IMG with a gap, residency in IM .. thoughts ?

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Jan 25, 2018
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I am a Syrian IMG, been living in Canada for 11 years now, I have tons of clinical trial experience on me, several Electives/Observership at McGill/ University de Montreal with very good recommendation letters, trilingual (En/Fr/Ar).

I have already passed all my MCCs (Canadians USMLEs) , but I never matched, so I am thinking of trying in the U.S

I have an average GPA, 1 failed attempt at Step 1, and I have a big gap (graduated in 2006) in my practice.

I would love to do a residency in IM, FM or Psy ,, is that too ambitious ?

I have a very good career in pharmaceuticals, however , this is not my passion ... I have always wanted to do my residency and practice medicine.

I am writing my USMLEs never the less ,, I just wanted to hear opinions.

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I think it's highly unlikely you would get any residency position due to needing a visa, graduating medical school >10 years ago, failure on step 1, and no actual US medical experience. Places will be extremely concerned about your medical knowledge being that far out of medical school, and a step failure would only reinforce/cement that concern.

The only way to know for sure is to complete the process and apply, just know that the likely scenario is spending thousands of dollars and not getting a residency position.
I always try to have a glimmer of hope, but I think you have no chance with that gap in practice and IMG status alone. Factor in that you already failed step 1 once, and I think you'd be wasting your time and money to continue taking further USMLEs.
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Thank you guys ,, i am fully aware of my situation and i have a good insight -thanks to my psych rotations :D- .

I will carry on with this , no expectations/no disappointments, and will keep you updated if anything :)

All the luck to everyone.