
  1. MedEdits

    Medical NEWLY PUBLISHED! 📘 Premed and Medical School Admissions Book!

    🏥 Are you a premed student dreaming of becoming a doctor? Applying to medical school can be overwhelming—but it doesn’t have to be. Whether you’re just starting your premed journey or preparing to write your personal statement, The MedEdits Guide to Medical School Admissions is the definitive...
  2. ApplyPoint

    Learn How to Accept Critical Feedback Before Starting Medical School

    Many pre-medical students have spent the majority of their lives receiving praise and playing starring roles both inside and outside of the classroom. Your commitment to success is part of why you made it into medical school, but it can also make the transition particularly tough. Medical school...
  3. K

    Transferring Post-Bac Programs

    Hello, This is my first post so please bear with me. I received a psychology degree from a state school and graduated with a 3.9 GPA. The last year of college I decided that I wanted to enter healthcare, specifically a doctor. I had toyed with the idea before but I think I was too emotionally...
  4. Mamainmed

    UC Postbaccalaureate Consortium 2019-2020 Cycle

    Hi all, the 2019 application should open any day now so I wanted to start a new thread for the upcoming cycle. Feel free to ask any questions and let's do our best to help each other during this stressful process.
  5. B

    Low GPA, Upward trend

    Sooo i have a low gpa. heres the facts: I am currently a junior with a 3.44 gpa and im double majoring in chemistry and neuroscience. i go to a top20 school. I plan on raising it to about a 3.6; 3.7 if im ambitious cuz im taking a gap year. Ive had a good upward trend from 3.1 freshman year to...
  6. D

    Radiology Resident; Ask me Anything!

    Hey everyone, I am a third-year radiology resident at a top academic program. I am starting this thread to give back to the SDN community. When I was a pre-med, I had no real mentors and really didn't know any medical residents. Feel free to ask me anything in this thread, and I'll do my best to...
  7. C

    Chance me into medical school

    hmu if you're down to chance me for medschool and ill give you my stats! thanks
  8. M

    A Worthwhile Volunteer Opportunity?

    Hi, I'm a freshman Premed student who's just about done with my first year in university. I work part time in a clinical job every other weekend. I would like to volunteer, and I know the importance of volunteering in a clinical position, but I am wondering how to know if an opportunity is...
  9. DoctorOrdinary

    Am In good shape? What do I need to work on?

    Hello guys! The clock is ticking fast and I wanted to get some feedback to ensure that I am doing what is needed to be successful in the 2019 application process. I'm a rising junior at a public state university and planning to study for the MCAT during this upcoming summer and fall, then take...
  10. A

    3.89 GPA/ivy league grad/510,506 MCAT should I retake?

    Hi everyone! I'm planning to apply in the 2019 cycle but I'm in a really tough spot. I am an international student and went to an ivy league school. My GPA is 3.89, I graduated magna cum laude with a distinction in my major. However, I didn't do well on my first MCAT attempt last year: 510 (129...
  11. J

    On 2 waitlists with no acceptances. Looking for direction.

    Hello SDN! I've lurked a fair amount but have finally created an account looking for some insight. Out of 14 MD secondaries I completed this year I landed just 2 II's which both resulted in waitlists despite interviews that I thought went well. All the schools I applied to I would classify as...
  12. M

    Do I have a shot at MD?

    I transferred from CC with 3.67 GPA to UCLA and there my grades collapsed and I went through depression anxiety and was diagnosed with Graves disease. I entered UCLA 2010 and graduated in 2015 after I was diagnosed my grades improved for like 7 classes ending with with A's and B's. Now I'm...
  13. L

    Undergraduate research interview

    Hey guys, I recently got invited to an interview to be part of a very well respected doctor's research. I am, however, very nervous about the interview itself. I've never had to go through an interview before (college didn't require interviews, nor have any of my extracurriculars). My strengths...
  14. chemdoctor

    What was the strangest interview question you got?

    Just curious. What did the interviewer ask you that was completely random and caught you off guard? Did you end up getting accepted to that institution?!
  15. chemdoctor

    C- or Withdraw?

    So I got my final grade in Lab. It's a C-. What should I do? The add/drop date is Friday. Should I just drop it and retake it later or should I just stick with it. I know a C- is gonna kill my GPA but what should I do? Should I drop it and take a W? Or should I just drop all together? Please...
  16. chemdoctor

    More W' or what

    Currently doing horrible in Bio and Bio Lab. Highest I can get in Bio Lab is a C+ and that's if I get a perfect. Doing horrible in Bio right now. What should I do? Already have one W over the summer with Orgo. Going through some personal family issues. Advice? I wasn't gonna drop Bio Lab... Help?
  17. D

    DO Advice for Pre-Meds (Post-Bacc and/or SMP Programs)

    Hi all, I'm new to the SDN community. :) I am currently a senior majoring in philosophy (lol merp) and minoring in biology. I have not finished my pre-reqs and was looking into a post-bacc program since I don't have many upper-bio level classes. I haven't taken the MCAT yet, will probably do so...
  18. PopeKnope23

    Do med schools take religion/family nationality into account?

    I was born in the US, but I am a Muslim and 100% Syrian. My parents immigrated here shortly before I was born. I know Middle Eastern = white, so will I need to come right out and say I am a Syrian-American for med schools to know? Would they even care?
  19. chemdoctor

    Not sure what to do :( Advice?

    So I took Orgo 1 and Physics 1 over the summer. Physics is going great, (for sure an A) and Orgo not so much. If I get a perfect on both of our next exams, the highest I'll get is a C+. Not sure what to do. The professor was supposedly really good but I guess not for me. the Fall professors are...
  20. chemdoctor

    Not sure what to do?! :(

    So I took Orgo 1 and Physics 1 over the summer. Physics is going great, (for sure an A) and Orgo not so much. If I get a perfect on both of our next exams, the highest I'll get is a C+. Not sure what to do. The professor was supposedly really good but I guess not for me. the Fall professors are...
  21. chemdoctor

    Does a post-bacc or grad degree increase chances?

    So, I'm a freshman and looking to graduate early right now. I'll be class of 2019, though I was supposed to be 2020. So, I'm thinking if a post-bacc or a grad degree would be the best course of action? I don't want to apply to med school next year, so that's not an option. I had some...