IM interviews

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I haven't updated my list in a long time. I have been busy studying for the USMLE!

Anyway, Here goes.

University of Michigan
Univ. of California, San Francisco
Wash U/Barnes

Johns Hopkins
Boston Univ Medical Center
U of Chicago
U Penn

Rejected: Stanford (and I wanted to check them out)
and now Yale today.

Waiting on The Harvard Pair and Cornell.

How are you guys deciding on where to go and where not to go??
Good Luck to everyone! :)

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cubby said:
Anyone hear anything from the primary cares at UCSF yet?

I did hear from UCSF/SFGH program last week, unfortunately they have relatively few interview dates and I don't think I will able to go.

Others...heard from BID Monday, MGH yesterday, Yale today. It's been a good week!

Interviewed at Michigan this week--VERY impressive, hard to detect any drawbacks whatsoever in their program, EVERYBODY was enthusiastic and intelligent, I'll be ranking them very high. :thumbup:[/QUOTE]

They will work you like a dog on a leash with fellowship hanging over your head like meat.

I'll post my final tally:
Going for sure:
Ohio State

Most Likely:

Not sure yet:


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I like the final tally idea:


Likely not:

Good luck everyone.
Well, I don't have all my final decisions, but will throw in my $.02:

Already interviewed:

Will definitely interview:
Lahey Clinic
Maine Medical Center

Will make best effort to interview at:
NYMC-St. Vincent's


Mt. Sinai
here is what i am doing

interviewing/have interviewed
Mt. Sinai
U of Maryland

Decided not to interview at Lenox Hill

No rejections yet

Still deciding whether or not to interview at some smaller, less well known programs in my area

I was invited to interview at Yale and MGH but I declined strictly for geographic reasons (geographics will be the number one factor in deciding my rank list as well). I guess i never should have applied to Yale and MGH but i was still hoping it would work out.

good luck to all applicants.
Interviewing at:

Mt. Sinai


For anyone still waiting on BWH (like me), I just spoke with their office and they said they'd be sending out a whole bunch of emails tomorrow (invites as well as rejections). Good luck!
HI, I am an IMG from Germany.

I received invites from

Boston University
Thomas Jefferson
Penn State
Washington Hospital/Georgetown

can anyone shedd some light on the reputation of these programs, specifically in terms of future fellowships.
How is Bayview compared to BU or Jeff? Is is more Hopkins or more community hospital.
To use a comparison from Boston: more Mt Auburn or Beth Israel?

atc said:
Awaiting: UCSF Primary Care programs, UCLA, Cedars-Sinai, OHSU, UW

Of note, I called Cedars-Sinai today, and Virna Chan was very friendly and said I'd hopefully hear by the end of the week.

Anyone hear anything from the primary cares at UCSF yet?

UCSF-primary care and UCSF-SFGH have been handing out interviews for the past 2-3 weeks. Good luck with everything.
just curious...why did you decide to interview at UIC and not Rush?

well, i've heard that the education/teaching at uic was a little better. but that was just hearsay, so if you have a different opinion, let me know. i haven't canceled rush yet, but i doubt that i'll do both of them.

any thoughts?
i've spoken to residents at both programs that interviewed at each program. i found that the consensus is that they both put out good residents that match at the fellowships that they want. also, the teaching seems to be about the same. even though rush is private, they also have several conferences and a teaching attending during floor months that spend 2 or so hours with them just on teaching points relating to the pts. UIC is a public hospital with patients that tend to be 30% homeless, etc. Therefore, the resident is given the independence to make decisions on the patient with some attending input at am rounds. It seems like they run the show. On the other hand, Rush private attendings have more control over their patients and give more input. the rush residents swear that they have autonomy and make the majority of the decisions and that the attendings are more of a safety net. in that situation, it seems like you're not really making initial diagnosis because these patients already have a pcp but you are making decisions on their care in house.
honestly, i can't really decide which is better. i am in med school at a public hospital so i find that its a pain to have attendings that are only accessible during rounds and you end up doing the nurse's/social worker's/secretary's job. it is good to have a patient in the ER who doesn't even know why they're there and make the diagnosis. however, the buck stops with you and so you have alot more responsibility not to screw up because there is no one to catch you. not that you would intentionally slack with private attendings but you know what i mean. i guess it depends on your learning style: do you learn by example or by doing? i'm sure that in the end, everyone is at the same level. rush has nicer facilities but uic has q6 call on floor months.
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bof said:
she/he did.... :(

well, i guess i am happy that i didn't get that email. however, i do fear it is getting quite late in the whole process, which leads me to to think that my chances are getting slimmer by the minute. yikes!!!

that being said...did anyone get the thumbs up?

