Worst admissions staff in the country.

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woa hello bounty! no need to be hasty now!!! geeeeeeeez meanie i tell ya meanie 🙂 sorry only making light of the caliber of applicant on SDN v. my ******* univ where poeple are still working on 2dnarys.

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Considering all that Jalby has done for SDNers in the last year or two, I think that s/he deserves a little respect. With nearly 2000 posts, he has earned it. Plus he put together that great little guide to gettting into med school. It worked for me.
Just to clear this up...

Georgetown's law school has a great reputation.

Georgetown's medical school is known for having a financially devastated hospital and is academically bankrupt. They've lost so many of the leaders they once had in several fields. The medical center has been on a serious downward spiral for a good 4 or 5 years now.

As far as the admission rates go, G'town gets lots of applications because their stats are less impressive. Consequently, they reject the people with truly low stats and have a low acceptance rate.

Just my two cents,
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Wow. The only reason I bumped this thread up was because I thought people might like reading the story, because it is pretty interesting. To be honest, I hadn't given a thought about georgetown in ages and out of all the schools I was offered interviews to, it would have been roughly 7th to 8th on my list. As for the school itself, just read doepug. I hadn't really commented on the school. Hence the title "worst admissions staff in the country." As for technically recieving a rejection (actually, I recieved better than that. I recieved a personal letter about how I should never become a doctor with the respect I showed them. Signed by their dean of admissions, too"
I am not obsessed with georgetown, contrary to what people have said. The only time I even thought of the school since I've been at USC was when the admissions director here told us how a guy at GT right now wants to drop out and apply to USC for next year because there is a lack of community there. (The post bac and grad school has the same classes as the med students, so out of 300 people in the class, 150 are students)
If you don't like reading the story, that's fine, move on. I could care less.
As a person considering Georgetown, I appreciate the story, any story about the schools on my very short list.

As for losing leaders I have to concur with doepug, that's what people here at the NIH are talking about. I've received very few votes of support of my interest in Georgetown since I've been here, almost a year. BUT, Georgetown was in the top ten of schools for minorities (undergrad, grad, and professional) in 2002 according to Black Enterprise magazine, so I guess each person has to check it out for themselves.
Originally posted by Apollyon
Serious head case. F'd up. Get the medication he so desperately needs.

A little extreme, maybe? How about a little proportionality in your statements
Yeah, I agree, Apollyon. doctor girl is the only one coming off like a head case here.

Originally posted by Jalby

The post bac and grad school has the same classes as the med students, so out of 300 people in the class, 150 are students

I have heard of this too. Are they that poor that they have to put them all in the same class?

GTown Med looks favorably on people who do well in the GTown post bac program. The transition is much easier since these students retake the same classes once they get into the med program.

hehe I'm about to get flammed b/c that's what u get for bumping threads apparently 🙂

If i had applied to, Gtown it'd be as a saftely schools since they accept out of state and relatively easier to get in.

My worst admissions staff was UC Davis. I got the rejection in the email. It wasn't even addressed to me and signed by anyone. Stupid cow poop eating bastards 😡

ah wells 🙂

oh, BTW, SDN forums have a 'search' function that makes finding old threads a lot easier.
Well. Unfortunately they are understaffed, so the few med admissions staff they have are a bit ill-tempered. Dental and Pharm are not.
The receptionist is not proficient in English. And her supervisor is extremely unhelpful, rude and almost combative.
Thank you,
wow, this thread is a blast from the past... I'm glad i never applied to Georgetown for a lot of reasons now.

oh, and just to get my rant in, a few weeks ago i was somewhat upset at a certain public school that has a tendency to accept too many applicants, schedule interviews in April and even May, and takes months to make decisions after interviews, even ignoring the deadlines they set for themselves.
Ahhh.... The memories....
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Oh wow, 6 years later and you still bump this!?
Ahhh.... The memories....

Wow, it is very rare that someone dredges up a 7 year old thread and the OP is still around. So you are a second year resident or something like that now, right? Still hate Georgetown's admissions office? :laugh: Bet you their admissions staff is reading this thinking "Holy...this one just won't go away, we should have just given her the interview..." Bet you they didn't think your rant was gonna live on in 2008.:laugh:
Well Georgetown University School of Medicine is now ranked 40th in the country by US News, and it's hospital and Medical Center are now doing quite well and have seen significant profits in the last couple of years. They are also renovating most of the infrastructure of the hospital and plan to renovate a lot of the medical school in the coming years. So I wiould say things are on the up.
Whoa. I started reading this thread thinking it happened this year only to realize it happened 7 years ago....
Bump. I still hate them after all this time....

