COVID Vaccine Side Effects

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Vaccination symptoms after either shot?

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Feb 23, 2010
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Not sure if anyone has any interest in seeing what if any side effects a subset of ER docs experience from the vaccine, but I figured there would likely be a bunch of us who would be able to contribute if so inclined.

I made a poll for the top in case people want to use that without writing a post, though it is inherently limited to describing symptoms after either vaccination. That said, it's set so you can change your vote in case you enter it after shot 1 and want to change it after shot 2.

As far as I'm concerned:

Shot 1: Felt like I got a tdap in terms of arm soreness. Lasted about 48-72 hrs. No systemic sx.

Shot 2 Update, hour 24: Developed chills last night ~12 hrs after the shot. Felt feverish, didn't check temp. Woke up this AM. Mild HA, myalgias, arm sore. I could pop ibuprofen and work like this, but I'm happy I don't have to as I'm off today.


EDITED for 24 hr update

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Shot 1: 48-hrs of arm soreness only.
Shot 2: 48-hrs of arm soreness, plus injection site a little red and itchy. Now resolved. Thought I might have been a little achy and fatigued the day after, but I ended up concluding it was because of the 28 miles I ran last weekend for my marathon training. Today, 4 days post shot 2, I feel like like I'm ready to fight a pack of wild bear cubs.

None of this was anything I couldn't have worked through, and did.

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Ditto BoardingDoc's experience.

---I asked the RN doing my vaccination if she had had any reactions to date. She reported that she had personally given 30-40 COVID vaccines with zero reactions. (In my shop we are directed to set in the immediate area for 15 minutes post injection.)
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Moderate headache 45mins to 6 hrs after shot

Fatigue afterwards for rest of the day.

Injection site hematoma
After the first shot, I had:
- A low fever (above 100.4 but below 101.0) the next day
- Mild fatigue the next day
- Arm pain for 3 days

I wouldn't call my symptoms significant, though, so I didn't vote on the poll.

I hope the symptoms aren't too much worse the second time.
My spouse....


1st shot
-Injection site and whole body soreness
-Lost of taste for 1 day

2nd shot

*Update: After the 2nd shot, she felt worse:
1. Whole body and injection site soreness
2. Feverish
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Biggest side effect for me with the first shot was this constant urge to talk about getting vaccinated.
A couple more days till dose #2!
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I got my second dose of the PFIZER vaccine yesterday. Got the 2 doses about 20 days apart. Only side effect from my first dose was minor soreness at the injection site, which went away in a day. With the second dose, I have the same effect of minor soreness. But other than that, doing just fine!
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2nd dose of Pfizer yesterday. Deltoid soreness that eve, continues today. Last night I had chills and aches but nothing I bothered to take anything for. Plan to take the kids sledding this afternoon.
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Dose 1: injection site soreness for 24 hours.

Dose 2: myalgias, chills, fatigue, and injection site soreness started 12 hours after the shot. 24 hours out and it is a little better but not back to normal.

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Biggest side effect for me with the first shot was this constant urge to talk about getting vaccinated.
A couple more days till dose #2!

Did you have a sudden urge to post a vaccine photo gallery on Facebook? That's the most common side effect among nurses.
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Did you have a sudden urge to post a vaccine photo gallery on Facebook? That's the most common side effect among nurses.

Haha I hate taking pics of myself so I didn't get that variant
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I got my second dose of the PFIZER vaccine yesterday. Got the 2 doses about 20 days apart. Only side effect from my first dose was minor soreness at the injection site, which went away in a day. With the second dose, I have the same effect of minor soreness. But other than that, doing just fine!
It means it didn't work. You got a fake vaccine
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It means it didn't work. You got a fake vaccine
He probably doesn't live near a 5G tower. You have to be within a certain radius for the 5G waves to reach your arm and activate the tracking chip designed by Bill Gates.
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So, interesting development. I have no prior history of migraines but I'm now 48 hrs s/p vaccination and I just developed a scintillating scotoma and then some negative effects (cheek numbness on the same side) right afterwards. Lasted about 30-60 minutes. That combo means I'm fairly certain I'm not having a stroke, and while I know correlation != causation, the timing is a little weird. Never had anything like this in my life and no one in my family has a history of migraines.
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He probably doesn't live near a 5G tower. You have to be within a certain radius for the 5G waves to reach your arm and activate the tracking chip designed by Bill Gates.
That's why I wear my vest made of aluminum foil. I also wear a tinfoil hat to prevent the Company from reading my thoughts.
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So, interesting development. I have no prior history of migraines but I'm now 48 hrs s/p vaccination and I just developed a scintillating scotoma and then some negative effects (cheek numbness on the same side) right afterwards. Lasted about 30-60 minutes. That combo means I'm fairly certain I'm not having a stroke, and while I know correlation != causation, the timing is a little weird. Never had anything like this in my life and no one in my family has a history of migraines.
When should we expect you for your CT, CTA, and LP?
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He probably doesn't live near a 5G tower. You have to be within a certain radius for the 5G waves to reach your arm and activate the tracking chip designed by Bill Gates.
Now wonder my phone immediately goes from 2 to 5 bars everytime I get near it!
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I mean I had a fever and felt like **** but still 12-24 hrs of that was nothing significant.
Dose #1: Deltoid soreness mostly on day 2. Went on hikes day of and day after. Don't remember specifics, but I do that pretty much every day, so quite sure the hikes happened.

