Anyone submitted optomcas with only 2 LOR requests logged and then requested the 3rd LOR later on?

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5+ Year Member
Oct 24, 2017
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Hi everyone. Things are wrapping up for me with applications, I'm trying to get my application submitted by this weekend so that I don't approach the late bracket. So far I have 2 professors writing me letters of recommendation and will have both their names/emails in the evaluator section by Friday.

I still need to add my optometrist request but am waiting to hear back if my OD colleague will write me one. Half of the schools I'm applying to require the OD letter so it's really important.

If I submit my application this weekend with only 2 requests in (not the actual completed letters, just putting their name/email in the system) will I be able to request a 3rd person at a later point? Or will submitting applications lock me out and only allow me to edit/delete the 2 that I requested?

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Yes, you will be able to request a third letter even after you've submitted. I submitted my app back in the summer and I just checked OptomCAS to see if it allows me to make a letter request and it does.
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Yes, you will be able to request a third letter even after you've submitted. I submitted my app back in the summer and I just checked OptomCAS to see if it allows me to make a letter request and it does.

Awesome, thank you!
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I would double check with them if you're able to submit a new LOR request and/or if that new LOR actually gets updated to the schools you already applied to. OR just contact that school(s) directly and ask about it since they can advise you as well.

The following is from the OptomCAS FAQ page:

Q: Can I edit any section of the application after I have e-submitted my application to OptomCAS?

A: Once the application is Submitted and Paid, the application is locked and most sections cannot be updated for the remainder of the application cycle. The only sections that can be updated are as follows:
  • Edit Contact Information
  • Edit Profile Information (username, password, security question, etc.)
  • Add programs to apply to whose deadlines have not yet passed
  • Edit or delete a reference whose status remains INCOMPLETE
  • ADD NEW but CANNOT EDIT or DELETE test scores, experiences, achievements and certifications.
  • Add new coursework. (This information will not be included in your GPA unless submitted as part of the Academic Update.)
  • Edit Program Materials for schools you have NOT yet submitted to. Programs you have already submitted to will be locked
If you have updates that need to be made to other sections of your application, you must submit these updates directly to your programs.

Hi everyone. Things are wrapping up for me with applications, I'm trying to get my application submitted by this weekend so that I don't approach the late bracket. So far I have 2 professors writing me letters of recommendation and will have both their names/emails in the evaluator section by Friday.

I still need to add my optometrist request but am waiting to hear back if my OD colleague will write me one. Half of the schools I'm applying to require the OD letter so it's really important.

If I submit my application this weekend with only 2 requests in (not the actual completed letters, just putting their name/email in the system) will I be able to request a 3rd person at a later point? Or will submitting applications lock me out and only allow me to edit/delete the 2 that I requested?
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"Edit or delete a reference whose status remains INCOMPLETE"
So in theory if you did get locked out you could probably just put in a fake email to safe guard it and then change it to the appropriate email once needed or delete it
Or for those who decide they don't want to use a particular person as a reference anymore they could just edit/delete it if not completed

I'll call to double check