leave the military to return to college as a 30 y/o. I have felt that I am fighting a stigma about my decision to leave a job and become a student at my age. :nono:

I enjoy reading the success stories from you all and the positive attitudes are wonderful. I just finished my AA degree and still have 29 months GI Bill to support me through the rest of my BS degree. :xf:
today was the first day of med school for us! WOOHOO! :love:
At the low end of life right now. Got really nothing going for me, and plenty going against me. But it's the challenge of climbing out of that which makes life really worthwhile I suppose. Oh well, im happy for everyone who is happy. Hopefully one fine day I can make a post about how great life is too.
At the low end of life right now. Got really nothing going for me, and plenty going against me. But it's the challenge of climbing out of that which makes life really worthwhile I suppose. Oh well, im happy for everyone who is happy. Hopefully one fine day I can make a post about how great life is too.
I hope things start looking up soon. Though its tough, it sounds like you have a good perspective on things. I was working through a really low point not too long ago. The stress of work, physics 1 and 2 in 6 weeks each, and major illness in the family just left me completely physically and emotionally spent.

However, now I can happily report that my classes are over (managed 4 A's! very happy, and yes, proud), I have a vacation from work coming up, and my sick family member is starting to do better. I'm feeling much, much better than just a few weeks ago. On a larger scale, over the past few years I've finally found confidence in myself to really tackle this application process and med school itself. I resisted for far too long, but it's better late than never!
Had a FANTASTIC vacation!! So thrilled to have had time off. Now testing for a state job and hoping to enroll in classes. :)
I'm about 10 weeks into my second year of med school and I just wanted to share how deliriously happy I am and so thankful that I decided to go through with this insane dream.

Five years ago, I was being told I probably wouldn't graduate high school. I look back at what I've gone through (and what I've put my family through) since then and I'm incredibly thankful for every minute.

I just wanted to share this for anyone struggling to get through classes, applications, whatever. It is so worth it.
Feel good had great workout and physics session.
Every once in a while I'm reminded that I was accepted to DO school last week and I get very excited. Feels good, though I hate my job and I can't wait to be able to quit.
Every once in a while I'm reminded that I was accepted to DO school last week and I get very excited. Feels good, though I hate my job and I can't wait to be able to quit.

I hope to be in your position in two years. I think I will go on a cruise if I get an acceptance. It would be a pretty big deal in my family, so I think I would have to celebrate it with them. It's a nice feeling to know that the future has a lot of promise and better things are yet to come.
I feel amazing. Just finished my first year of almost full-time research at a top lab. I've gotten an A/A- in every pre-req and elective I've taken since returning to school. I was offered and accepted a job as a TA for my post-bacc program's physics class.

The light is getting closer. Two more semesters of coursework + MCAT and then hopefully applying next cycle.
Got to see Endeavour fly by my work today. Very very cool.
Had my mid year performance review with my boss today. He asked me what I envisioned myself doing in five years.

I was honest. He was surprisingly supportive and thought I'd be good at it, that he thought it was a good fit. After keeping the secret for almost 18 months it is so liberating to have it out in the open.
Finished the first exam of the archetypal class of med school (Gross anatomy) after massive amount of studying. I never knew I had to put in this much work but I'm learning to survive.
I'd say this past week was one of the most crazy busy screwed up weeks academically speaking... but it turned out pretty cool too. I was pretty dejected but finished off the week getting to be a patient in an airport disaster exercise/hospital mass casualty drill, complete with a flaming SIM plane, tons of hot guys in various uniforms (including US marshalls because there were "inmates" on the plane), and cool injury props (bones sticking out stuff, etc) I got immediately triaged to the hospital due to my fake injuries, where the surgeon decided I needed to be fake intubated, belly tapped, and rushed to the OR for an exlap and massive blood transfusion. I really got wheeled into an OR and got to see how they did the handoff and stuff. The trauma surgeon was great. It was cool to see my hospital's mass casualty protocol from the other side. Now I'm on a mailing list for any other drills or exercises that come up.

I also got accepted to a volunteer position I was really hoping to get where they had way more applicants than positions. So a pretty good end to a week that started with several 24 hr awake stretches.
Just got home from the last exam in my first med school course. All of my exam averages, including this one, were higher than the guaranteed pass rate, so I am done with Histology and Embryology. After next Friday, I will be done with Anatomy as well, and the first block of M1 will be done.
Feelin great! I'm 2 for 2 (interviews and acceptances) and just waiting to hear back on the 3rd interview. Cancelled 4th interview upon acceptance to 2nd school. Happy have a healthy 8 week old girl. Just registered for my LAST semester of undergrad! Also can't wait to quit my job come spring time and take the summer off before med school. I'm more than tired of working full time with school full time (and all the other EC garbage we have to do). Also it's Friday and I'm making french toast for my wife in the morning! I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Just got home from the last exam in my first med school course. All of my exam averages, including this one, were higher than the guaranteed pass rate, so I am done with Histology and Embryology. After next Friday, I will be done with Anatomy as well, and the first block of M1 will be done.

Congrats and good luck!
Just got back my ochem 1 exam and I got a 95!!! The class average was a 54. I'm so high right now!
Just submitted my app to a pretty sweet research/shadowing/direct patient interaction/should meet-my-grad-programs-requirement-for-a-field-experience gig. Wish me luck, gonna need it.

Also, just relieved this semester is going to be over and next semester should be much lighter and saner, allowing me to get my house ready to list for sale and/or study for the MCAT depending on how quickly I recover from this semester's craziness.

Got my vacation approved at work so even if I can't see my family for Christmas, I'll still get to go home for awhile in Jan. and not have to wait til summer.
I feel awesome because I know I will be ending my semester with a 4.0.
Feel like I need to balance out my recent grumbling so...


meaning I get to sleep in as long as my little heart desires, or at least until the little furball decides he's ready to eat. the highlight of my week.
During M4 you hear things like this:

1) Oh wow, you're actually showing up everyday. Aren't you a 4th year?
2) [at 5:30pm when I'm supposed to be on-call until 10pm]: Go home
3) Yes, your 2 night stay at the Hilton comes compliments of our department
4) Come & go as you like.
5) Well don't you look well-rested!

I have the entire month of December off. Then 1 month of Radiation Vacation. Living the dream that is known as M4.

Also nobody at the clinic gets paid, which I like as it keeps the mission 'pure'.

I'm also a non-trad. I love this post; determination is everything. Also this ^^ really struck me during my volunteering. I work part-time in a hospital and then volunteer at a free clinic where everything is based on donations and nobody gets paid... it really does make a difference; I love working there because it is 100% giving for the sake of helping others.
A+ in Calculus and A+ in Organic Chem!!!! I feel like a million (really exhausted) bucks!
Just found out I blew away my biochemistry final! Totally killed it. I could have gotten a zero on the first exam and still pulled a B I was that far ahead.

The prof teaches the biochemistry block at the local medical school and this course is essentially the first half, so I'm hopefully halfway to a great lor.

Totally pumped right now.
Done with Finals, no more school til mid January.:soexcited: Plus today was my first day off since my last final, if you count getting off work at 7:30 this morning as a day off.

Movie and Italian take out night. :)