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Nov 18, 2018
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Hi everyone,

I have decided to submit my deposit for Goucher's PBPM program for the 2019-2020 class year. Is there anyone else who has decided to join the class?

I was admitted to both Bryn Mawr and Goucher and ultimately sided with Goucher because Bryn Mawr's program would have required taking out private loans, instead of being able to use federal loans for the full cost. I also really enjoyed how Goucher's classes only have post-bac students in them. I went back and forth regarding the cost, but as someone who has not taken any of the prerequisites and is already 30 I decided I would just apply to Bryn Mawr and Goucher, and if I got into them I would do one of them so I could start my future career more quickly. I currently have a well paying job that is not horrible, but after doing shadowing I realized most physicians' disillusionment stems from increased paperwork and dealing with a ton of regulations. Considering my job is basically 95% paperwork and regulations and 5% human interaction, even if life as a physician is 40% human interaction and 60% paperwork that is not going to be any worse than my current situation lol.

In case it would be helpful for the applicants this year or any future years, here are some statistics. Regarding the timeline, I applied around early October, interviewed in late October, and was accepted about a week later. My undergrad GPA was a little over a 3.9, my SATs were about 1400 or so, not including the writing section. I had volunteered in a range of healthcare and non-healthcare related settings, and had done some shadowing.

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Did you re-take the SAT, or did they accept an old score?
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Hi Canton! I recently interviewed at both as well (waitlisted at Goucher, accepted at BM), and have chosen the latter. How do you figure that Goucher's wouldn't require taking out private loans? Seems to me the prices for the two are almost identical.
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Hi Canton! I recently interviewed at both as well (waitlisted at Goucher, accepted at BM), and have chosen the latter. How do you figure that Goucher's wouldn't require taking out private loans? Seems to me the prices for the two are almost identical.

stats for the curious - GPA 3.7, ACT 33

Bryn Mawr's program does not grant a certificate so the federal loan cap for independent students in the program is $12,500 of direct loans. However, since Goucher's program awards a certificate you can take out direct loans and then make up the difference for the total cost with Grad PLUS loans. If you are a dependent student your parents can take out Parent PLUS loans on your behalf for the Bryn Mawr program, but if you are an independent student and do not have saved up cash for the difference between $12,500 and the total cost of the Bryn Mawr program then you need to take out private loans. Student loans are crappy in general, but private ones have way worse terms in terms of forgiveness, deferral, payment options, etc.

I interviewed in person at Goucher but did the Skype option for Bryn Mawr. I did not leave feeling like "omg this is the best program in the universe!" (some of the posts from previous years are all like "I LOVED IT!!!!") but I did feel like it would meet my goals, which are to get the prerequisites done quickly and in a relatively collaborative setting. What did you think about your interviews?
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I see. I had overall positive impressions of both places (did both interviews in person), but I liked BM better. The campus was more unique and Hogwarts-y, and I got along really well with the other people I was interviewing with. It also has more linkages with schools I would like to attend. (I also have a lot of connections to the Philly area, so that was another reason.)
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Hi Canton! Could you post about your volunteering/work experience? I want to apply this cycle but feel as though my resume is inadequate (haven't published papers, no shadowing, etc.). Sorry if this question is intrusive but any info you can provide will be appreciated! :)
Hi Canton! Could you post about your volunteering/work experience? I want to apply this cycle but feel as though my resume is inadequate (haven't published papers, no shadowing, etc.). Sorry if this question is intrusive but any info you can provide will be appreciated! :)

Sure! I had shadowing experience from about 10 years ago, but had more recently done some more with a local doctor. I had also engaged in some medically related volunteering over the past few years, and some volunteering related with my current profession. I did not have any published papers. I have had a few public service and leadership related roles through my current profession. Let me know if you have any other questions!
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Goucher v. Bryn Mawr is an interesting debate. I personally flipped from one to the other. I'm glad you mentioned the "I LOVED IT!!!" syndrome from Goucher alumni posts. I definitely noticed that as well and that influenced me quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, the reviews for BM were all positive, but the ones for Goucher just seemed ecstatic, through the roof. Seemed like this was mainly due to the smaller class size, which evidently fostered a unique sense of community and intimacy. I should add that earlier this year BM's website made it seem, at least to me, like they did not have in-house MCAT prep, which was another big (but mistaken) factor in my preferring Goucher over BM. They've since revamped their website and it seems like the MCAT prep is more or less equivalent.

Anyway, for the above reasons I applied only to Goucher, hoping to be one and done. And then was waitlisted (and still am). A few interview notes: 1) since I'm far away I chose the Skype interview, which started out pleasant enough but then bizarrely became more and's hard to characterize, but I'd say probing and unfriendly, as if she were actively trying to find reasons to disqualify me. Which was odd because 2) I am, I would think, a very strong candidate, academically and otherwise. So the interview and the program itself left a bad taste in my mouth. The director seemed to really fault me for not having any shadowing experience at a hospital, and I reassured her that I would make that a priority while adding that it was a bit difficult since I truthfully work long hours (sometimes weekends) and have little spare time. Since I have a longstanding record of public service (including health-related), I didn't think that would be such a big deal.

I have not applied to BM yet but will soon (recently started shadowing and want a few more months under my belt).

For the record, both Goucher and BM have postbac-only classes. Though at BM, a few labs apparently may include undergrads. Canton, I think your federal loans reason makes perfect sense. In terms of outcome and reputation the two programs seem very similar -- in my mind the only distinguishing factors are class size, location, public transport, linkages and, as you pointed out, federal v. private loans. In my case, I was putting way too much emphasis on class size and gushing v. (gasp) only very strong reviews. After thinking about it, I'm much more ambivalent about class size now. And after I realized that MCAT prep is about the same, everything points toward BM -- I prefer being close to Philly as opposed to Baltimore, the public transport is better at BM (important for me as I won't have a car), and most importantly, after being waitlisted at Goucher I discovered that BM has a linkage agreement with my top choice while Goucher does not (whew...). Finally, the loans issue thankfully doesn't apply to me as I have saved up enough through work. Had I not, however, it would be a very tough choice indeed.
What was everyone’s gpa that was admitted to Goucher?
Hey Canton! Thank you so much for responding. I actually just got an interview so I am really thrilled and terrified at the moment. If you're willing, could you shed some light on what the interview questions were like, what to do in the time between now and the interview (ECs, shadowing, etc.)? Or just anything you might think is useful for candidates. Again, if this is not something you're comfortable sharing, I understand. :)
Hi everyone,

I have decided to submit my deposit for Goucher's PBPM program for the 2019-2020 class year. Is there anyone else who has decided to join the class?

I was admitted to both Bryn Mawr and Goucher and ultimately sided with Goucher because Bryn Mawr's program would have required taking out private loans, instead of being able to use federal loans for the full cost. I also really enjoyed how Goucher's classes only have post-bac students in them. I went back and forth regarding the cost, but as someone who has not taken any of the prerequisites and is already 30 I decided I would just apply to Bryn Mawr and Goucher, and if I got into them I would do one of them so I could start my future career more quickly. I currently have a well paying job that is not horrible, but after doing shadowing I realized most physicians' disillusionment stems from increased paperwork and dealing with a ton of regulations. Considering my job is basically 95% paperwork and regulations and 5% human interaction, even if life as a physician is 40% human interaction and 60% paperwork that is not going to be any worse than my current situation lol.

In case it would be helpful for the applicants this year or any future years, here are some statistics. Regarding the timeline, I applied around early October, interviewed in late October, and was accepted about a week later. My undergrad GPA was a little over a 3.9, my SATs were about 1400 or so, not including the writing section. I had volunteered in a range of healthcare and non-healthcare related settings, and had done some shadowing.

Hey Canton, I decided to join the class of 2019-2020! It was tough deciding between Bryn Mawr and Goucher, but ultimately I decided on the latter based on a number of factors (class size, gut feeling, location). Since it is such a small class size, I figured it may be helpful to start reaching out and getting to know people. I'm currently at the National Institutes of Health in a neuroscience lab studying color perception and am looking forward to heading in a more clinical direction. Feel free to reach out, maybe we can create a Goucher 2019-2020 google group or the likes...