Wow. The only reason I bumped this thread up was because I thought people might like reading the story, because it is pretty interesting. To be honest, I hadn't given a thought about georgetown in ages and out of all the schools I was offered interviews to, it would have been roughly 7th to 8th on my list. As for the school itself, just read doepug. I hadn't really commented on the school. Hence the title "worst admissions staff in the country." As for technically recieving a rejection (actually, I recieved better than that. I recieved a personal letter about how I should never become a doctor with the respect I showed them. Signed by their dean of admissions, too"
I am not obsessed with georgetown, contrary to what people have said. The only time I even thought of the school since I've been at USC was when the admissions director here told us how a guy at GT right now wants to drop out and apply to USC for next year because there is a lack of community there. (The post bac and grad school has the same classes as the med students, so out of 300 people in the class, 150 are students)
If you don't like reading the story, that's fine, move on. I could care less.