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2+ Year Member
May 24, 2022
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I took AP chemistry in high school and got credit for it in college. However, I took CHEM 101 (its equivalent) in college anyways because I was told med schools don't really like AP credits. My transcript shows that the transfer credit was excluded and that the taken class is a repeat (and included).
Would entering the classes the following way be fine? Or am I supposed to put the Advanced Placement tag on the first one instead of the Exempt tag?


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Call AMCAS to make sure
I don't think you need to call AMCAS. Even though your school is labeling it as "Exempt," it really isn't for AMCAS purposes, since you initially received credit with no grade, and it was later replaced with a grade. This is literally what the "AP" and "Repeat" tags will tell AMCAS.

Of course, if there is any question, definitely call AMCAS, but I honestly do not think that is necessary in this case. The first class is not going to be included in your calculated AMCAS GPA, whether it is labeled Exempt or AP. At the end of the day, that is all that matters. The fact that AMCAS is going to double count the credits if the class is labeled AP also doesn't matter, since the second class is clearly labeled as a Repeat.
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