How adversely will the lack of a committee letter impact my application?

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5+ Year Member
Aug 14, 2017
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Hello All,

I will be applying to dental schools this cycle as a junior.

I was recently informed that I am not eligible for a committee letter from my school because I have an official warning on my conduct record for a fire safety violation (using a fire exit once, no alarm sounded). I am very stressed out now and am looking for input to how this will impact my overall application. More specifically, how will this impact my chances at my safety, target, and reach schools as well as potential scholarship opportunities and NHSC application?

My Stats & Information:

Overall GPA: 3.9
Science GPA: 3.8 (non-science major)
DAT (AA; TS; PAT): 21; 21; 21
10 letters of recommendation (given no committee letter)

Thank you all for the insight in advance.

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There are schools that prefer a committee letter over individual letters, but it won't hurt you to have individual letters. Also, 10 is waaaaaaaaaaay too many. You're allowed to only upload 4 to the application, and those should be either of these combinations of letters:
- 2 science, 1 dentist, 1 employer or volunteer coordinator
- 2 science, 2 dentist
- 2 science, 1 non-science, 1 dentist
- 3 science, 1 dentist
You should pick the combination that works best for the majority of schools you're applying to. Some schools will allow you to send in an additional letter directly to them, but 10 is way too many to have.
I don't think too many scholarship opportunities require a committee letter, and the NHSC only requires 2 letters- 1 academic and 1 non-academic-- no committee letter.

You're fine.
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Some undergraduate schools do not offer committee letters so I think you should be okay!
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