Will 2 C's kill my chances?

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Sep 28, 2017
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I got my first C in Orgo II last semester, and this semester it's looking like I'm going to get a C in physical chemistry as well (this class is killing me). :/ Overall GPA after this semester will be around 3.7. Any help? Thanks!

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No two C's won't kill you. You MAY have to explain but if it's above 3.7 you're fine.
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I had 2 Cs on my transcript and I'm a current MS1. It'll be a mark but not an insurmountable one, you got this.

Also I feel you on Pchem. That class was like jumping through a mental meat grinder.
I have 3 C's in math/sci courses 😛
But never discouraged...
No. I have two Cs. They probably killed my chances at top 20, but not my hope to be a doctor.

Keep working if medicine is your dream. I wish you the best!
I don't think even a single F will keep you out.
I had 2 C's in basic science classes to go along with a 3.29 sGPA and I have 3 acceptances so far, 2 MD and 1 DO. Just a positive anecdote for some moral support. Don't make it a habit and you will be fine.
You will be fine! I got a C in Gen Chem II (really bad teacher, plus I was a bit lazy with regards to study habits my freshman year) and one in Organic Chemistry I, but I've had a few interviews thus far. Just be sure that getting a C is a rarity, and try to do well in your other upper levels such as Biochemistry to show that you can handle the tougher biomedical courses. Good luck!