(as a sidenote, why is it that we always are most interested in the people/things we don't have).
What's the deal with UW? Are they gonna wait till after the match to send out invites? ;) :smuggrin:
bof said:
UCSF-primary care and UCSF-SFGH have been handing out interviews for the past 2-3 weeks. Good luck with everything.

Thanks, bof!

I actually finally heard from UCSF-primary care late last night. Still crossing my fingers for SFGH. :)
UW by snail-mail today
anyone know if columbia's done giving out interviews? not to freak out here, but i was searching through threads and someone last year mentioned they were done giving interviews by the end of november. i'm a little apprehensive about calling because of the "applicants are strongly urged to refrain from calling the program?s office" statement on their website.
in case I am lucky enough to interview at BIDMC; what days do they interview?
Vandy today via email....haha...i submitted my app via ERAS over two months ago and they just now received it...good job ERAS :thumbup: :laugh:
irlandesa said:
in case I am lucky enough to interview at BIDMC; what days do they interview?

November 30, 2004
December: 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 2004
January: *5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 2005

There is a house staff dinner the night before.

Since it sounds like you're really interested in the program, maybe you should try calling/emailing them? My intern today told me he got a few interviews last year by doing just that.

Good luck!
Anyone been granted an interview at Stanford recently?
aj54 said:
anyone know if columbia's done giving out interviews? not to freak out here, but i was searching through threads and someone last year mentioned they were done giving interviews by the end of november. i'm a little apprehensive about calling because of the "applicants are strongly urged to refrain from calling the program?s office" statement on their website.

I just got an interview invitation today, so they are still granting interviews. I got interviews from Hopkins and MGH before Columbia and I was wondering what was taking them so long. who knows. don't worry about it.

Calling isn't such a bad thing. they just put that on the website to slow down massive calling. If you believe you have a good chance of getting an interview anyway, then you should call them. It won't hurt. you will talk to a "program coordinator", a person who has no say in the rank process.

good luck.
DJ Trauma said:
November 30, 2004
December: 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 2004
January: *5, 7, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 21, 2005

There is a house staff dinner the night before.

Since it sounds like you're really interested in the program, maybe you should try calling/emailing them? My intern today told me he got a few interviews last year by doing just that.

Good luck!

thanks for the info.. calling them is not a bad suggestion, but I'm somewhat discouraged by the fact that their original e-mail said it was not necessary to call. Also, judging from last year's thread, they sent out at least two waves of interview invitations, one which I remember being in early December (I think). I guess I will have to wait until next Monday to call b/c of the holiday, hopefully I will get a decision either way. Good luck to all..
Yale-New Haven IM/Primary Care track today :eek: I know PC is not that competitive, but still VERY surprised and most delighted! :D
April04 said:
I just got an interview invitation today, so they are still granting interviews. I got interviews from Hopkins and MGH before Columbia and I was wondering what was taking them so long. who knows. don't worry about it.

Calling isn't such a bad thing. they just put that on the website to slow down massive calling. If you believe you have a good chance of getting an interview anyway, then you should call them. It won't hurt. you will talk to a "program coordinator", a person who has no say in the rank process.

good luck.
thanks for the advice! i called them today, and it turns out that rather than a person on the phone, they merely had a recorded message they would email, blah blah. i'm also a little puzzled by what's taking them so long, but then, the new york programs in general are beyond my understanding.

good luck to you!
Got Stanford this week, which brings my final list to this:

Have been/will go:

Hey Cubby,

I'm still crossing my fingers for SFGH. What dates did they give you for interviews?

Here is what looks like my final list:

Places Invited that Ill Go To:

Yale (Traditional Track)
Thomas Jefferson
St Lukes - Roosevelt
North Shore
Suny Downstate
Beth Israel (NYC)
Mt. Sinai

Places Invited but I wont interview at:
Dartmouth, Mayo Clinic (all 3 ), Cleveland Clinic, New York Medical College, Stony Brook, Cambridge, Lahey Clinic, Pennsylvania Hospital.

