md 2017

  1. N

    Where Should I Apply?

  2. F

    Am I still considered in-state for California?

    I am from California, and I have lived there my whole life. My parents continue to live there. From 2016-2017, I lived in New York and worked as a teacher while also attending graduate school for a masters in education. Since I paid taxes in New York in 2017, will I be considered out of state...
  3. B

    Will 2 C's kill my chances?

    I got my first C in Orgo II last semester, and this semester it's looking like I'm going to get a C in physical chemistry as well (this class is killing me). :/ Overall GPA after this semester will be around 3.7. Any help? Thanks!
  4. C

    Are my MD chances fading?

    Hello everyone! I am a non-URM with a 3.7+ GPA and a 507 MCAT with a very compelling P.S. surrounding my perspective on living with a chronic disease. Additionally, I have 6000+ hours of paid clinical work and 4000+ hours of leadership in the form of managerial roles at various jobs. I have...
  5. K

    What are my chances? (4.0 GPA scale to 7.0 scale)

    My school reports marks on my transcripts in percentages. When I go to convert these percentages on a 4.0 GPA scale, it's around ~2.77 (barely meets the cutoff of 2.7). Whereas if I take those percentages and convert them on a 7.0 GPA Scale (as per GEMSAS), then my GPA is fairly high ~6.3/7...
  6. W

    MD What are my Chances

    Goal is to become a physician-scientist, possibly in surgery. So MD is preferable to DO, but I will apply both. Applied last cycle (2016), got two interviews, one rejection and one waitlist. Non-trad (I think): graduated 2016 in bioengineering, have been working as a biomedical engineer since...
  7. M

    MD what are my chances?

    Hi guys, I have a 3.52 cGPA with a MCAT score ~518 (hypothetically, taking it tomorrow!) I am part of 4 clinical study/projects at Sickkids and Mt.Sinai in Toronto and in one of them I am the first author. I presented my work overseas during summer in California at an annual conference for...
  8. B

    MD WAMC School list help!

  9. H

    Medical Schools with an emphasis on underserved population experience?

    How do these type of schools educate differently? In terms of residency, is there a limited number of specialties people generally get from going to these type of schools?
  10. L

    MD & DO Low MCAT, high GPA, where should I apply?

    So I just got my MCAT score back and was not very happy with it. It is 507 (126, 128, 127, 126). I am not sure if I have time to retake it to apply this cycle, nor do I really want to. I have a 3.9 cGPA and 3.89 sGPA. I am not opposed to going to a DO school but was wondering what my chances of...
  11. P

    Do I have a shot at MD? or DO?

    Hi guys! I received my MCAT score today (6/1 exam) and got a 504 (129/125/125/125). I felt confident in the CARS and Psych sections so I am not sure why it didn't reflect in my score, but I know I am capable of something higher. My cGPA is 3.71 and sGPA is 3.75. My activities include research, a...
  12. catsnlattes

    3.6 GPA, 507 MCAT, Lots of ECs! Will I get in?

    Alright, here's the low down. I received my MCAT scores today (6/20) and I didn't get what I wanted (granted I was unable to sleep the night before). I got a 507 (125/125/128/129). I am Filipino American and just graduated with a degree in BIO (CA resident) with 3.65 cGPA and 3.49 sGPA. I am...
  13. I

    MD & DO June 29 or july 22 MCAT??

    Hello, I am currently registered for June 29th MCAT. I took AAMC practice test 2 yesterday and only scored a 501. Now I am debating pushing it back to July 22 ( the next earliest exam day). I want to apply to MD and DO schools. Would it be considered to late of an MCAT? I will try to get my...
  14. M

    Help with MD list - Canadian SMP

    Hi guys, Thanks in advance for any input! My stats: Undergrad BCPM/overall gpa: 3.13/3.22 SMP gpa: 3.95 MCAT: 515 (127/128/132/128) ECs: pretty good, lots of physician shadowing and community volunteering, as well as leadership roles at my undergrad. I also have a year of wet lab research, and...
  15. T

    Letter of Recommendation from PI Emergency HELP!

    Hello everybody, Let me start by saying thank for taking to the time to reply to my thread. I am premed student who is planning to apply to medical school this cycle(2017). I currently perform research at the cardiology research department at my local VA hospital. Today, when at research, I...
  16. X

    MD Just Graduated with MD* and Seeking Advice

    I will try to make this post as concise as I can, and I apologize if I include superfluities or other statements not germane to this inquiry. If there is specific information that would be helpful in terms of understanding my situation, please let me know. Thanks! I just graduated with an MD...
  17. MD95

    MD 3.65 sGPA/cGPA 504 MCAT re-applicant WAMC?

    Hey guys, I'm currently on the waitlist at my top school of choice (also happens to be the only place I interviewed at), but am also preparing for the 2018 cycle in case I don't get pulled off the waitlist. I sent out my application rather late last cycle (secondaries sent out in...
  18. lickerwhicker

    ***Can adcoms tell if you write your own LOR?***

  19. H

    MD Started my own business, cared for family, and had 2 poor semesters all during my undergrad. Advice?

