Advanced PteExam 2017

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I'm hoping I will be good between reading and doing all the q's from Mathew, Ptemasters, and Do any of you guys who have taken the exam in the last couple years think Edelman or another dedicated physics book is absolutely necessary?

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Agreed, PTE Masters by itself is sufficient for the exam for probably 99% of the test takers
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Matthew and PTE Masters should be good enough to pass. Do E-echocardiography for daily refreshers and inexpensive CME. Everything else is gravy. You'll certainly understand and appreciate ultrasound by reading some physics text, and it'll likely make you a better echocardiographer, but it won't be necessary to pass the test.

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Edelman is painful to read through. The rest of the resources you mentioned are excellent however.
Do you have to be a fellow in CT to be eligible for the advanced PTE exam? Can i use my fellowship from europe i wonder?
I am totally ok with being just testamur certified... what do you think?
Do you have to be a fellow in CT to be eligible for the advanced PTE exam? Can i use my fellowship from europe i wonder?
I am totally ok with being just testamur certified... what do you think?
Anyone can pay the fee and take the test. It's certification that has all of the requirements.

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