Dose #2: Mild frontal headache that began about 2 hours after the shot and lasted until I went to bed and mild myalgias in my back starting about the same time; I knocked both out with ibuprofen and Tylenol, went for an evening hike, recorded and edited a video of the hike. Did leg day workout at home. Deltoid soreness became noticeable in the evening of day 1 and much more prominent on day 2. Knocked it out with ibuprofen, went on the mandatory hike, and did my upper body regimen of free weights, pull-ups, and push-ups. So overall, not feeling bad.
So, interesting development. I have no prior history of migraines but I'm now 48 hrs s/p vaccination and I just developed a scintillating scotoma and then some negative effects (cheek numbness on the same side) right afterwards. Lasted about 30-60 minutes. That combo means I'm fairly certain I'm not having a stroke, and while I know correlation != causation, the timing is a little weird. Never had anything like this in my life and no one in my family has a history of migraines.
I had some similar Sx yesterday (about 30 hours post vaccine) and then got a headache that lasted through the night.
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So, interesting development. I have no prior history of migraines but I'm now 48 hrs s/p vaccination and I just developed a scintillating scotoma and then some negative effects (cheek numbness on the same side) right afterwards. Lasted about 30-60 minutes. That combo means I'm fairly certain I'm not having a stroke, and while I know correlation != causation, the timing is a little weird. Never had anything like this in my life and no one in my family has a history of migraines.
I had my first scintillating scotoma (and only one with unilateral paresthesias) during my neurology rotation 3rd year of med school.
Then another one 10 years later. So... they can be totally random. ;)

Moderna Dose #1: Achy deltoid x3d (more than just a flu shot, about on par with TDaP) but nothing else.
Moderna Dose #2 hasn't happened yet, but I might try to schedule it with a few days off.
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My arm hurts like crazy - and my toddler keeps seeming to find the spot. There’s also a huge welt. I’ve never had an injection hurt like this. I was pretty tired today, but (again) toddler.
I'm getting dose 1 this week and based on what everyone is saying, I'll def schedule dose 2 when I don't have to work.
I know people in the beginning were "laughing" about scheduling around work, but why chance it if you don't have to?

I wonder how things are going to be when the general public starts getting vaccinated. I would say the #1 reason people tell me they won't get the flu vaccine is because they got sick after it. I assume over the next couple of years we'll have herd immunity so the covid vaccine won't be as critical, but I can't imagine that the general public will put up with such severe side effects next year if/when we have to get vaccinated again.
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I'm getting dose 1 this week and based on what everyone is saying, I'll def schedule dose 2 when I don't have to work.
I know people in the beginning were "laughing" about scheduling around work, but why chance it if you don't have to?

I wonder how things are going to be when the general public starts getting vaccinated. I would say the #1 reason people tell me they won't get the flu vaccine is because they got sick after it. I assume over the next couple of years we'll have herd immunity so the covid vaccine won't be as critical, but I can't imagine that the general public will put up with such severe side effects next year if/when we have to get vaccinated again.

I would definitely schedule around work if possible. I didn't because I jumped on the first batch of vaccines, fearing that they might run out.
I just got my second dose and have two more shifts to go... I feel sick -- not majorly sick but like a mild viral syndrome sort of thing.
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Pfizer 1st Shot - mild sore deltoid for 3 days
Pfizer 2nd Shot - mild sore deltoid for 3 days

Kind of wish I had more of a reaction with the second shot. This is based on belief - with no proof - that those with more symptoms have a better immune response.
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Mild deltoid soreness both times, lasted about 36 hours.
Pfizer 1st Shot - mild sore deltoid for 3 days
Pfizer 2nd Shot - mild sore deltoid for 3 days

Kind of wish I had more of a reaction with the second shot. This is based on belief - with no proof - that those with more symptoms have a better immune response.
Definitely true. The fact that I had neurologic symptoms as well means that I'm not only immune to standard covid, but also to the lesser known covid meningitis.
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Feel much much better almost 48 hours after my second shot. As posted in another thread, awakened at 2 am (about 18 hours after my second shot) with severe nausea (felt like I was pregnant), GI upset, severe fatigue, body aches, headache, and really bad rigors (but never developed a fever that morning). Worse experience than having the flu. I went to work and was sleepy all day long. Probably because the nausea kept me awake all night long despite 16 mg of Zofran. Got home yesterday afternoon from work at 4:30, went to bed, awakened at 8, ate some chicken noodle soup, then went back to bed at 10 and awakened at 5 am feeling like nothing ever happened. Yesterday while at work, I took some Tylenol and Motrin for body aches. Got a little sweaty afterwards so wonder if I had a low grade fever then.
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Pfizer 1st shot - Sore arm for a day, mild fatigue for 2-3 days, that's it.
Pfizer 2nd shot - Sore arm for a day, felt completely fine for about 24 hours and then woke up that night with chills, myalgia, subjective fever (didn't bother getting up to take it) and went back to bed. Woke up a few hours later feeling absolutely fine.

My girlfriend had zero symptoms after the first shot but she had pretty moderate flu like symptoms after the 2nd shot. I think she told me her temp spiked to 101 and she had diffuse myalgia and it lasted for about a day and then resolved.
Definitely true. The fact that I had neurologic symptoms as well means that I'm not only immune to standard covid, but also to the lesser known covid meningitis.

At about 36 hours post 2nd dose I totally had the thought, "I wonder if this is what a mild viral meningitis feels like?"

But when I woke up & took 400mg ibuprofen, I felt great. I've said it before & I'll say it again - ibuprofen is a f@*<ing miracle drug.
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Pfizer vaccine
First dose: Sore arm for 24 hours

Second dose: Sore arm about 2 hours post injection. Felt fine the rest of the day. Then about 16 hours after the injection, developed an increased temperature ~100 F. Chills. Headache. Generally feeling crappy.

Still have a low grade temperature. Took some tylenol and doing ok currently.

Second dose is no joke.
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Got Pfizer #1 on Thursday. Nothing Thursday, fatigue and headache on Friday most of the day. Took a nap and some Motrin and it went away. Nothing Saturday or today. Some mild arm soreness Friday. Still a little tender if I push on it, but otherwise fine.

Hoping for something similar for Pfizer #2.
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Had real covid 1.5 months ago.

#1: ~6 hours after, I had this bizarre persistent tachycardia which lasted about 4 hours. HR 110-115 (both manual and on my pulse ox with a good wave form). Stayed like that despite no physical activity or emotional/anxiety sx. Otherwise felt fine, and the tachycardia resolved on its own.

#2: premeditated with naproxen and didn’t feel a thing besides a sore arm.

Im in a trial where they’re tracking a bunch of my antibodies and inflammatory cytokine levels over time, and will get a cardiac MRI later this year. Will update if anything interesting comes of it.
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Pfizer - 2nd dose, day 4 post jab:
-New side effect noticed. I went to Target yesterday and felt way less uptight. :cool:
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First dose- mild arm soreness
Second dose- im at the 17 hour mark now and feeling chills, fatigue, seems to be common timing. Havent checked temp yet. 4 more night shifts to go so hoping this doesnt get worse. Theyve been making people quarantine for 2 weeks at my hospital.
pfizer #1 -- no symptoms at all. not even a sore arm. had to check for needle mark to make sure I even received the shot.
pfizer #2 -- 1/10 sore arm. similar to any other shot. ~30 hours afterwards (post-vaccine-day 1) felt some minor chills for the rest of the day. Temp 99.4F (forehead). PVD 2 asymptomatic.

Overall symptoms were pretty mild. Honestly I may not have even paid attention to them had I not been hyper attentive to my body. Could have worked through all of it.
Pfizer 1 - mild arm soreness x1 day
Pfizer 2 - fleeting nausea, myalgias, some chills. Low back pain all day.
First dose- mild arm soreness
Second dose- im at the 17 hour mark now and feeling chills, fatigue, seems to be common timing. Havent checked temp yet. 4 more night shifts to go so hoping this doesnt get worse. Theyve been making people quarantine for 2 weeks at my hospital.
Quarantine? Are they worried the vaccine is contagious? If only......
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My wife has a nice contact dermatitis from the adhesive on the bandage from her first shot. Does that count?

I had 1 day of feeling like crud and 2 days of feeling 90% After the second shot.
My state just added a bunch of categories to vaccine-group 1a, including "harbor pilots." Lol. I had to look that one up.

I'll save you the google. Harbor pilot: "A...harbor pilot... is a mariner who maneuvers ships through dangerous or congested waters, such as harbors or river mouths. "

Also, athletic trainers, dieticians, embalmers, hospital sign language and language interpreters and a bunch others.

I guess they finally got tired of vaccine sitting in freezers instead of in deltoids.
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