DAT Organic Chemistry Question

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Mar 6, 2017
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Hi! Just wondering.. I'm currently a soph in undergrad and I'm finishing up this semester w/orgo 1, and I'm taking orgo 2 over the summer.. Would it be a good idea to study for the DAT at the same time and take it sometime July/Aug? I have all my other DAT prereqs done. Just wondering because idk if it helps to have orgo 2 for the DAT. Thanks!

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I wouldn't recommend it. You're better off focusing your time and energy on doing well on orgo 2 and saving the DAT for later. Plus, you'll be more prepared for the test having finished all the prereqs (plenty of orgo 2 questions on the DAT) and additional Bio courses. You have lots of time to take the test (I took mine a week before submitting my application).
If you're really in a hurry, take the test during winter break of Junior year. But like I said, a number of dental students I've met took the test the same summer they applied.
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I would take the DAT after you take Ochem II
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