graduate degree

  1. F

    Pursuing graduate study in Clinical Research - worth it?

    Hi all, I'm currently considering some graduate study options and I've been looking into Clinical Research masters degrees in the US. I have about 2 years of work experience (as a Clinical Research Intern and a Clinical Trials Administrator) and hold a BSc Hons in Biomedical Sciences. I've been...
  2. B

    Doing a non-trad masters while applying to med school

    In undergrad, I majored in biomedical engineering. During the year during which I will be interviewing at medical schools, I am considering doing a masters in Computer Science. Will medical schools view this as a lack of commitment to medicine? CS is becoming more and more important in medicine...
  3. B

    Tufts vs Vanderbilt MBS SMP

    Hi everyone! I was accepted into several special masters programs (SMPs) and have narrowed them down to Tufts and Vanderbilt masters in biomedical sciences. The Tufts program has a large class size (130) and a well-structured curriculum, whereas the Vanderbilt program is relatively new and has...
  4. B

    Tufts vs Vanderbilt MBS SMP

    Hi everyone! I was accepted into several special masters programs (SMPs) and have narrowed them down to Tufts and Vanderbilt masters in biomedical sciences. The Tufts program has a large class size (130) and a well-structured curriculum, whereas the Vanderbilt program is relatively new and has...
  5. B

    Tufts vs Vanderbilt MBS SMP

    Hi everyone! I was accepted into several special masters programs (SMPs) and have narrowed them down to Tufts and Vanderbilt masters in biomedical sciences. The Tufts program has a large class size (130) and a well-structured curriculum, whereas the Vanderbilt program is relatively new and has...
  6. S


  7. redeiffel97

    Best Gap Year Options

    Hello! So, I graduated with a BS in Biology last May and I am currently working on completing my MS in Biomedical Science. I'll be finished with that in August, and then I'll be taking 1-2 years off before starting medical school. I am strongly considering an MD/PhD because I love research as...
  8. F4rbod

    Phd vs Masters in health economics after MD/MPH

    Hello dear friends, I'm a 5th year MD/MPH student in Iran (MD is a 7-year undergrad degree here so I will finish after 2 years). also FYI we do MPH while doing MD and this doesn't extend the duration of the MD. I have a strong interest in the topics of health economics and health-care management...
  9. Pebble Wrestler

    M.S. versus Semester off

    Hello! So I am in a somewhat unique circumstance in that I have been accepted to WVU SoM (incoming MS1 in Fall 18) during the 2nd year of a PhD program with the intention of transferring from MD --> MD/PhD during MS2. However, after much thought and deliberation I have decided against obtaining...
  10. IncognitoCats

    Psychotherapists out there in private practice, ahoy!

    Generous people - I am navigating my way into your profession, and would love your advice on the questions in boldface below. I am 40, I have a BA, MA, PhD, postdoc fellowship, and a university career at an Institute for Advanced Study, all at top 20 world-ranked universities in the UK and...
  11. F

    Genetics PhD: Non-Academia Based Careers

    Hello all, I am strongly considering embarking on a PhD program at University of Chicago in either the Human Genetics or Genetics, Genomics, and systems biology fields. My interests lie in research related to genetics and diseases in some way shape or form. I was wondering if anyone here has...
  12. C

    CPH vs MPH to go along with my MD?

    With rise of educational programs and certificates, I have noticed that there increase number of programs for Certificate in Public Health. I am looking to go to med school while concentrating in public health. I was wondering whats are thoughts on someone who is MD/CPH vs MD/MPH. I understand...
  13. ThatGuy15

    Experimental Psychology at CUNY Brooklyn College

    Hello everyone. As I am preparing to graduate from New York University, I have decided to apply for a master’s degree before I fully commit to a Ph.D. I will only be applying to one program and that’s the experimental psychology program at CUNY Brooklyn College. I will be using the master’s...
  14. A

    Where to go from here?--Clinical Psychology MA Program

    Hello, This is my first time posting a thread on here, so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right. I am in need of some advice. I am currently a 4th year undergrad student at UChicago and have a 3.1 cumulative GPA (3.4 Psychology) I have not taken my GRE yet, but intend to do so next summer, to...
  15. CrossCassowary

    Masters or PhD for eventual anatomic pathology?

    I'm applying to vet school this cycle and am planning ahead in case I don't get in. My GPA isn't the greatest (Cumulative 3.51; Last 45 3.24; Overall Science 3.36) so I'm considering getting a graduate degree to boost my stats before reapplying. Since I'm interested in eventually specializing in...
  16. O