    Hey guys! Here's the gist: I did really crappy during 2 semesters of my undergrad. I want to know what my chances are getting into a med school involving this. Here's the breakdown: *Freshmen Semester 1: I attended Nursing courses; I got 2 B's, 1 C, and the rest were A's. *Freshmen Semester 2...
  20. sydney1616

    3.56 cGPA, 3.5 sGPA, 513 MCAT, WAMC MD school list

  21. bschaefer97

    Mayo Clinic Medical School - Arizona

    Does anyone know how the new Mayo medical school in AZ will stand up against other MD programs across the country? I assume it will take a while for it to gain any sort of prestige, but just wondering if it would be worth applying to for admission in 2019. Thanks for any help!
  22. KPstudent


    Hello SDN Team! I am at the very end of the 2016-2017 cycle and its looking like I might possibly have to reapply. I hear back from one other school this week post interview and am on an additional waitlist, but I figure it's time to start thinking about how to improve my application. My...
  23. OnedayIlloperate

    MD & DO Basic comparison documents

    I will be doing the MD one next, please private message me with source to correct something. The cost to apply to every DO School is $3,270. DO Schools: Post-Bacc/Premed programs: The cost to apply to every DPM School is $515 Podiatry Schools: Caribbean Schools:
  24. G

    Trying to figure out where to apply....

    Hi everyone! I would appreciate any and all help! I am going to apply this cycle and was wondering which MD and DO schools I had a shot at getting into. Thank you!
  25. motu

    Miami Miller vs. Central Florida

    Hi, I am accepted to both Univ. of Miami Miller and Univ. of Central Florida for the MD Class of 2021. UCF is home for me and very up and coming, but Miami is so appealing in many ways as well. Please share any thoughts on how to decide between both and what you think about each school. I am...
  26. D

    MD 5 Waitlists What Are My Chances?

    21 y/o white male Texas resident in 4th and final year at the United States Military Academy in West Point, NY. MCAT 512 (Chem/Phys 127, Bio/Biochem 130, CARS 127, Psych/Soc 128), cGPA 3.72, sGPA 3.94, Life Sciences major, 1 joint publication in Military Medicine in Sep 2017, 100+ hours of...
  27. J

    PreMed first year 2016-

    Just looking for any first year PreMed Track friends ! I thought It would be a good idea to see what other people out in the world are on the road to becoming a M.D :)
  28. W

    MD What are my chances for California schools?

    Hello Everyone, I am new to this. I am currently a Hispanic Male student/ senior at one of the UCs. Major: Molecular Cell and Developmental Biology GPA (From 2.79 freshman) to=3.4 overall. Science GPA= 3.4 Two Graduate Level Courses Taken= 4.0 GPA MCAT: 500 Research= 3 yrs. upon graduation E.C.=...
  29. T

    Low GPA/ High MCAT advice

  30. L

    what are my chances coming from a small liberal arts college??

    I was referred to this source by a friend and thus I am taking the plunge, because at this moment I am in desperate need of advice before I pull my own hair out. I am a rising senior at a small liberal arts college who will graduate in December of 2017. It is my lifelong dream to be a practicing...
  31. G

    Great GPA, low CARS, WAMC? or advice for next steps/gap year.

    Hello Everyone! I thought I'd ask you guys for some advice as I've been struggling to decide what to do for the remainder of this application cycle. To start off, I am a NY resident however, I completed my undergrad at Queen's University in Ontario and I'm majoring in Life Sciences. My cGPA...
  32. L

    When will I hear back?

    I have finished my secondary applications to about 10 medical schools during the summer. I got one rejection and one interview. I went to the interview and got rejected. It is December. When will I hear back from the other schools?
  33. D

    BSc to MD??

    I was just wondering if I did my BSc in Canada or USA , what countries other than the US, Canada or Australia can I go to for medical school to do MD.I am an international student and I think that chances of getting into medical school into the US or Canada are very low, other than its expensive.
  34. M

    Online Science classes -DO & MD

    Hello ! I've been on my journey to med school for quite some time; and fortunately, medical schools in my area accept online pre-req. my heart is Stanford, however, I'm open to which medical school accepts me and have broaden my horizons to going after DO and not just MD. Does anyone know of any...
  35. S

    What to do while applying in year off

    Hey everyone, I am applying to about 15 MD and 15 DO programs, I would like to keep my options open. I submitted my secondary apps around September so things are a little late at the moment for my chances of getting into a school in this cycle. I was wondering what applicants do while they are...
  36. Harrybean

    MD 3.7 GPA 510 MCAT (low CARS)

    Hey yall! Just want some advice on school list for this anxious pre med. - Asian, CA resident - UCR Grad w/ 3.7 GPA, 3.72 sGPA (upward trend, averaged 3.85 2nd-5th year) - First MCAT 505 (126,125,126,128) -----> Second MCAT 510 (128,123,127,132) - Multiple Leaderships in clubs that served the...
  37. M

    Griffith University 2017

    Hi everyone! Anyone else going to Griffith Uni for the 2017 cycle? Would love to hear from you if you are! I am from Canada and will be attending the MD program at Griffith.