Best Antibiotic lecture :: Naplex 2017

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Expired Pharmacist

Failure is not an option
5+ Year Member
2+ Year Member
Feb 25, 2017
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Good Morning

I am studying for the Naplex, I paid for the full Rxprep course, I found that the lectures on antibiotic is not really good, I kept looking on youtube, until I found this lecture, really easy to understand and remember.
Feel free to post the videos that you find useful for the Naplex in the comment section.

Good Luck

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Good Morning

I am studying for the Naplex, I paid for the full Rxprep course, I found that the lectures on antibiotic is not really good, I kept looking on youtube, until I found this lecture, really easy to understand and remember.
Feel free to post the videos that you find useful for the Naplex in the comment section.

Good Luck

Oh thanks. I thought I was the only that didn't like the rxprep infectious disease lectures. Have been stressing myself out on how to get hold of the antibiotics section.
Good Morning

I am studying for the Naplex, I paid for the full Rxprep course, I found that the lectures on antibiotic is not really good, I kept looking on youtube, until I found this lecture, really easy to understand and remember.
Feel free to post the videos that you find useful for the Naplex in the comment section.

Good Luck

Grt video...... thanks for sharing
The RxPrep video on ID is of no value
Good Morning

I am studying for the Naplex, I paid for the full Rxprep course, I found that the lectures on antibiotic is not really good, I kept looking on youtube, until I found this lecture, really easy to understand and remember.
Feel free to post the videos that you find useful for the Naplex in the comment section.

Good Luck

Thanks for sharing. This looks like a real "lecture" not just reading the book !!