AP Credit for General Physics with Physics Minor?

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5+ Year Member
Sep 28, 2016
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Hey guys,

I'm new here. Currently a junior math major, and physics/chemistry/biology minor. I took AP Physics in high school a couple years ago, and I'm just realizing now that many dental schools (including one of my top choices, UMDNJ) do not accept AP credit. It didn't occur to me that I should re-take general physics, as I used the credit to take a few upper level physics courses and lab my freshman and sophomore year. I am now 5 credits away from a minor in physics - it just doesn't make sense imo to go back now. The main problem is my schedule will be very packed from now on just so I can graduate on time- I don't really have time to take these extra classes. Just wondering has anyone been in a similar situation or known of any exceptions to this rule (especially for UMDNJ)


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Your best bet would be to talk to the schools you're applying to and explain your situation.
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