Adding LoR after completion

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2+ Year Member
Jul 20, 2022
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Hi everyone,

Today I finally received a letter that I have been waiting on for a while. I was unsure if this letter would actually ever come, so I didn't add it to my letter packet and instead opted to have them submit it through AMCAS. I submitted my letter packet a while ago and was marked complete at most of my schools. I did not assign this new letter to any of these schools, only to the ones that need it for letter requirements.

My question is... Should I assign this new letter to the schools I am marked complete at now that I have received it? Will it even be reviewed at this point? Do I need to email them and let them know there is a new letter? Will this new letter send my application to the end of the line to be reviewed if I do that? Sorry for all the questions lol, just want to make sure I don't mess this up. Thank you in advance!

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You can but ...

Possibly. It will likely get added to the file in the school's admission system, but your completed file may have been sent to evaluator in a static form (ie PDF) and therefore wont see it.

you can but...

In the highly unlikely worst case scenario, by adding an new letter your are in fact requesting that your file be taken out of completed status, have a new letter added, which could possibly have your application marked as expecting minimum required individual letters, instead of the committee letter, and it sits there in waiting status, because the new letter counts as one, the committee letter is a single letter entry so it is the second, so where is the third letter? As I say this is an extremely unlikely scenario but found it happened to a student several cycles ago The medical school's admissions system was set up in an EITHER/OR that went to committee letter OR individual letter, it simply wasnt setup for both. I would assume that possibility has been eliminated in all AMCAS compliant systems but do you want to be the one student in 10,000 who has the issue?

So now that I frightened the bejesus out of you, it is unlikely to delay your application, it is also unlikely to read, so sending via AMCAS with an email to admission very nicely asking that this new letter be added to your file and used in consideration of your application is the way to go
Thank you for your thorough response. I greatly appreciate it! I think I will go ahead and add them to the schools that I feel it necessary and send them emails.
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