Worst admissions staff in the country.

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I just don't have the energy to bring up 10 year old topics or hold a grudge that long, even if it is joking.

Took me about 15 mouse clicks and 100 keys strokes or so. Maybe 2 calories burned. Gave me about 20-30 minutes entertainment so far. Well worth it.

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Took me about 15 mouse clicks and 100 keys strokes or so. Maybe 2 calories burned. Gave me about 20-30 minutes entertainment so far. Well worth it.

Ha ok. You may have taken that a bit too literally but hey have your fun, I don't really care I just don't understand your persistent grudge.
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werd, how did they lose your supplemental info? isn't it online? this scares me b/c i was just complete there after a few months. although other students are in my situation. what's your opinion?

hey, i applied in 2003. at that time, letters and their secondary was mailed in. things may be different and more idiot-proof these days.

(the first time my stuff was lost, i didn't realize i wasn't complete at psu for over a month, but i resent it when i found out. after i re-sent the items, they confirmed they had everything, then 3 weeks later when i followed up they said they still didn't have my letters. the third time i sent, i no longer bothered to follow up anymore, and eventually received a rejection.)
keep fighting the good fight
bump after 9 years? i sense the ban-hammer :meanie:
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Everytime I see this thread, I just think the OP is the typical wait-until-the-last-minute-and-they-will-make-an-exception-for-me person.

Although your thread is entertaining, I hope you realize your own part in this debacle.
Everytime I see this thread, I just think the OP is the typical wait-until-the-last-minute-and-they-will-make-an-exception-for-me person.

Although your thread is entertaining, I hope you realize your own part in this debacle.

I've always said that pre-med are horrible anal retentive people.
And no, I am no you typical kind-of-person-you-stereotype-as-a-slacker-so-that-you-can-make-a-point-using-dashes-for-emphasis-,-like-that-will-make-a-difference. I actually am the first person to turn in any application normally.
I've always said that pre-med are horrible anal retentive people.
And no, I am no you typical kind-of-person-you-stereotype-as-a-slacker-so-that-you-can-make-a-point-using-dashes-for-emphasis-,-like-that-will-make-a-difference. I actually am the first person to turn in any application normally.
Guess you fcked up this time then. Sorry you're still mad and blaming other people for your ineptitude. Also, learn the difference between a hyphen and a dash. You're too old to not know the difference... and too old to be bitching like a freshman on the pre-med forum.

I've always said that pre-med are horrible anal retentive people.
And no, I am no you typical kind-of-person-you-stereotype-as-a-slacker-so-that-you-can-make-a-point-using-dashes-for-emphasis-,-like-that-will-make-a-difference. I actually am the first person to turn in any application normally.

On the surface it's actually funny that you still bump this thread. When you dig a little deeper, it's really just pathetic.
Guess you fcked up this time then. Sorry you're still mad and blaming other people for your ineptitude. Also, learn the difference between a hyphen and a dash. You're too old to not know the difference... and too old to be bitching like a freshman on the pre-med forum.


No, I am not to old to know the difference. I am to old to care though. Once you made it this far in training, grammar really doesn't matter.
If this was intentional, I appreciate the subtlety.

You know what's funny, my handwriting is horrible nowadays, too. Since I use voice recognition on everything, I don't have the practice writing or spelling and I have totally lost the skills. Not that it is very useful nowadays.....
is this the thread where i ask jalby anything?

No. This is the thread that I pay way more attention than the ask Jalby anything thread.
You know what's funny, my handwriting is horrible nowadays, too. Since I use voice recognition on everything, I don't have the practice writing or spelling and I have totally lost the skills. Not that it is very useful nowadays.....

You've been able to replace writing/typing with voice recognition to that large an extent? What do you use? Dragon?

Also, it feels a little awkward talking to my computer... maybe it's because I'm not used to it.
I'm in radiology so I use some random dictation (not dragon) for all notes. I still type stuff, but spell check automatically fixes almost everything, except for grammar. I have seen a guy use google talk to write e-mails and it was amazing. That is one of the things I mean to learn at some moment of my life. But of course, right now, i can type really fast. Once I start doing voice rec i will lose that skill.
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on SDN.
Jalby, are you still looking for a place to stay in Miami for a month?...or did you need that ten years ago?!!!

In all seriousness, I respect this thread, and it's a shame that Jalby is the only one willing to come back and bump it as the years pass.
Jalby, are you still looking for a place to stay in Miami for a month?...or did you need that ten years ago?!!!

In all seriousness, I respect this thread, and it's a shame that Jalby is the only one willing to come back and bump it as the years pass.

GW didn't know who it was messing with.
So awesome. Keep on fighting the good fight man.
Alright, a little history on this thread. I wrote it right after it happened. If you notice at the top of page two, I added some more information about how the dean of admissions wrote me a personal letter about how I shouldn't be a doctor.

I honestly had forgotten about this thread for a looooonnnngggg time. Every once in a while I still come back to SDN and do a search for my name. I did some epic posts back in the day (Official guide to applying to med school and official guide to taking step 1) and I still got some mentions.

One day, out of the blue, I noticed someone else bumped up this thread after five years. I actually did a search for myself three days later, found the thread, and I immediately remember my anger towards GT.

Since then I randomly remember SDN exists. And can I say, I'm a little bit annoyed that this thread is 10 years old, but for some reason I am a 7+ year member. Does the fact I probably missed doing an SDN post for years at a time mean I am less of a member??
Jalby, are you still looking for a place to stay in Miami for a month?...or did you need that ten years ago?!!!

In all seriousness, I respect this thread, and it's a shame that Jalby is the only one willing to come back and bump it as the years pass.

I don't need a place anymore. That was for when I was doing a rotation at the University of Miami my fourth year of medical school.

And other people have actually bumped this thread up. It was dead for 5 years until someone else found it.
Searching for yourself + reveling in the glory of your golden days on SDN = winning.

I do the same thing for Myspace and Frienster. I was a Hollywood club promoter for a year and now I have a really hot girlfriend. I'm good.

BTW, I am right now getting paid $50 an hour to search for my old glory days. In fact, I made about $2 while typing this post. Winning.
I do the same thing for Myspace and Frienster. I was a Hollywood club promoter for a year and now I have a really hot girlfriend. I'm good.

BTW, I am right now getting paid $50 an hour to search for my old glory days. In fact, I made about $2 while typing this post. Winning.
Holy ****, Jalby! I want to be just like you one day... except without the bitterness, giant ego, and what your gf says is a small tool for the job.
I do the same thing for Myspace and Frienster. I was a Hollywood club promoter for a year and now I have a really hot girlfriend. I'm good.

BTW, I am right now getting paid $50 an hour to search for my old glory days. In fact, I made about $2 while typing this post. Winning.

The hilarious part is that you feel the need to try and validate yourself to college students. Why do you need to attempt to get our affirmation?

Oh, right - the huge ass ego and lack of self-esteem. I forgot.
I'm surprised the mods haven't locked this thread already.

Although it does supply me with my daily recommended dose of lulz.
Ease up on the insults guys. This applies to everyone. If this thread bugs you, there's no need to open it and read. If certain users bug you, please use the ignore function. So, please keep it civil. Thanks.
I can't hear you with your nose in Jalby's ass. Can you speak up, please?

He said WEAK.

I don't get the hate. Really, this thread is hysterical, up and down.
I would rate this A on the entertaining scale, which is really all you can hope for from the internet.
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