Graduating early

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Jun 13, 2017
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I am considering graduating early (deadline September 28) but I hear back from the school I ED’d to October 1.

I’m right at their average with a 510 and 3.8. I have interesting activities and had a decent interview, but the school seems more stats focused (ugh)

The only classes I would take are for random minors and anatomy. I’m just tired of school and miss my job back home. I know going home means no social life and more importantly no chance to boost my GPA if I don’t get in. On the other hand I can work and volunteer more, making me marketable for other schools.

My family is going through a tough time and I always regretted not spending time with them because of the premed grind. This is my chance to be a good kid and help. I really don’t know what to do and could use some advice.

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I am considering graduating early (deadline September 28) but I hear back from the school I ED’d to October 1.

I’m right at their average with a 510 and 3.8. I have interesting activities and had a decent interview, but the school seems more stats focused (ugh)

The only classes I would take are for random minors and anatomy. I’m just tired of school and miss my job back home. I know going home means no social life and more importantly no chance to boost my GPA if I don’t get in. On the other hand I can work and volunteer more, making me marketable for other schools.

My family is going through a tough time and I always regretted not spending time with them because of the premed grind. This is my chance to be a good kid and help. I really don’t know what to do and could use some advice.
Your gpa won’t keep you out of med school, especially if you are at their median. Do what makes you happy.
I am considering graduating early (deadline September 28) but I hear back from the school I ED’d to October 1.

I’m right at their average with a 510 and 3.8. I have interesting activities and had a decent interview, but the school seems more stats focused (ugh)

The only classes I would take are for random minors and anatomy. I’m just tired of school and miss my job back home. I know going home means no social life and more importantly no chance to boost my GPA if I don’t get in. On the other hand I can work and volunteer more, making me marketable for other schools.

My family is going through a tough time and I always regretted not spending time with them because of the premed grind. This is my chance to be a good kid and help. I really don’t know what to do and could use some advice.

You don't need higher than a 3.8. just graduate early. You can always delay graduation till later if you want (at least at my school).

Edit: in case it was unclear I mean to choose early graduation and then delay it later if you need or want to.
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Your gpa won’t keep you out of med school, especially if you are at their median. Do what makes you happy.
I’m in a hard advanced biochemistry class now, and I’m worrying about having to reapply with lower than a 3.8 :/ I just wish I could know if I got in
You don't need higher than a 3.8. just graduate early. You can always delay graduation till later if you want (at least at my school).

Edit: in case it was unclear I mean to choose early graduation and then delay it later if you need or want to.
ok I’m going to ask about that. In case i tank my advanced biochem class. Thank you!
So if you graduate early would it be in December? And otherwise in May(2019)? I wouldn't apply for early grad if this is the case. You could take a class or two at a CC closer to home next semester and just apply for May graduation at the proper time. If you have all the degree requirements I don’t know what the problem would be.
So if you graduate early would it be in December? And otherwise in May(2019)? I wouldn't apply for early grad if this is the case. You could take a class or two at a CC closer to home next semester and just apply for May graduation at the proper time. If you have all the degree requirements I don’t know what the problem would be.
Why would you not graduate? Bc of grades? It is it bad when the school I apply to sees I graduate
Because you are asking if you should apply for early grad. I suggested not doing early grad and graduating on time in May. Schools don’t care when you graduate. You asked I responded. By not applying for early grad you are leaving doors open in case you don’t get in ED. If you do get in, have your credits evaluated and if you really are finish tell the school you are going to apply for grad in May and you won’t be in attendance next semester.
Thanks. I will ask about that as I don’t want to have to pay 2k in school fees if im not there