Worst admissions staff in the country.

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or they weren't the driver

but then wouldn't it be something like "I got stuck in Arizona on 9/11 and my parents had to rent a car to drive back to the east coast..."

I'm nitpicking. I don't really care how old he is. But if he were 18 or something at the time and drove across the country by himself, that is beast. Although I think most car rental companies won't rent to anyone under 21.

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I love these threads. Will I get in trouble if I bump old funny threads? Cause I've found some really sweet ones.
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I love these threads. Will I get in trouble if I bump old funny threads? Cause I've found some really sweet ones.
I think it would be ridiculous if you got punished for bumping old threads. It should be left to take care of itself. If you bump it and it's dumb, no one will post and it will die out again. However, if you bump it and it's legit, people will post and be grateful that someone bumped it up again, everyone's happy. Now if you keep bumping an old thread, that's plain dumb...
Okay, time to go searching for old threads.
the one with the troll who claimed he only wanted to go to Harvard and he had like a 2.9 gpa or something was really funny. I dont have the link for it and I wouldnt know how to search for it, but you should check it out
Wow. I never expected this to get that much info after my bump. to that one poster who decided not to apply to Georgetown, i shed a small tear.

As for me, I'm living my life. I finished at USC, took a year off (kind of was forced to). I became a Hollywood club promoter for that year. I met all kinds of rediculously hot people. I was the only doctor around, so that raised my attractiveness level by 30%. That and my cute puppy. I ended up going into Rediology, and now I am doing that at a community program outside of NYC. I go into the city tons and drink and have a merry time.
Wow. I never expected this to get that much info after my bump. to that one poster who decided not to apply to Georgetown, i shed a small tear.

As for me, I'm living my life. I finished at USC, took a year off (kind of was forced to). I became a Hollywood club promoter for that year. I met all kinds of rediculously hot people. I was the only doctor around, so that raised my attractiveness level by 30%. That and my cute puppy. I ended up going into Rediology, and now I am doing that at a community program outside of NYC. I go into the city tons and drink and have a merry time.

Thanks for the update. this thread made me LOLoudest
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Dartmouth has a lame staff too. Guy was really rude on the phone when asking a polite, simple question yo. Really turned me off to the school. That, and they rejected me.
Wow. The only reason I bumped this thread up was because I thought people might like reading the story, because it is pretty interesting. To be honest, I hadn't given a thought about georgetown in ages and out of all the schools I was offered interviews to, it would have been roughly 7th to 8th on my list. As for the school itself, just read doepug. I hadn't really commented on the school. Hence the title "worst admissions staff in the country." As for technically recieving a rejection (actually, I recieved better than that. I recieved a personal letter about how I should never become a doctor with the respect I showed them. Signed by their dean of admissions, too"
I am not obsessed with georgetown, contrary to what people have said. The only time I even thought of the school since I've been at USC was when the admissions director here told us how a guy at GT right now wants to drop out and apply to USC for next year because there is a lack of community there. (The post bac and grad school has the same classes as the med students, so out of 300 people in the class, 150 are students)
If you don't like reading the story, that's fine, move on. I could care less.

I admire your boldness of actually letting G-town have it for pulling that BS. But I am also surprised by the bolded sentence, that the dean didn't personally contact your pre-med committee and tell them about your cussing them out or try to screw you over for doing that. I mean, he did go to all the trouble to writing a letter to you, you'd think it would go a step over.
i didn't like the gtown staff or ppl i interviewed with on my interview day... i withdrew post-interview before they could accept or reject me. they also asked me if i was catholic.

my application fiasco was with penn state, who somehow lost my 2nd app/supplemental info twice. by the time i figured out they lost it again and called their admissions staff for the 10th time, i was pretty frustrated. i finished my app there in january instead of september and was eventually rejected. i wouldn't have gone there anyway based on how much trouble they had not losing my app.
This is pretty crazy -- I've never seen someone with this much commitment to bumping a thread, year after year. 😱
To each his own, but I don't get what's with all the GTown hate. So you weren't a match for the school. So you had an atypical, less-than-great experience dealing with the admissions staff. Move on.
i didn't like the gtown staff or ppl i interviewed with on my interview day... i withdrew post-interview before they could accept or reject me. they also asked me if i was catholic.

my application fiasco was with penn state, who somehow lost my 2nd app/supplemental info twice. by the time i figured out they lost it again and called their admissions staff for the 10th time, i was pretty frustrated. i finished my app there in january instead of september and was eventually rejected. i wouldn't have gone there anyway based on how much trouble they had not losing my app.

werd, how did they lose your supplemental info? isn't it online? this scares me b/c i was just complete there after a few months. although other students are in my situation. what's your opinion?
Keep fighting the good fight, Jalby! I decided to not even turn in my Georgetown secondary this year. Waste of money for the primary, obviously, but I'd rather reapply than go there.
Meh, it's entertainment for him. And he skipped a lot of years. Really not a big deal imo
To each his own, but I don't get what's with all the GTown hate. So you weren't a match for the school. So you had an atypical, less-than-great experience dealing with the admissions staff. Move on.

but i do see wermz's point
Epic thread is epic.

Georgetown must really hate this Jalby character.
Keep fighting the good fight, Jalby! I decided to not even turn in my Georgetown secondary this year. Waste of money for the primary, obviously, but I'd rather reapply than go there.

That is mostly my point. I paid $150 to apply to Georgetown and I wasn't given the common decency to schedule an interview and was treated like just a number. I worked my ***** off to be in a position to apply and I think I should have at least recieved the curtosy of scheduling the interview when I wasn't teaching a class.
That is mostly my point. I paid $150 to apply to Georgetown and I wasn't given the common decency to schedule an interview and was treated like just a number. I worked my ***** off to be in a position to apply and I think I should have at least recieved the curtosy of scheduling the interview when I wasn't teaching a class.

