2015-2016 APPIC Internship Interview Thread

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VA Northern California and VA Palo Alto sent me a pair of rejections within 5 minutes of each other just now. Both mass emails. So San Francisco Bay Area just gave me a solid gut punch.
YAY! I got rejections from Palo Alto, Dayton VA, AND Pennsylvania Hospital all within like 10 minutes! Wacky fun!

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I've been told that sites are as accommodating as they can be with rescheduling interviews, but that has not been my experience so far.
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YAY! I got rejections from Palo Alto, Dayton VA, AND Pennsylvania Hospital all within like 10 minutes! Wacky fun!

It's the worst. I'm trying so hard to keep positive and tell myself I still have a few sites left to hear from but it's not easy. There's only so many times I can tell myself "oh I didn't want to move there anyway"
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Site name & Match ID number: University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center.
Child track
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email?
Interview date: 12/14, 12/18, 1/4, 1/8, 1/11, 1/15, 1/22

Just wondering if this is the Child Clinical or Early Childhood? Thanks!
I second Naturalizer. I'd also add MeToo and SoftWalk. If you're strapped for cash, Target's Mossimo or Merona brands have some flats that are super comfortable (unfortunately, not all of them).

I know a lot of people who swear by Sofft but I don't find them comfortable at all. However, I also have wide feet so that may be why.
I am a fan of Abella, Clarks, and Aerosoles (also a wide-footed person). They helped me get through last year's walking rounds as well as interviews!
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Site name & Match ID number: Catholic University
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
Interview date: 12/4, 5,6,7
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Site name & Match ID number: American University Counseling Center
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
Interview date: ?
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Site name & Match ID number: Catholic University
Invite or rejection:
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
Interview date: 12/4, 5,6,7

Are you sure those invite dates are correct? They really expect people to attend an interview with only 1-4 day's notice? That seems unlikely. Unless of course they know you.
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University of Rochester (Personalized) and Fargo VA (mass mail): rejection
Hey y'all. I'm about to update the main thread now. Currently have 44 messages in my inbox, so may take an hour or two to fully update. Working as quickly and efficiently as I can.
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Hey y'all. I'm about to update the main thread now. Currently have 44 messages in my inbox, so may take an hour or two to fully update. Working as quickly and efficiently as I can.

How dare you have a life and work! We expect constant updates! :laugh:
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Site name & Match ID number: UC Davis / CAARE Center, Child track, 1771
Invite or rejection: Reject
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
Rejection from Marin County Health and Human Service. Mass email
Site name & Match ID number: Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Personal Email
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Site name & Match ID number: Cypress-Fairbanks ISD
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email
Site name & Match ID number: UC Davis / CAARE Center, Trauma-Adolescent Mental Illness Track
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): phone
Interview Dates: 1/21, 1/22
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Site name & Match ID number: UCONN
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): email
Are you sure those invite dates are correct? They really expect people to attend an interview with only 1-4 day's notice? That seems unlikely. Unless of course they know you.
My fault! Catholic University dates are 1/4, 5, 6, 7
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Hey y'all. I'm about to update the main thread now. Currently have 44 messages in my inbox, so may take an hour or two to fully update. Working as quickly and efficiently as I can.

Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium is a little tricky because they sent out a mass e-mail just notifying people that they received applications from 80 applicants and that there were 23 spots, so that applicants had just over a 1 in 3 chance of matching. However, they did provide an interview date - 1/7 and told everyone to save that on their calendar. No definite "we're inviting you for an interview" yet. I think all the sites are reviewing the applicants interested in their respective spots.
Illinois School Psychology Internship Consortium is a little tricky because they sent out a mass e-mail just notifying people that they received applications from 80 applicants and that there were 23 spots, so that applicants had just over a 1 in 3 chance of matching. However, they did provide an interview date - 1/7 and told everyone to save that on their calendar. No definite "we're inviting you for an interview" yet. I think all the sites are reviewing the applicants interested in their respective spots.
They had 80 applicants total?! In years past, they had between 300-400.
They had 80 applicants total?! In years past, they had between 300-400.

