Anyone contacted by residency programs, yet?

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How long to wait before calling them.

Just curious, what happens if they renege on their contractual obligation to you? I imagine there's really nothing nrmp can do for you, except to ban the program from the match next year.

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i called my program right after i matched to say thanks and tell them i'm excited about joining them in's a nice courtesy. no need to wait for them to contact you.

either way, i got a huge e-mail today about all the credentialing info, they should contact you soon.
My program called the minute I matched and they also sent me flowers, then today I got an email. I love my program....:love:
I got a phone call 2 hours after match results were posted. It was reassuring to say the least :)...
Mine sent a Vermont Teddybear, a box of chocolates, and a membership to the local gym. Then they are gonna take me for a weekend in the country, where I think they're gonna pop the question!!! :laugh:
Mine sent me lingerie in the mail with a love note
anyone got a car?

I called my program yesterday. The person who handles incoming residents was not there. (Prolly in getting a tan on some tropical island). This blows!
My post-match $250,000 bonus was promptly deposited into my checking account just like we agreed. It is nice to see people follow through, don't you think?
Originally posted by edinOH
My post-match $250,000 bonus was promptly deposited into my checking account just like we agreed. It is nice to see people follow through, don't you think?

what, did they sell the hospital?

<bah boom bah siss>

my program took me out to a strip club, and im not ob/gyn!

seriously, i havent heard yet......can they take it back/change their mind?

Sincerely, nervous and crapping in pants

Originally posted by IN2BATE
my program took me out to a strip club, and im not ob/gyn!

seriously, i havent heard yet......can they take it back/change their mind?

Sincerely, nervous and crapping in pants


Havent heard from mine either.

They do most everything by snail mail though


Not too nervious yet -- YET
My PD sent me an email, and gave me the emails of the other 5 residents...

Yesterday I got a USPS Priority mail package from the hospital, with tons of paperwork (unlicensed physician application, VA application, tax stuff, health insurance). Its not due until April 15th though. But it was fun to read through!

I called my program coordinator the next day to get the ball rolling on housing but she wasn't in. The secretary who answered told me that my info packet (real estate, insurance, etc.) would show up in the mail early this coming week.

I *was* going to play it cool and let them call me first but then I decided "Aw, what the hell - quit playing it coy" :cool:
No Mike,

That's just the money they save each year by not having to buy snow shovels, rock salt, and heating oil.
i wasn't sure if i should contact my program on match day (didn't want to seem too pushy or overeager) but got an email from them the next morning and felt better. they told me my "package" is on the way!!

i'm so excited!!

:clap: :clap: :clap: