Competition for 4 yr. vs 3 yr. AF scholarship

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10+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2011
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I've spoken with many people who've basically made it seem like the AF HPSP is almost impossible to get for the entire 4 years because so many apply. In fact, a recruiter told me recently that there were 70 HPSP Army scholarships (4 yr.) given last year compared with 4 HPSP Air Force scholarships (4 yr.).
Do any of you know if the 3 yr. AF scholarship is more attainable?

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I've spoken with many people who've basically made it seem like the AF HPSP is almost impossible to get for the entire 4 years because so many apply. In fact, a recruiter told me recently that there were 70 HPSP Army scholarships (4 yr.) given last year compared with 4 HPSP Air Force scholarships (4 yr.).
Do any of you know if the 3 yr. AF scholarship is more attainable?

There are quite a few more 3 year AF scholarships available... I think around 30? I would still go for the 4 year if you think you really want it! Besides, if you don't get it, you'll have already done the application for the scholarship and so most of it will be done for you the second time around.