Beijing Olympics

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The situation is very bad now," said Ms Hu. "When women get pregnant, the doctor will ask them if they have a cat in the house. "If they reply Yes, they tell them, 'You must get rid of it, it will be bad for the baby'.
Wow, unbelievable. I dont see how they can be worse than the toys their dad is probably making at work.
interesting article....i guess that's what a communist government is all about...*immediate action/results* another example of their immediate action/result tactics with their population control, my aunt was fined $20,000 chinese yuan for having a second child cuz China's law is everyone is only allowed 1 child per family.
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poor kitties!!! that is really horrible...
So sad....And the last thing that China needs now is bad press, what with the pet food and toy recalls over the last year.

The Lucky Cat magnet on my refrigerator doesn't seem so "lucky" anymore.
So sad....And the last thing that China needs now is bad press, what with the pet food and toy recalls over the last year.

The Lucky Cat magnet on my refrigerator doesn't seem so "lucky" anymore.

If it's a Maneki Neko it's Japanese in origin anyway, not Chinese!
This is HORRIBLE! :(
Communism at work. Disgusting. :mad:
There was a post last year about a BBC articel that discussed the China issue with cats and dogs. How they are in the market, kept in small cages with unspeakable conditions and then they are clubbed over the head just enough to stun the, but not kill them so the buyer can take them home to eat them. The eating I could understand (not that I would). But the conditions of these made me sick. Forgive me if I don't search SDN to find it....I just don't have the heart to do the search.
That's terrible. I don't even know what to say besides that I'm sickened by what I just read :(

Shame on the Olympic Committee for granting them the games when this government is guilty of so many horrible things, both animal and human offenses. It will be interesting to see how much all of that will be glossed over as everybody gets together and turns a blind eye. Hopefully there will be some sort light shined on to these things as a result of the games being there, but I won't hold my breath.