Class of 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Guess it's kinda similar to our PBL.

We work through a case a week as a group with the facilitator guiding us and we have a weekly quiz that we take as a group. During each PBL session we come up with "learning issues" based on the case that we have to research and learn for the next session.

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erm, I'm not sure I ever really understood the concept of PBL. but I'm gonna go with "yes" slash "you tell me." TBL consists of the following:
-individual quiz
-same quiz taken as a group (consensus must be reached and whatever)
-group application involving cases, questions, discussion, etc.

each session's like 2-3 hours. the prep beforehand is usually studying as usual + reading a couple articles provided by the facilitator.

of course, each school might be different. that's just how we roll!
Is that just med students, or is it interdisciplinary?

Guess it's kinda similar to our PBL.

We work through a case a week as a group with the facilitator guiding us and we have a weekly quiz that we take as a group. During each PBL session we come up with "learning issues" based on the case that we have to research and learn for the next session.
That sounds more like ours, but we don't have quizzes.
Members don't see this ad :) finally happened...i accidentally saw an episode of the big bang theory, and now i'm addicted...

This is on my "to watch" list! Any further details to convince me to push it to the top of my queue?

It's not even that good, man.

lol, spoke too late. what's wrong with it?

ps: I figured that since sometimes 2015's poke their heads in our thread, I'd check out yours. Plus, the "conversation" in ours was severely lacking. :rolleyes:
ps: I figured that since sometimes 2015's poke their heads in our thread, I'd check out yours. Plus, the "conversation" in ours was severely lacking. :rolleyes:

i came into yours because occasionally ours feels like it is about to have its feeding tube withdrawn. That's what you have to look forward to for your thread next year.
erm, I'm not sure I ever really understood the concept of PBL. but I'm gonna go with "yes" slash "you tell me." TBL consists of the following:
-individual quiz
-same quiz taken as a group (consensus must be reached and whatever)
-group application involving cases, questions, discussion, etc.

each session's like 2-3 hours. the prep beforehand is usually studying as usual + reading a couple articles provided by the facilitator.

of course, each school might be different. that's just how we roll!

Does your group agree easily or argue a lot over quiz answers? Because it sounds kinda intimidating to have to partner up with a bunch of other people and rest the fate of your grade in their hands.

But it also seems kinda nifty since it seems to emphasize development of group work and communication skills.

It's not even that good, man.


Boooooo....... :(

You don't like Dexter either, weirdo.

I kno, rite?
Is that just med students, or is it interdisciplinary?

It's just med students - we have 5 or 6 per team (18 teams) and we're with the same team the whole academic year. M2 year we'll get a new team which we'll be with all that year. During rotations third year we'll still have TBL but the teams will vary based on who else is in the same clerkship at the same time. We have a TBL session once a week on average right now, but I think it decreases as we go on (also, the portion of our grade that it comprises decreases as we go on).

Does your group agree easily or argue a lot over quiz answers? Because it sounds kinda intimidating to have to partner up with a bunch of other people and rest the fate of your grade in their hands.

But it also seems kinda nifty since it seems to emphasize development of group work and communication skills.

I absolutely love my group. I was definitely nervous at first that it was going to be a whole lot of butting heads all the time, but if we all adequately prepare for a given session, chances are we'll each individually get somewhere between an 8-10 out of 10 on the individual quiz. So if we tend to miss a couple of the same questions, there aren't many points of contention. It's structured obviously so we don't know if we're right or wrong on the individual quiz before going to the group quiz (because it's the exact same questions), but we find out as a group what we got right or wrong immediately because we use a scratch off card method of answering (if you scratch off the one with the star in it on your first try, it's one point, second try it's half a point, etc.) - and we pretty much always get either 9.5/10 or 10/10 as a group - so it's actually a great grade-booster! It's also a great way to get a better explanation of the correct answer if you're just not sure.