According to Brenda Huber: "They [the supervisors/administrators] all have passwords to the pool of 80 applicants who submitted a total of 339 applications (an average of 4-5 applications from each). If you do the math, you’ll realize that, since we are recruiting 23 interns, you already have a 1 in 3.5 chance of being an ISPIC intern next year!"

I submitted two applications, but there have been people who have submitted applications to all 14 sites!
According to Brenda Huber: "They [the supervisors/administrators] all have passwords to the pool of 80 applicants who submitted a total of 339 applications (an average of 4-5 applications from each). If you do the math, you’ll realize that, since we are recruiting 23 interns, you already have a 1 in 3.5 chance of being an ISPIC intern next year!"

I submitted two applications, but there have been people who have submitted applications to all 14 sites!

That makes more sense - thanks for clarifying and good luck!
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According to Brenda Huber: "They [the supervisors/administrators] all have passwords to the pool of 80 applicants who submitted a total of 339 applications (an average of 4-5 applications from each). If you do the math, you’ll realize that, since we are recruiting 23 interns, you already have a 1 in 3.5 chance of being an ISPIC intern next year!"

I submitted two applications, but there have been people who have submitted applications to all 14 sites!

I applied to 10 of the tracks so people like me inflate their numbers.
The Canada process is killer... seven emails in the last three hours, ugh!!! Three interviews (Calgary, St Joes, Regina) and four rejections (CAMH, Ottawa Hospital, Fredericton, and Winnipeg) so far...
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Site name & Match ID number: University of Maine Counseling Center, 1356
Invite or rejection: Invite
Date notified: 12/4
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): personal e-mail
Interview Dates: 1/4, 1/5, 1/7, 1/8 by phone or Skype
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Site name & Match ID number: Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, 143511
Invite or rejection: Invite :)
Date notified: 12/3
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): phone
Interview Dates: January 5, 12, 19 & 26
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Site name & Match ID number: Devereux (Villanova, PA)
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/4
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass
Site name & Match ID number: University of Wisconsin Center for Health Sciences
Child track
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/4
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): Mass Email?
Site name & Match ID number: Devereux (Villanova, PA)
Invite or rejection: Invitation
Date notified: 12/4
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): mass
Interview date(s): 1/6, 1/8, 1/13, 1/15, & 1/20

I also got rejected at Marcus Autism Center, although that was a personal e-mail.
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Just got rejected from the NOLA VA. Can't even get an interview in my hometown. This process is the worst.
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There are a number of you I would happily take out for some post-rejection-season frozen yogurt. Or a beer. Or both. All the things.
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Just got a rejection from Washburn Center for Children. Mass email. :(
Site name & Match ID number: Yale Child Study Center, early childhood and trauma tracks
Invite or rejection: Rejection
Date notified: 12/4
How notified (mass email, personal email, phone): personal
Just got rejected from the NOLA VA. Can't even get an interview in my hometown. This process is the worst.
Aww. That's such a bummer on a Friday. :( Sorry to hear. Seems like today is the day for rejections.
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The Canada process is killer... seven emails in the last three hours, ugh!!! Three interviews (Calgary, St Joes, Regina) and four rejections (CAMH, Ottawa Hospital, Fredericton, and Winnipeg) so far...

Hi there! Which Calgary site are you referring to (Clinical Psych Residency or Alberta Children's Hospital), and which Winnipeg site (Clinical Psych Residency or U Manitoba Counseling Centre)? (This is temppsych123 on behalf of sms06h, working on updating the list!)
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12/4 Washburn Center for Children (2031) - invitation, personal email

12/4 Advocate Behavioral Health Services (1263) - invitation, personal email
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Cambridge Health Alliance (I applied to the half child/half adult track)
Personal email 12/4
Interview days: 12/14, 12/15, 12/16, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6
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Do we know which track the Institute of Living/Hartford Hospital invite was for? Or have all tracks been sent?
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Hi there! Which Calgary site are you referring to (Clinical Psych Residency or Alberta Children's Hospital), and which Winnipeg site (Clinical Psych Residency or U Manitoba Counseling Centre)? (This is temppsych123 on behalf of sms06h, working on updating the list!)

Calgary Clinical Psych Residency and Winnipeg Clinical Psych residency. Thanks!
Only four more sites to hear from.....it's almost over!

Hope everyone is having a good Friday!
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