Just for you, I won't give them any money. I was going to add them to my list as a last minute safety school, but **** them. They don't even get my primary application money.
okay jalby you gotta come back and fill us in with your recent happenings!!!!
This thread and its long, glorious history wins "Most Awesome" for the day. We'll see tomorrow...
man, pre-meds are hardcore.

this thing obviously happened right after 9/11. people were worried about getting on planes and ****. we were worried about paper amcas apps and people from mt sinai being on vacation away from nyc
man, pre-meds are hardcore.

this thing obviously happened right after 9/11. people were worried about getting on planes and ****. we were worried about paper amcas apps and people from mt sinai being on vacation away from nyc


Nice observation.
Well, Jalby, just so you know, G'Town is much much better in the admissions department, 8 years later. I was definitely impressed.
Update: Since this thread was first posted, the OP reapplied for the following year's cycle and matriculated at Georgetown's medical school. He has since graduated and is now an adcom at Georgetown. Cheers. 😉
Ill have to agree with Elmo, my registration date was on September 22 but I did not return to the states until September 21st. Consequently, I was given the last possible date on my range of dates (October 27th). I recently received an interview at UWSOM, and they only gave me one date (without the real option of rescheduling). So, I called georgetown and they moved my date to November 10th. Overall, very respectful and conscientious.

man, pre-meds are hardcore.

this thing obviously happened right after 9/11. people were worried about getting on planes and ****. we were worried about paper amcas apps and people from mt sinai being on vacation away from nyc

Wow... you are right... this post was made less than a month after 9/11...
I'm a junior in college right now... this thread was made when I was in 7th grade. Ridiculous.
Haha, it's hard to believe, I was still watching Pokemon back then.
I was still a Pokemon back then.
man, pre-meds are hardcore.

this thing obviously happened right after 9/11. people were worried about getting on planes and ****. we were worried about paper amcas apps and people from mt sinai being on vacation away from nyc

IIRC that was the first year that AMCAS applications were filed electronically except that it didn't work very well and people were told to print the application from their computer and mail it to each school "just to be sure". The lack of flights for a week in Sept put the overnight delivery business into a tailspin and that had a terrible effect on secondary submissions.

There were far fewer flights post-9/11, the security screening lines were enormous and delays were common.

The anthrax outbreak in October/November further complicated things for the postal service and for travel.

It was the admissions cycle from Hell.
IIRC that was the first year that AMCAS applications were filed electronically except that it didn't work very well and people were told to print the application from their computer and mail it to each school "just to be sure". The lack of flights for a week in Sept put the overnight delivery business into a tailspin and that had a terrible effect on secondary submissions.

There were far fewer flights post-9/11, the security screening lines were enormous and delays were common.

The anthrax outbreak in October/November further complicated things for the postal service and for travel.

It was the admissions cycle from Hell.

I got stuck in Arizona on 9/11 and had to rent a car to drive back to the east coast...
I'm a little bit pissed right now. I hate Georgetown. I'm nominating them for the worst admissions committee in the nation.

I got the invite for an interview a month ago and it told me I had to schedual by october 1st and interview by the 28th. We'll I teach a class in California every monday, wednesday and friday and there is no way that I could have flown out to washington DC and back in time to interview and make my class. I called them up Sept 25th and told them this, and I would have to interview in december. They told me I had to write a letter to the dean and explain my problem and he might consider letting me have an extension. I think this is bull****, but I'll do it later in the month.
Today I find out that my friday, oct 28th, class is cancelled. I try calling up Georgetown to see if I can get an interview then. The tell me that since I never wrote a letter to the dean, there is no way they will ever let me interview. I'm thinking this is complete BS. By the time I can finish the letter and the dean reviews it and all the other stuff there is no way I will be able to get a flight to Washington DC. But then they tell me that not only can't I interview in October, but because they didn't recieve the letter by Oct 1st, I was automatically rejected. So now I probably never will be able to interview at Georgetown because of their F***d up admission policies. I'm not normally a vengful person, but if I remember this next June or so I'm going to try and encourage people (at least on the west coast) not even to waste the 150$ to apply to GT.

Thanks for reading my post. I feel a little bit better now.

You have to play by the rules. Each medical school has hoops that you have to jump through..
I got stuck in Arizona on 9/11 and had to rent a car to drive back to the east coast...

you must be a nontrad if you're pre-med now and were able to drive (and rent) a car eight years ago.
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