Did terrible on first practice PCAT exam...

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Jul 9, 2015
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I'm taking the PCAT July 22 and I've been putting off studying for a while.

I finished most of my prereq classes a few years ago. Yesterday I took an online practice exam from the Kaplan 2017 book, timed, and these were my scores:

Composite: 408 (64th)
Biological processes: 402 (46th)
Chemical processes: 389 (28th)
Critical reading: 440 (98th)
Quantitative reasoning: 399 (45th)

They're obviously pretty bad so I made up a study schedule where I study 4 hours every day for a month, I study certain topics every day, and dates were I take more practice exams. But are these scores normal considering I've been out of school for a year and most of my preqs were taken 3-5 years ago?

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In my opinion, they don't look as bad considering you didn't study at all for it. I'm sure once you study you'll receive a nice score.

How are you studying? What books or resources are you using?
I canceled my PCAT and rescheduled for September 9th when I realized I could get a partial refund. And this gives me 12 weeks to study instead of 4 weeks. It was just getting too difficult considering I'm working 50 hours a week and I'm taking Orgo II over the summer.

Someone gave me a bunch of PCAT books, but I'm mainly using the Kaplan 2016-2017 book to study because it's the only one that includes the new changes to the test. This is my study plan

Week 1-2 Biology
Week 3-4 Math (+ Bio review problems)
Week 4-8 Chemistry (+ Math review problems)
Kaplan Practice Exam 2016-2017 II
Week 9-10 Review Bio, Math, Chem + Kaplan Practice Exam 2015-2016 1 & 2
Pearson Practice Exam
Pearson Practice Exam
Pearson Practice Exam
Exam on Week 12
No joke, I was expecting a 30 composite or something and not a 64. If you're not aware, chemistry influences your composite the most when compared to the other sections so you need to make it an absolute top priority to do well in that section. If Dr. Collins is still relevant for the chemistry section today (I took the test almost 4 years ago), study the hell out of his chemistry section. It's pretty much the sole reason why I got a 98 in chemistry.
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+1 on Dr.Collins if you can afford it. It helped me get a 99 in chemistry and biology. I'm not sure how accurate is Kaplan's score predictor, but the Pearson practice exams were very accurate in reflecting my actual score.
+1 on Dr.Collins if you can afford it. It helped me get a 99 in chemistry and biology. I'm not sure how accurate is Kaplan's score predictor, but the Pearson practice exams were very accurate in reflecting my actual score.
Where can I purchase the Pearson practice exams? Is it a book?
Where can I purchase the Pearson practice exams? Is it a book?

Like FuturePharmD92 said, the official Pearson Practice Tests can be bought online here. It's $50 for 1, $70 for 2, and $90 for 3 so kinda pricey. I think they will be worth it because it's like getting a couple shots at the PCAT before you take the real one.
Not a book or anything. They''re kinda pricey, but I've heard they're definitely worth it.
64 composite is decent IMHO. if you manage to score >60 on the real thing and maintain a good GPA >3.5, you will be accepted to a decent school.

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+1 on Dr.Collins if you can afford it. It helped me get a 99 in chemistry and biology. I'm not sure how accurate is Kaplan's score predictor, but the Pearson practice exams were very accurate in reflecting my actual score.
Is the study guide more helpful or the practice exams for Dr. Collins?