The last thing we do is a group application session which varies week to week - sometimes we have to draw out pathways, sometimes it's just answering questions, etc. For anatomy, this portion wasn't graded, but currently in biochem it is - so we'll see how that goes!
No group quizzes for me. My PBL is like this: show up on Monday as a group and get handed a clinical vignette about a patient experiencing various symptoms. Highlight relevant facts, research with internet and textbooks, and discuss hypotheses as a group. ~45min later, get handed the next part of the vignette, which usually includes symptom progression and whatever lab values took the shortest amount of time to come back. Spend the remainder of the two hours revising hypotheses and deciding as a group how to educate ourselves regarding what is going on (i.e. pathology mechanisms, explanations of lab values and underlying causes, explanation of symptoms, etc.). Go home and research, prepare handouts for group members and presentation to teach the group. Repeat during further 2-hour sessions on Wed and Fri. We aren't told what questions about the case/pathology/lab tests/other factors to answer, what is important, or what will eventually be on the test--we have to figure it all out as a group. Questions based on the disease or other problems raised during the PBL case are eventually added to our regularly-scheduled basic science tests. It's a lot of work...
Last edited: finally happened...i accidentally saw an episode of the big bang theory, and now i'm addicted...
I started watching it too, but mostly because I realized that the characters are supposed to live pretty much on my street and I like it when they're talking about places in my city.
It's not even that good, man.
It really isn't.

Yay for a 1.5 day school week due to turkey day :thumbup:
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It really isn't.

I absolutely love my group. I was definitely nervous at first that it was going to be a whole lot of butting heads all the time, but if we all adequately prepare for a given session, chances are we'll each individually get somewhere between an 8-10 out of 10 on the individual quiz. So if we tend to miss a couple of the same questions, there aren't many points of contention. It's structured obviously so we don't know if we're right or wrong on the individual quiz before going to the group quiz (because it's the exact same questions), but we find out as a group what we got right or wrong immediately because we use a scratch off card method of answering (if you scratch off the one with the star in it on your first try, it's one point, second try it's half a point, etc.) - and we pretty much always get either 9.5/10 or 10/10 as a group - so it's actually a great grade-booster! It's also a great way to get a better explanation of the correct answer if you're just not sure.

Our TBLs are structured the same way, and I've had the same experience with my TBL group. Love them. But I know other people are in groups they dislike. Overall, though, TBL/PBL is a rather minor part of our grade.
PBL is 20% of my grade for this module. I wish the written exams were worth more.
Our TBLs are structured the same way, and I've had the same experience with my TBL group. Love them. But I know other people are in groups they dislike. Overall, though, TBL/PBL is a rather minor part of our grade.

Ours are 25% of our course grade for anatomy and biochem/genetics - which means they raise my grade. GREAT SUCCESS.

Big Thanksgiving plans, anyone?
Ours are 25% of our course grade for anatomy and biochem/genetics - which means they raise my grade. GREAT SUCCESS.

Big Thanksgiving plans, anyone?

We're hosting this year, since we have a house now. First time ever. I already make a lot of the food but :eek:!
Ours are 25% of our course grade for anatomy and biochem/genetics - which means they raise my grade. GREAT SUCCESS.

Big Thanksgiving plans, anyone?

I've decided I'm inviting myself over to Geek's house.

i came into yours because occasionally ours feels like it is about to have its feeding tube withdrawn. That's what you have to look forward to for your thread next year.

I feel like our thread is more schizophrenic. Sometimes there's barely a post and we slip to a second page, and other times people are spamming so hard we go through 5+ pages in a day. We'll just have to find a way to put it on TPN...

Happy thanksgiving, guys!
My leftovers are gone already:( So sad
Miss you boo, I require a gchat catch-up session soon.

I'm starting to really dislike going to a school that front-loads first year, but I know I'll love it during the spring semester. I'm pretty scurred for the upcoming test week in mid-December, I feel like I study and one factoid gets in my brain and pushes another one out. :(
Miss you boo, I require a gchat catch-up session soon.

I'm starting to really dislike going to a school that front-loads first year, but I know I'll love it during the spring semester. I'm pretty scurred for the upcoming test week in mid-December, I feel like I study and one factoid gets in my brain and pushes another one out. :(
I miss you too:(
I miss my life.


Almost done with the first semester of medical school! Woohoo!
<-- just ordered canned lychees from an online Thai grocery store at 2am...clearly there is no limits to what my mind will focus on in order to procrastinate on studying...
<-- just ordered canned lychees from an online Thai grocery store at 2am...clearly there is no limits to what my mind will focus on in order to procrastinate on studying...
You should get some mangosteens. They're awesomely insane.

Insanely awesome?

Awesomely insane.

Also....makes me sad that you delete lots of your posts:(
You should get some mangosteens. They're awesomely insane.

Insanely awesome?

Awesomely insane.

Also....makes me sad that you delete lots of your posts:(

so today after preceptor i wasted an hour at a whole foods that didn't stock lychees because they are out of season and i almost--ALMOST--bought mangosteens to try when I saw them on the shelves instead but i didn't. Further proof we should get married.

heheh i forgot mods can see that stuff. This thread has a lot of secrets for you and gc :laugh: