Interview Invites AFTER January 10th!!!!!!!!!

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•••quote:•••Originally posted by A. Caveman:
•Saint Louis invite on Feb 13. scheduled for March 5.
*3.45*, 34M•••••:clap: :clap: Congrats caveman!!
Members don't see this ad :)
<img border="0" alt="[Lovey]" title="" src="graemlins/lovey.gif" /> I love support. Good luck to you daisygirl! <img border="0" alt="[Lovey]" title="" src="graemlins/lovey.gif" />
SLU invite.
Dated Feb 8, rec'd Feb 14.
Interview not yet scheduled.
Stats: 3.6, 32P
Just got the Emory invite; 2/13 for 2/22
NYMC 2/21 for 4/4 (only scheduling for 1st 2 weeks in April right now).

GPA 3.47 (BCPM 3.36, AO 3.68)
MCAT 29Q (9/10/10 and 8/11/10)
WOOOOOOHAAA! Just got a Meharry invite (my first in 2 cycles) :)

Invite on 2/21 for an Interview on 3/4.

Out of state.
Just recieved U Florida interview invite on 2/21 for 3/8. Wish me luck!!
MCP early Jan for 2/14, which I changed to 3/14

NYMC 2/11 for 3/13. They sent me an invite a month ago, retracted it, and then sent me a second invite (no retractions yet!)
I just received an UCI interview invite for the MD/Ph.D program on 2-21-02 for 3-7, 3-21 or 4-4.
•••quote:•••Originally posted by aldo16:
•great about a list with the following format

LINE 1 - TYPE "Name of school"
LINE 2 - TYPE "Date Invite Received" for "Date of Interview"
LINE 4 - "Y" or "N" for instate

example would be U of MD

University of Maryland
1/21 for 3/16

this way multiple people could add their stats for each school..

of course, only include your personal stats if you're comfortable doing so...some people may find it helpful....the most important things though are the 2 dates and the state residency•••••
Members don't see this ad :)
A subtle way of fixing a thread gone awry?

In my opinion, the "Schools Currently Requestion Interviews", and "Last Day Schools are Interviewing" are both in better shape right now....
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Doctora Foxy:
• •••quote:•••Originally posted by aldo16:
•great about a list with the following format

LINE 1 - TYPE "Name of school"
LINE 2 - TYPE "Date Invite Received" for "Date of Interview"
LINE 4 - "Y" or "N" for instate
I was simply too excited to share another interview invite (the first since November)with fellow SDNers so I didn't really keep track of the original intention of this thread. Thanks for the reminder.

UC Irvine (MSTP)
2/21 for 3/7, 3/21 or 4/4 (I'm listing all three interview dates the school offered me to pick)
Thanks, and congrats for the interview!! :clap:

I was just being *subtle* and nosy .....I like to see what I'm competing against to get my interviews, so I like to compare stats

...also just wanted to say please only share stats if you feel comfortable :D I didn't want to be demanding or anything :wink:

~Foxy Mama
Temple invite (I have not scheduled it yet).

3.5 gpa 30S MCAT
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Doctora Foxy:
•Thanks, and congrats for the interview!! :clap:

~Foxy Mama•••••Foxy Mama (*I really like this name*),

Thanks... :D
I just want to add here, even though my cum GPA is 3.4, my last two undergrad year GPA is around 3.85 (says a lot about how well I fared in my first two years) I believe the Adcoms do definitely pay attention to the upward trend of your GPA, otherwise I have no explanation for how I snagged this invite.(*still in shock*)
Ohio State interview
2/21 for 3/6

August MCAT 10-8-10-R
3.92 cumulative undergrad GPA
3.85 science GPA
Woohoo! Just got my third invite from Temple on 2/25, but I haven't scheduled it yet

MCAT: 27P (9 x 3)
GPA: 3.67
BCPM: 3.5
AO: 3.85

out of state

praying mantis, maybe I'll see you there! :D
Weird ****, I got a HARVARD HST interview Today 2/25 for March 8th. I was under the impression that they stopped inviting ppl. But thats cooool with me, hell yah i'm offff to Boston next week!!! woooohooooo. But friggin 500 bucks from Oakland to boston, dizaaamns thats alot of money.

Gpa: 3.7, Mcat 33. URM

•••quote:•••Originally posted by Doctora Foxy:
•Woohoo! Just got my third invite from Temple on 2/25, but I haven't scheduled it yet

MCAT: 27P (9 x 3)
GPA: 3.67
BCPM: 3.5
AO: 3.85

out of state
•••••um, let's see how many times I can post the same info on different I got an invite from Vermont (my 4th interview) :clap: received on 2/28 for 4/2 :D
Totally surprised to get an interview from University of Wisconsin - I had figured no news was bad news at this stage.

Date of invitation: 2/22
Date of interview: 4/5 (although they were going to let me come in this week since I was going to be close by for another interview)
In-state? No
Method of contact: phone

I don't know if I'll just be interviewing for the waitlist by then ... no worries, though, I've heard Madison is cool!

How do I go about turning down an interview (in a tactful manner)? Do I need to state why I declined the offer? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
No, you don't need to tell them why you are declining the interview. You owe them nothing. Just say something along the lines of "I regret that I will not be attending the interview" and thank them for considering your application, etc.
Hope this helps...
If you are just declining an interview offer, a letter simply stating you won't come and you are withdrawing is fine--no need to offer reasons etc..However if you are cancelling an interview that is already scheduled it is polite to call first as well as sending written communications, so another applicant may have a chance to interview as well.
interview from MCP H. pretty cool!
Thanks Shimmer and Serpiente!! I don't know why I feel obligated to explain?!?!? Anyway, thanks again. :)
•••quote:•••Originally posted by daisygirl:
•Congrats on your interview Dra. Foxy!!!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: •••••Thank you! And congrats to everyone else with good news :clap: :D :clap: :D
I got an interview invite from UCSF on Feb. 14
Scheduled for March 18
I'm an out of stater
•••quote:•••Originally posted by Doctora Foxy:
• •••quote:•••Originally posted by Doctora Foxy:
•Woohoo! Just got my third invite from Temple on 2/25, but I haven't scheduled it yet

MCAT: 27P (9 x 3)
GPA: 3.67
BCPM: 3.5
AO: 3.85

out of state
•••••um, let's see how many times I can post the same info on different I got an invite from Vermont (my 4th interview) :clap: received on 2/28 for 4/2 :D •••••Adding another interview at Finch, received on 3/1 for early April, out of state :D
Yaaaaaaayyyyyyyy Foxy,
Racking up the interviews now. Let them keep rolling on in. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I actually just received my Finch interview as well for 4/4 or 4/25, missed you by a day, darn!

I am totally happy for the both of us. GOOOOO Foxxxy!! :D
awesome, nray! Congrats! :clap: I haven't secheduled it yet, but I probably will make it April 2 or 3 <img src="" alt="" />
Just received a Temple invite today
letter dated 2/21 for ?? dates (you can only call tues/thurs to schedule)
... but I never completed the secondary and I sent them a withdrawl at least a month ago :confused: Go figure!
GPA 3.97, MCAT 37Q, out of state
Got my third interview invite so far! University of Vermont :D
letter sent Feb. 25th, received March 1st, interview March 21st.

(repost of stats from before)
GPA 3.47 (BCPM 3.36, AO 3.65)
MCAT 29Q (9/10/10 and 8/11/10)
labrynth - I got my UVM invite today, dated Feb 27 - but my interview isn't until April 9th. :( i guess they don't like me much...
•••quote:•••Originally posted by locitamd:
•labrynth - I got my UVM invite today, dated Feb 27 - but my interview isn't until April 9th. :( i guess they don't like me much...•••••I think I'm rescheduling mine for that date, so maybe I'll see you there :)
Got a Jefferson invite 3/2 for 4/3--phew, the last day they interview is 4/10! Waitlist here I come?

Boom baby. :)
I just spoke with my new best friend Robyn at Univ. Florida and I have an interview on 3/15 :D :clap:

3.67 GPA
3.5 Science
3.85 All Others

27 P (9 x 3) MCAT

IN STATE BABY! <img src="" alt="" />

I have never been this happy ever!
Wow!! Dra. Foxy, I'm so happy for you!!! You totally deserve it, and I'm sure they're gonna love you!! :clap: :cool: :D :cool: :D :clap:
Hey Doctora Foxy,
Congratulations on so many interviews! You are definitely going somewhere in August!

What exactly did you say to Robyn to get an interview invite?

Thanks guys! :)

Veggiegirl: I didn't call her up or anything like that. She left a message while I was in class so I just called back and found out that I was invited to interview there (in the midst of jumping up and down screaming and crying in disbelief). haha it was a pretty fuuny sight <img border="0" alt="[Laughy]" title="" src="graemlins/laughy.gif" />

But now she is my new best friend :D
Just got a UCI invite for 3/7 today (are they kidding me??? 3 days notice??? <img border="0" title="" alt="[Eek!]" src="eek.gif" /> ) Rescheduling (I hope) for 4/4.

in state, 3.97, 37Q
This is actually my first one! :)

University of Vermont
3/1 for 4/9!!
I got a call from Uconn yesterday. I could pick any Mon, Wed or Fri in the next couple of weeks. I picked 3/13.

32 (12V 10B 10P)
out of state
Received an interview invite from NYMC today (via e-mail)

My stats are:
science gpa= 3.72
all others= 3.62
combined gpa= 3.68
mcat v=8 p=9 b=10 w=Q (27Q)
:D :D :D
Received an interview invite from Oregon Health Sciences University, via snail mail today, 3/6