Anyone really apply Junior summer? I feel rushed

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7+ Year Member
Nov 5, 2014
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Is anyone planning to apply end of Junior summer? (so you can attend dental school as soon as you get out of undergrad).
I am currently finishing my sophomore year with 3.6 at top undergrad;
however, i have not taken DAT, I am not ready to ask LOR.
I see merit applying junior summer because I do not have to take any year or semester off (although I feel rushed).
Most of my friends apply end of senior year, more prepared, done some undergrad research and etc.
I just want to hear some opinions~

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Either path is fine. I have a good friend who is over the age of 30 and is matriculating this year in dental school. If it is feeling too rushed for you, then take the gap year. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
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Either path is fine. I have a good friend who is over the age of 30 and is matriculating this year in dental school. If it is feeling too rushed for you, then take the gap year. This is a marathon, not a sprint.
What he said:thumbup:
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Either path is fine. I have a good friend who is over the age of 30 and is matriculating this year in dental school. If it is feeling too rushed for you, then take the gap year. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Do you think it is also ok to take off 2nd semester of Junior year. Then take classes full year (senior year); apply that summer; then take classes one more semester (because I took of 2nd semester of Junior year) while dental admission is going on? I do not want to take a full year off but a semester would be perfect for me.
I'm applying this June (finishing junior year next week).
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Do you think it is also ok to take off 2nd semester of Junior year. Then take classes full year (senior year); apply that summer; then take classes one more semester (because I took of 2nd semester of Junior year) while dental admission is going on? I do not want to take a full year off but a semester would be perfect for me.

If it will significantly improve your quality of life and morale, do it. That's what matters in the long run. Take the time off, regroup, hit the classes hard when you come back, get a great GPA, and the rest is history.
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I applied the end of my Junior year and it is possible. I took the DAT that same summer. I think as long as you finish everything and submit your application before the end of the summer you'll be fine.
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I applied the end of my Junior year and it is possible. I took the DAT that same summer. I think as long as you finish everything and submit your application before the end of the summer you'll be fine.

Oh wow, nice dude. I am sure I can pull through but do you not feel rushed? Anyway, that's really good!:)
I am not ready to ask LOR

This is pretty important to keep in mind. Now or May would be the perfect time to ask for letters from professors, especially popular ones, if you're on the quarter system (a little short for semester, but still doable!). Give them plenty of time to get to know you and write a good, non generic letter. Your app and DAT could be set to go but if your letters aren't in, some schools won't evaluate your file. Give yourself some time to put out the best representation of yourself possible, and even if you apply later the gap year goes by ridiculously quick if you spend time working to save up for school, traveling, catching up with people you might not see a lot for the next 4-6 years, or whatever else
Oh wow, nice dude. I am sure I can pull through but do you not feel rushed? Anyway, that's really good!:)

I didn't feel rushed at all! I had a friend who applied the end of her sophomore year and I definitely wasn't ready then lol By the end of my junior year I felt that I did most of the things that I wanted to do. I was still doing research that summer too and put it on my application.