Rejected From:
MGH, BW (Harvard hates me )

I'm couples matching, so some of my oddball choices (interview at some of the weaker NY programs over Mayo, Dartmouth, etc.) are because of geography (my fiance is applying to rads and medicine.......making this process alot more stressful!)

Good luck to all!

PS: If anyone has any info on Cornell, UPenn, and BIDMC I'm all ears.... I am really interested in these three places (like everyone else im sure).
atc said:
I'm still crossing my fingers for SFGH. What dates did they give you for interviews?


Here are the dates they had sent:
"Tuesdays and Thursdays December 7 through December 14, 2004, and January 6 through January 18, 2005"

Unfortunately, I'm on two different trips back east during almost all of those dates, and have a couple of other unalterable commitments (best friend's wedding, etc.) for the others. I guess you can't win'em all!

I hope they extend an invite to you--sounds like a fascinating program!

Anyone heard from UW recently, except for that one thread about getting an invitation via snail-mail?

yannieyan said:
Anyone heard from UW recently, except for that one thread about getting an invitation via snail-mail?


I called UW today and was told that my application hasn't been reviewed yet. They said I would probably hear back from them by email in the next week or two.
Thanks a lot for checking. I assumed I was out of the running with UW.
Received an interview invitation from UW via email yesterday evening.
Good luck to all.
Cubby, thanks for the SFGH info. Much obliged!

UW by email day before Thanksgiving. Sounds like they're just starting to trickle through.
Lin713 said:
I called UW today and was told that my application hasn't been reviewed yet. They said I would probably hear back from them by email in the next week or two.

Thank you. I hope to hear from them soon.
FYI, UW interviews are on Mondays and Fridays (except holidays but including winter break weeks), 12/3 to 1/31.
Hi! I'm new to this thread... it seems like not many have heard from UCLA. I'm still waiting on them myself. Does anyone know their interview dates or have any words of advice?

Also, a program invited me for a recruitment day but not an interview because I did a rotation there. Does that mean they are not that interested in me? I would love to hear any opinions or if this has happened to anyone else.

Thank you!
what's the difference between an interview day and a recruitment day?? :confused:
atc said:
FYI, UW interviews are on Mondays and Fridays (except holidays but including winter break weeks), 12/3 to 1/31.

thx :thumbup:
chouey said:
Hi! I'm new to this thread... it seems like not many have heard from UCLA. I'm still waiting on them myself. Does anyone know their interview dates or have any words of advice?

UCLA Dates:
Friday Dec 3, 2004 Monday Dec 6, 2004
Friday, Dec 10, 2004 Monday, Dec 13, 2004
Friday, Dec 17, 2004 Monday, Dec 20, 2004

Monday, Jan 3, 2005 Friday, Jan 7, 2005
Monday, Jan, 10, 2005 Friday, Jan 14, 2005
Friday, Jan 21, 2005
Monday, Jan 24, 2005 Friday, Jan 28, 2005
Monday, Jan 31, 2005

I just heard from them last Monday in the midst of a debate with myself as to whether I could call them. I called Cedars-Sinai with good results, but I know UCSF did not want to be called.
Jamezuva said:
what's the difference between an interview day and a recruitment day?? :confused:

From my understanding, it's the same thing only with the recruitment day, you don't have an interview scheduled. That is, you're there with other applicants and they have interviews, but you just sit out that part of the day. I believe some schools do that for their own med students because they are well known to them.
atc said:
UCLA Dates:
Friday Dec 3, 2004 Monday Dec 6, 2004
Friday, Dec 10, 2004 Monday, Dec 13, 2004
Friday, Dec 17, 2004 Monday, Dec 20, 2004

Monday, Jan 3, 2005 Friday, Jan 7, 2005
Monday, Jan, 10, 2005 Friday, Jan 14, 2005
Friday, Jan 21, 2005
Monday, Jan 24, 2005 Friday, Jan 28, 2005
Monday, Jan 31, 2005

I just heard from them last Monday in the midst of a debate with myself as to whether I could call them. I called Cedars-Sinai with good results, but I know UCSF did not want to be called.

Thank you! I did call them and they told me I was on "hold" and I don't know what that means.
Got an interview at University of Washington today!