BCPM Classification

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2+ Year Member
May 4, 2020
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Hi all, I want to start off by saying BCPM classification is not easy to determine with many classes. I am looking to take some extra courses to boost my BCPM gpa before I apply next spring and I came across a course that I found looked interesting and I wanted to see if it might classify as BCPM.

The course is titled BIO-xxx Research Methods in Biology and has the course description:
This introduction to biological research includes discussion and demonstrated skills in library use, literature citation, academic integrity, experimental design and statistical and graphical treatment of data. It culminates in the collaborative design, preparation and presentation of a scientific research project. This course also includes exploration of the skills and values important to careers in science. Primary emphasis is given to the development of scientific literacy, critical thinking and reasoning, and written and oral communication.

If anyone can help with maybe possible experiences or options, I would greatly appreciate it!

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Would my survey of human development class count as BCPM?
My gut tells me no, but most of what we have covered in the course so far has been very biological: genetics, epigenetics, nervous system + motor development, and prenatal development.


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Would my survey of human development class count as BCPM?
My gut tells me no, but most of what we have covered in the course so far has been very biological: genetics, epigenetics, nervous system + motor development, and prenatal development.
Unless it’s in the bio department (some schools have some classes that you wouldn’t think of as bio based on the title in the bio department), I wouldn’t think so.