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Aug 26, 2018
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How bad will it look that I failed General Chemistry II twice? First attempt I got a C-, second attempt I got a D, and on my third (and last) attempt, I finished with a B. I honestly don't really have a good excuse, it was just laziness and irresponsibility on my part...

But, after that semester where I finally passed, I got my **** together and have been maintaining a 4.0 in all my classes since, got a 97% in Orgo I and a 100% in Orgo II, and I anticipate I'll be finishing Biochemistry this semester with an A as well.

Just trying to gauge my future at this point to be honest, and am wondering if that blip in my application will be a huge hold back.

P.S. not applying till next cycle or the cycle afterward, just started senior year.
One or two mistakes isn't bad, just keep your grades up.
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Retook gen chems multiple times... probably why I needed a post-bacc to get to where I am now haha.

Have faith. Keep grinding. One or two poor grades don't mean anything.
Gen chem sucks. Work harder. Do every practice question in the book until you can do it in your sleep.
How bad will it look that I failed General Chemistry II twice? First attempt I got a C-, second attempt I got a D, and on my third (and last) attempt, I finished with a B. I honestly don't really have a good excuse, it was just laziness and irresponsibility on my part...

But, after that semester where I finally passed, I got my **** together and have been maintaining a 4.0 in all my classes since, got a 97% in Orgo I and a 100% in Orgo II, and I anticipate I'll be finishing Biochemistry this semester with an A as well.

Just trying to gauge my future at this point to be honest, and am wondering if that blip in my application will be a huge hold back.

P.S. not applying till next cycle or the cycle afterward, just started senior year.
I was in a very similar position as you OP. I took O chem 3 times. I ended up not being accepted my first cycle so I decided to do an smp and made sure I got a 4.0. I'm currently a medical student and to be honest that smp has been saving my bacon in med school (I'm currently in the top 10% of my class and I find myself needing to study much less than my classmates). Hopefully you make it this cycle, but if for some reason you decide to go the smp route it could be a blessing in disguise! Also, your upward trend will be very helpful. I took O-chem towards the end of my degree so it gave me a downward trend which can be harder to get past admissions committees.
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