Could Use Some Honest Opinions/Rant

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Sep 25, 2024
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Before you begin reading, I would just like to preface that this may come out long. Please skip to the third paragraph if you don't want to read my prologue. I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this. For reference, I am 19.


In high school, I originally wanted to go to medical school. I took around nine AP courses all related to what I thought I would do and to knock out pre-reqs for medical schools (Calculus I & II, Biology, Psychology, Statistics, Research, etc.). I was set on my goals. However, as college rolled along, I began to question my future. Did I really want to go to school for that long? Did I really want the debt? Did I really want to delay my other hobbies, friend visitation, and most importantly: starting a family with the woman I love? So I sat back, and pondered. I explored other options. I knew I could push through and receive an engineering degree. I knew I could probably do computer science, business, etc. However, I realized almost immediately that these paths were not for me. I could not imagine a future where I was not in the medical field.

It is then that I decided on nursing. Long story short, I am enjoying it so far. I enter into the clinical nursing program next semester, and although I may have lost a semester due to my indecisiveness early on, I feel reinvigorated. This lasted for a little while, until I had a conversation with my general manager and a coworker at the store I work at (Best Buy). They inspired me to reanalyze my decisions, and the more I look at it, the more appealing graduate school appears to me.

I have analyzed the data on a lot of medical specialties and have watched a bunch of "day in the life videos" (still need to shadow some of these professions in person) and the one that appeals to me the most is anesthesiology. However, I see that CRNAs also do much of what an anesthesiologist does. I am honestly torn between what I should tailor my college focus on. I don't know if I should keep taking pre-med courses on top of my nursing curriculum (risk a lower, less competitive GPA for CRNA schools), or drop them and go full focus on my nursing curriculum. I feel like I may be selling myself short, along with risking the safety of patients if I do no go down the medical school route (no disrespect to CRNAs, but I feel that medical school + residency would prepare me better for emergency situations). I also do not want to miss the future weddings of friends, delay having children, missing all my kids' events (assuming I do become an anesthesiologist), and just delaying other "adult" things like home ownership, paying off college debt, etc. I like the doors and room for specialization that an MD/DO in anesthesiology opens, along with the better training. But, I like the "lack of delay" on life the CRNA career can bring.


I understand answers may be biased as I am posting on a pre-med forum (I hope this is the right spot lol), but I could really just use some insight. Thank you all.

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Can you ask your specific questions without the novella? That way we can help you.
I ran the post through a chatbot and got the following (with additional editing from me):

Anesthesiologist or CRNA?

OP: please confirm.

Also, have you checked out anesthesiologist assistant?
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I ran the post through a chatbot and got the following (with additional editing from me):

Anesthesiologist or CRNA?

OP: please confirm.

Also, have you checked out anesthesiologist assistant?
confused as to what you mean lol? you ran my post through a chatbot to verify whether it was real or?
Before you begin reading, I would just like to preface that this may come out long. Please skip to the third paragraph if you don't want to read my prologue. I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this. For reference, I am 19.


In high school, I originally wanted to go to medical school. I took around nine AP courses all related to what I thought I would do and to knock out pre-reqs for medical schools (Calculus I & II, Biology, Psychology, Statistics, Research, etc.). I was set on my goals. However, as college rolled along, I began to question my future. Did I really want to go to school for that long? Did I really want the debt? Did I really want to delay my other hobbies, friend visitation, and most importantly: starting a family with the woman I love? So I sat back, and pondered. I explored other options. I knew I could push through and receive an engineering degree. I knew I could probably do computer science, business, etc. However, I realized almost immediately that these paths were not for me. I could not imagine a future where I was not in the medical field.

It is then that I decided on nursing. Long story short, I am enjoying it so far. I enter into the clinical nursing program next semester, and although I may have lost a semester due to my indecisiveness early on, I feel reinvigorated. This lasted for a little while, until I had a conversation with my general manager and a coworker at the store I work at (Best Buy). They inspired me to reanalyze my decisions, and the more I look at it, the more appealing graduate school appears to me.

I have analyzed the data on a lot of medical specialties and have watched a bunch of "day in the life videos" (still need to shadow some of these professions in person) and the one that appeals to me the most is anesthesiology. However, I see that CRNAs also do much of what an anesthesiologist does. I am honestly torn between what I should tailor my college focus on. I don't know if I should keep taking pre-med courses on top of my nursing curriculum (risk a lower, less competitive GPA for CRNA schools), or drop them and go full focus on my nursing curriculum. I feel like I may be selling myself short, along with risking the safety of patients if I do no go down the medical school route (no disrespect to CRNAs, but I feel that medical school + residency would prepare me better for emergency situations). I also do not want to miss the future weddings of friends, delay having children, missing all my kids' events (assuming I do become an anesthesiologist), and just delaying other "adult" things like home ownership, paying off college debt, etc. I like the doors and room for specialization that an MD/DO in anesthesiology opens, along with the better training. But, I like the "lack of delay" on life the CRNA career can bring.


I understand answers may be biased as I am posting on a pre-med forum (I hope this is the right spot lol), but I could really just use some insight. Thank you all.
No one can really make this decision for you because it is so personal but imo if work-life balance, and jumping straight into a career making good money (and less debt) is what is important to you then CRNA is a wonderful choice. But doing both pre nursing and pre med is not the way to go about this. It costs too much money, too much time AND is adding on to your workload which ofc will affect your GPA. If for some reason you decide later in life your true calling is to become a doctor you can always revisit that at a later time and possibly do a post bacc (albeit it’s going to be costly)
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