This might be of interest for all N. American candidates applying to Irish schools via Atlantic Bridge who also have a EU passport. I found this on Atlantic Bridge website.
"All graduates of Irish medical schools who hold EU Passports and
who applied to medical school in Ireland through the CAO (Central Applications Office) are guaranteed an internship post in Ireland. Graduates who hold EU Passports, but did not apply through the CAO, are ranked below those who hold CAO numbers, regardless of their centile ranking in their graduating class. This system was introduced in early-2016.
American and Canadian citizens are eligible to apply for any remaining residency positions but it should be noted that there are very few places available and the application process will be extremely competitive."
This would mean that in fact we are not guaranteed a internship spot as we applied through AB and not CAO. During my interview I was told that with a EU citizenship I am
guaranteed a internship spot, however after reading this it seems like that is not the case as I applied via AB. We simply have a higher chance of getting a internship spot when compared with non-EU candidates.