Yeah but... that was almost a decade ago... I'm not sure I can remember things that even pissed me off a decade ago. And certainly not to this level. Wow.
That is mostly my point. I paid $150 to apply to Georgetown and I wasn't given the common decency to schedule an interview and was treated like just a number. I worked my ***** off to be in a position to apply and I think I should have at least recieved the curtosy of scheduling the interview when I wasn't teaching a class.

You are a derp.
That is mostly my point. I paid $150 to apply to Georgetown and I wasn't given the common decency to schedule an interview and was treated like just a number. I worked my ***** off to be in a position to apply and I think I should have at least recieved the curtosy of scheduling the interview when I wasn't teaching a class.

lol, talk about holding a pointless grudge.... I cant believe you posted this after 9 years. Granted, it is your thread. :laugh:
lol, talk about holding a pointless grudge.... I cant believe you posted this after 9 years. Granted, it is your thread. :laugh:

What's the point of holding a grudge if you don't use it?? Honestly, I just randomly remember this every once in a while. Just because I bump this up doesn't mean I don't have a life. It's not like I am a pre-med or anything like that. Those people are horrible and don't have a sense of humor.
Well, I guess if you're going to have a grudge, you better commit.

That said, I like Georgetown.

As for me, I think Princeton has the worst admissions committee. I sent them an email back in April requesting more information about the MD program and they never responded. Jerks.
What's the likelihood that any of "those people" are still working there ten years later?

I think he meant pre-meds by "those people".

OP has a point, if you are going to hold a grudge you better do it right, and sticking with it for 9 years so far is definitely commendable. I personally have a tendency to hold grudges for 2 days max, but I am working on it, maybe someday Ill be able to hold them for at least a year.
This thread is awesome! Jalby, kudos to you for letting G'town know that they were being d-bags (I'm serious about the kudos; not saying it in a sarcastic manner). That's absolutely hilarious that the Dean took the time to personally respond to you and tell you that you're a horrible person but they couldn't just spare a few minutes looking at their interview schedule!

Also, the way I interpreted the "those people" comment is that Jalby was referring to premeds who, in my personal experience (no hard evidence here), tend to take a lot of things pretty seriously, even in humorous situations.
I'll be honest, a thread kept alive for 9 years by its creator is pretty epic.
Definitely agree! 👍

Especially when the OP is still around and has obviously been pretty successful (ie. getting into med school and then, one of the most competitive specialties, radiology).

That's actually what makes it worse in my eyes. Obviously this one school didn't hold him/her back... so why stick on this grudge? Or even remember it enough to post every few years. At least if the OP had never gotten into med school I could understand. I guess its just not my style is all.
That's actually what makes it worse in my eyes. Obviously this one school didn't hold him/her back... so why stick on this grudge? Or even remember it enough to post every few years. At least if the OP had never gotten into med school I could understand. I guess its just not my style is all.
I don't know. I personally think that the fact that the OP has been pretty successful makes this thread more humorous. If the OP had never gotten into med school, etc, and kept bumping this thread, then I would attribute it to bitterness and all that bad stuff.

Maybe I'm just weird, but all the OPs latest posts, IMO, seem to be done in a joking manner and don't come off as "pathologically obsessive" as another poster suggested.
I don't know. I personally think that the fact that the OP has been pretty successful makes this thread more humorous. If the OP had never gotten into med school, etc, and kept bumping this thread, then I would attribute it to bitterness and all that bad stuff.

Maybe I'm just weird, but all the OPs latest posts, IMO, seem to be done in a joking manner and don't come off as "pathologically obsessive" as another poster suggested.

No I agree they come off as joking, I just don't have the energy to bring up 10 year old topics or hold a grudge that long, even if it is joking. I don't think the OP comes back thinking "gotta stick it to Georgetown again." I still think it is weird. I doubt I will be back here next year let alone in ten years to bring up an old topic.

For what its worth OP I thought Georgetown was really good about the interview process, so maybe they have changed things a lot.
noshie said:
For the record Georgetown really needs to man up and send a real rejection email instead of sending an email that says to look at your status and then going to your status to find a freaking rejection. Rude.

And this quote from this year's thread. Jalby would be pleased. 😀
Well, I guess if you're going to have a grudge, you better commit.

That said, I like Georgetown.

As for me, I think Princeton has the worst admissions committee. I sent them an email back in April requesting more information about the MD program and they never responded. Jerks.

Man, they treated me the same way too. 😡
Well, I guess if you're going to have a grudge, you better commit.

That said, I like Georgetown.

As for me, I think Princeton has the worst admissions committee. I sent them an email back in April requesting more information about the MD program and they never responded. Jerks.

Man, they treated me the same way too. 😡

Yeah, I even visited campus one day and this really mean doctor kept yelling at everyone. I think he was on drugs. I would recommend not applying there.
What's the likelihood that any of "those people" are still working there ten years later?

Totaly the type of quote I expect from "those people."

They are also the people who swear up and down during their rotations that they are going into OB/gyn (or fam medicine, int medicine, etc, etc) based on what rotation they are on and then go into Ohptho or Derm.

They are also the who stab everybody else in the back in med school in the first 6 weeks and never have any friends in school after that.

They are also the people who everybody hates in the hospital and get fired because they get so many complaints about abusing the hospital staff.

Don't be one of "those people"

Honestly, I am planning a trip to Washington DC and happened to see Georgetown on the map, so I decided to bump this thread up.

(for those of you who are wondering, you can easily identify "those people" on SDN. They have it right underneath their name right after where it says "Status:")
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