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5+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I'm gearing up to start undergrad. I applied as a bio major because know I love bio and I couldn't think of much else to major in any way. As time went on, however, I realized I have a real passionate interest in public health. At the end of the day, isn't the betterment of public health what all healthcare professionals are really working toward? I decided I should change my major to public health or whatever similar major my college offers. They offer a BA in Health Administration and Policy made up of 3 tracks, one of which is public health. I plan to pursue that route as opposed to being a BS Bio major.

I guess I'm a bit uneasy because while I do really love biology and public health and think the 2 things can be very deeply intertwined, I wonder how a BA degree compares to a BS degree. My school only offers a BA in the major I want to pursue. Is one superior to the other in the eyes of med school admissions teams? And do you think I'll be fine preparing for the MCAT without being a natural science major?

I guess I can't be 100% sure, but I like to think that my pre-med classes will cover all the science classes I'll really need and I love the ability of being able to look at healthcare from a more wholesome perspective through courses associated with my undergrad degree and pairing that with the more technical side of things with my pre-med classes. I really think its important for physicians to be involved with health administration and policy, especially as it relates to public health.

What do you think?

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