AAMC Sample Test Score

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5+ Year Member
May 8, 2018
Reaction score
I recently took the AAMC Sample test as my first practice test (my tutor is trying to have me use mostly AAMC stuff instead of third-party material since AAMC is the most indicative) and here was my score break down.

P/S- 32/59 right- 54% right total
CARS- 32/53 right- 60% right total
B/B- 42/59 right- 71% right total
P/S- 42/59 right- 71% right total

I found a converter through a google search and it said my break down was 124/123/126/126. Is this generally accurate you think? I tried to find other converters but this was the most extensive one I could find.

My test isnt until August 31st (over 2 months out) and this is my first practice test but that score really worried me. I'm really hoping for over a 510 on my test. I obviously need to tackle CARS and chem/phys to raise those scores and try to get my b/b and p/s up a bit but I think I should focus a bit more on the first 2 sections. Any advice? I feel like I'm being overly anxious and I have plenty of time to raise my score but I honestly felt a lot better on this practice test while I was taking it and I'm a tad disappointed in my score.

NOTE: I plan to take the AAMC scored tests (1,2, and 3) a bit closer to the exam. Just didn't want to use them up so far out.

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  • AAMC-Sample-Test-Score-Conversion.xlsx
    57.1 KB · Views: 223
My predicted scaled score using the converter was two points lower than my actual score, and I took it two months before the actual exam.